Qing Li - 1

As he focused on refining his inner energies, he sensed her presence nearby, the thick feminine scent hit his senses.

Qing Li entered the room, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and admiration for Bai Lung's recent achievements.

She approached him cautiously, aware of the delicate balance he was trying to achieve within himself.

It was vital for soul cultivators to keep a balance between their seas or their progress would be greatly reduced.

After a while...

" So, how did it go? It seems you have successfully managed to balance your eight soul seas," Qing Lu said as she sat on the bed, elegantly looking at him with a nod.

No matter what, he was her man, so, him being strong was her pride.


Qing Li's gentle voice caused Bai Lung to open his eyes, and let her gaze.