The trial -6

The fake one's face twisted in frustration, his own insecurities starting to show, "Shut up! You don't know anything!" he yelled.

"I'm perfect the way I am, in every way possible. You're the one with the problem, not me!"

He tried to sound more confident, but his defensiveness betrayed him.

Bai Lung saw through the fake one's 'Tough act'.

" you are Perfect? Pfft! You're barely passable," he said with a smirk.

"And your defense mechanisms are weak. All I have to do is mention your 'size' and you get all flustered. It's pathetic, really, get some balls man,"

The fake one felt his ego being chipped away with each playful jab.

"Stop it! You're being stupid! Size doesn't matter! It's personality that matters and you know very well you don't have a good personality," he protested, trying to maintain his composure.

"it's what you do with it that counts!" he adds.