The enlightened lotus -5

" Se-Senior... " Mu Hee shouted while shaking Bai Lung's body which had become lifeless.

Still, she can't sense anything because of his robe, his breathing, aura, and everything is well hidden.

Having no option, she slightly moved his body and removed the hood from the top, revealing his handsome face.

" Ahh! " she was instantly shocked to see this senior was a young man.

She couldn't believe this young man was that strong and knew about her past, however, she suddenly thought perhaps the elder wanted to keep his body youthful.

With that, she puts her finger at his nostrils, he was lifeless however she wasn't that worried unlike before as she knew this senior was in soul wandering realm.

That meant Senior could revive himself... However, she suddenly realizes the senior has used all his Qi, which means he can't revive himself and will be sent to the netherworld.