The enlightenment lotus -12

The Black robed man slightly raised his finger and unleashed a powerful blue aura that rushed toward the illusionary Dragon, breaking the sound barrier.

Swoosh~ fwoosh~

In an instant, The dragon vanished,

The black mist surrounding them also vanished, replaced by a bright sky.

" Wh-What that was an illusion... "

" Seems like it... "

" But that had a strong breath... "

" Me wonders same, Me thinks it must be caused by some strong senior, "

" Muhahaha~ you are definitely strong Master Zuan, it seems after returning empty hand from Azure Valley, you have decided to put some efforts into refining your skill, " A bulky man followed by a few strong men arrived at the scene.

They all had strong breaths carrying a powerful aura.

The bulky was wearing a vibrant and dazzling golden robe, while his long bread was up to his chest.