Self challenges 21

A confused and flustered expression crosses Bai Lung's face as he continues groping the woman's breasts.

' What is this? Why are these so soft and squishy? I've never seen or felt anything like this before, this being, seem to be something special, '

His brows furrow as he tries to make sense of the strange new sensations.

" Also who are you? Where am I? None of this makes any sense! "He releases his hands and, looked around the unfamiliar room with a mixture of bewilderment and caution.

He felt like he was still on trial,

' This isn't the dark tower I was in. What trickery is this? This must be the part of the test, should I kill this unknown being? '

His eyes narrowed as he regarded the person suspiciously.

" Hey, You! Tell me where am I or else, I might kill you, " Bai Lung said with his cold voice dripping like venom.

Hearing this,

The woman's eyes widened in shock at Bai Lung's threatening demeanor.