Self challenge - 35

' I could feel the tightness of her vagina that was wrapping me right as I stretched Her to my size... I don't know, if she would get pregnant or not, after all, even tho I look the same as before, my body feels a little different than before... Maybe, I can impregnate her, then again, is it even the real world? '

Bai Lung thought to himself while he continued to pound her, enjoying her slutty body.

" ahhh! Annghhh! Hmmm! Ahhh! Ahhhh" She moans while her chest moves rapidly, her hot breath hitting his skin.

Oh, She is really tight, even tighter than before.

He thought to himself, she rubs herself against him, seeking the warmth of physical connection.

Her pussy feels like a virgin, squeezing him right with her profound slippery walls.

Fat! Fattt! Fattt! Fyattt!

Pooh* Pooh* Pooh* Pooh*

Puch! Puch! Puch!

He pushed and pulled at rapid speed, his balls hitting her lower-lower regions producing clapping noises.