
Xian Tian's mind was a whirlwind of different scenarios playing out in his head, but one thing was for sure.

He had to keep an eye out for that devouring dragon of hers.

Not to mention, he could sense the subtle aura of the dragon lurking within Tia, or maybe it was just his sixth sense, still he was not entirely sure about her intentions.

With that, his eyes went on Karmic Veda

Xian Tian took a moment to study the karmic veda, the complex symbols and diagrams that seemed to hold the key to understanding its secrets.

Arcane symbols!


Uneasiness gawned upon him, sweat forming on his forehead as he knew he had to be careful around Tia... Just her simple hand moment made him scared thinking she had attacked.

Even so,

Despite his facade of nonchalance and playful demeanor, he was always observing and calculating his next move.

He wanted to use these power of so-called Vedas for himself.