Self-challenge 18

It was very hard for him to even create a string vibration in them for them to separate into further pieces.

Seeing this, the dark figure was somewhat disappointed after all, he was thinking this brat would do it in an instant but he was actually taking time.

After that for an hour Bai Lung worked on separating them, he would fuse them together and break them again, but no matter how hard he tried he could never go beyond 10.

His imagination was sharp, he thought of a big droplet, slowly breaking into multiple droplets... Nothing changed.

' Maybe I am doing something wrong? ' Thinking that, he continued to change his ways. Yet, he couldn't break a shard into multiple pieces.

There no was luck for him, and after, 10 days, he finally managed to turn the shards into smaller pieces. This times he had around 50 mini shards.

The way he imagined it was a monster, where its arms, legs and other stuff were chopped up and formed a smaller part.