All bark, no bite - 2

Dhup! Dup!

Dhup! Dup!

Ling Fei's heart pounded as he heard the commotion around him.

He could feel the intense gazes burning into him from all directions... his master, the elders, even the beasts themselves were looking at him.

The pressure was suffocating, threatening to crush him.

He didn't believe why he was seen as wrong when he just stole an item to cure his mother, he couldn't believe the situation had worsened so much.

He believed he was innocent yet, looking at their eyes that had already considered him guilty, he couldn't think straight.


He somehow managed to swallow hard despite the overwhelming feeling of a big lump of uneasiness sitting at his throat.

"I...I..." Ling Fei stammered, his mind raced to find the right choice of words to defend himself. He wanted to explain himself, he wanted them to know that he wasn't as bad as they thought,
