Self challenge -2

" Impossible... He has already passed the first trial, "

" Hmm... Indeed, for us only a few seconds have passed but he has already lived 100 days," The Emperor took a light breath.


The Test!!!

A week have passed since Bai Lung was here... Bit by Bit, he realized the time was exactly the same as if he had been transported back to his life.

He even realized it wasn't an illusion but the reality itself.

So, he wondered why he was here? Re-living his boring life once again.

Also, why was the system out of reach, was the treasure stronger than the system?

As usual, he woke up early and went out for a jog.

Went home, drank some tea, and sat at home all day.

' Meh! This is no fun... This young master wants to have some fun, ' Said Bai Lung while watching TV.

Just then,

The lamp that was beside the TV began to glitch out... The lights were flickering in an unusual way.