The hidden realm exploration -2

Bai Lung stood there, trying to keep his body from shaking under the onslaught of the Void Qi. He could feel his origin weakening, the invisible energy of the Void Qi slowly eroding his life force.

His shadow roots felt as if they were being stretched taut, on the verge of snapping. He cursed inwardly, he had never encountered such a powerful force before.

"Junior brother... It seems you can't handle it, I suggest retreating..."

"Junior Brother Han, you can get oppourtinies in future, I suggest not entering inside since you can't handle mere void Qi,"

"Haah~ I feel weak, my energy is being sucked... My origin is slowly fading away... I am at already Half-Immortal stage,"

Around him, the other daoists were in shock.

Those who had come here hoping for a small gain and some knowledge were already collapsing to the ground spitting blood and pure immortal essence, overcome by the Void Qi.