Self challenge 16

" For Mastering the Shards... Just do as I teach you, "

With that, they went to an underground room, which was untouched by corruption, made out of stone floor and ceiling.

As Bai Lung sat in the cold, The figure threw 10 shards at Bai Lung, these shards weren't glowing red instead they were glowing purple.

" Take them as a reward, they are powerful versions of shards, a shard has five different glows, Dim, Bright golden, red, purple, and lastly black," he explained.

" The black shards are hard to evolve because they require lots of mastery, precision, and bloodlust... Those shards are weapons designed to kill someone, as long as it moves, it needs blood or any other source, or else, it will get weakened and return back to being dim white, "

Bai Lung looked at the purple shards with burning eyes, unable to keep the excitement.

The figure extended its hand, and the shards around Bai Lung quivered in response.