The Enlightened lotus -2

"hmm... Seems good, " Bai Lung nodded his head, making up his mind that unless necessary, he wouldn't use the lottery ticket unless he collected another lottery ticket for 10 +1 spin.

Diverting his gaze from the window, he thought of ways to proceed ahead.

First thing first,

He needs to visit the place where the enlightened lotus is located, however, the only thing he recalled from his meeting was; it's located on Death Mountain, Upper Valley.

However, he believed he could easily find it, considering the possibility that multiple crows would be attracted towards the treasure.

Any place with a large crowd would be the place for enlightened lotus.


Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself. Once again, he is going to have a bloody fight with someone stronger than him.

It's all thanks to lottery tickets he has received till now that had kept him alive, otherwise... Bai Lung was supposed to die long ago.
