Some trouble? What? Attack on Bai Family?

"There is... I heard the Bai Family area has some powerful Qi aura... The aura there is so dense, cultivating there for 1 day is same as cultivating here for 10 days," A monk said.

"Really!?" Another person exclaimed, surprised by that words, a evil light forming in his eyes.

In the dim lighting of the seedy underground tavern cast eerie shadows on the faces of the cultivators huddled around a small table.

In the heart of the city, far from the prying eyes of the Bai Family, the air was thick with the scent of sweat, spiced wine, and the ever-present threat of danger.

Four men, all with the telltale signs of advanced cultivation, meticulously plotted their scheme.

They exchanged glances, knowing that the success of their ambitions rested on the strength of their alliance.

The first one badly monk, a tall, gaunt man with piercing black eyes, was Xu Feng, a master of the Shadow Arts.