The Sect tournament - 5



The four of them launched an all out attack thinking he was weak and defenseless...

However, they couldn't be more wrong, Li Fan dodged the punch of the first guy and grabbed his arm, while spinning his body to repel others.

After spinning the arrogant genius disciple for around ten times, he there his body towards another one, while Li Fan took a deep breath.


Li Fan crushed the tournament token of the guy, instantly eliminating him from the tournament.

The disciple instantly vanished from the hidden realm and arrived in front of the Sect master and 3 elders, who were looking at him with narrow hateful eyes.

" Y-You foolish disciple... Not only are you out of the tournament, you didn't even make a single contribution, " The sect master roared.

The condition in the room was tense, the sect master and elders were all worried seeing how their sect was a laughing matter for others.