Having Fun.

How did today go? Nothing special. In fact, I didn't leave this hotel at all, but I definitely walked out of my hotel room at some point.

The system and I conversed a little, but as known, I didn't receive any quest from her. I ate breakfast and lunch while watching TV, and the foods that were prepared were the ones I bought from the supermarket.

..That was the agreement, I fucking paid for it.

And when it got to evening time, I started preparing to head over to a swimming pool. And that's it, that's how my day went...nothing special.

But something special was about to happen soon since I was about to visit a swimming pool, my day wasn't over. It's been a long time since I last had fun, so it was going to be special to me.

Since I was ready to leave, I walked out of my hotel room and made my way downstairs, then I walked straight to the receptionist.

As I was reaching her, one person was walking away since she was done attending to him. I checked out of the hotel by handing my room key over to her and so on, then I walked out of the hotel.

Now, I planned on visiting one of the swimming pools Layla and I had visited in the past. Yes, we'd visited more than one swimming pool together.

And I planned on boarding a cab that would drive me straight to that place...

I walked to a spot where there was a chance of boarding a cab quickly. And you know what? I met some people standing there.

And from the look of things, they were there to board either a bus or a cab. Well, I stood there until I saw a certain cab coming. I didn't waste time to halt it, then I told the cab man where I was heading to.

I told him the name of the swimming pool I wanted to visit and the venue where it was located...and he was aware of it.

..I didn't waste time entering the backseat of the cab as the driver put it in motion.

Now, those people I met there were still standing there. I met them there, and I'd already left them. From the look of things, it was a bus all of them were waiting for.

And seems like buses were somehow scarce at the moment. If it were a cab some of them were waiting for, then they'd have boarded this cab along with me.

The driver would simply take us to our different locations...the passenger with the closest location would be the one to be dropped off first. Well, they should keep waiting for a bus until they see one, it was none of my business.

Inside the cab while it was in motion, I began thinking about the events that would take place at the pool I was heading to. There'd most likely be music there, it was based on a very high probability.

Back then, when I visited swimming pools with Layla, music was always played. Maybe they don't usually play them in the morning to afternoon, but during evening time to nighttime, there's no way music wouldn't be played.

..That's why it was based on a very high probability.

I'd definitely vibe to the music played, I'd swim, and for sure, I'd drink and maybe eat. The drinks there wouldn't be for free, they'd never been ever since I started visiting pools.

But that isn't a problem since I had enough money to pay for whatever I wanted to take into my body at the pool...

We'd arrived, the cab man halted the car, and I came out of it. After coming out, I paid up, and the cab man drove off.

Just as I thought, there'd be music. I was already hearing the music though I hadn't entered. I began walking toward the entrance of the pool, and there were three people standing in front of it.

Two men that seemed like bouncers, and another man that had a normal shape of body. They were all dressed in blacks, black t-shirts, black trousers, and black sneakers.

..The two bouncers were even putting on black face caps.

Definitely, a person can't gain access into the swimming pool just like that, you'd have to pay. This I was aware of since this wasn't the first time I was coming here.

I paid the amount of money I was told to pay, then one of the bouncers said to me,

"We'd have to search your bag".

"Trust me, there's nothing dangerous in it". I stated.

"We can't believe that until we see it for ourselves, hand over your bag to me". He uttered once again.

I took off the backpack I was wearing and handed it to him. He opened it and checked everything inside but didn't find anything dangerous in it like a gun, knife, and so on.

So he returned the bag to me, then they searched me a little but didn't find anything dangerous as well. Then that same bouncer said to me,

"You can go in".

And I didn't waste time walking into the pool. Now, I wasn't annoyed by what they did before telling me to enter, I knew it was for security reasons.

They were just being cautious so someone dangerous wouldn't enter the pool and end up harming others. It wasn't like this during the times I've visited here back then.

..But I guess maybe something happened that made them start doing this.

It was just like a pool party when I stepped foot into it completely. People were jumping into the swimming pool and swimming, both males and females.

The males were wearing their boxers to swim, while the females were wearing bikinis. Seeing different ladies in bikinis, I couldn't help but say, 'Wow!'.

I was seeing a lot of buttocks and tits. It wasn't everyone that was swimming though, some were just sitting and watching while sipping various drinks.

The DJ was just there doing his job...the music was booming. This place was going to be fun, I couldn't wait to join the fun.

I walked further into the pool, and the first thing I planned on doing was to swim. I undressed as I was putting on only my boxer currently. My belongings were kept in a safe place.

Standing and glancing at the water with people inside it, I dived into it as I felt the cold of the water pass around my body. The water was heavy and could push you around if you weren't careful.

..You can even drown if care is not taken.

This wasn't the first time I was diving into a swimming pool. So though the water was heavy, I made sure I was the one in control. Now, there were people swimming, but no one was going deep down for the fear of drowning.

Well, I planned on doing that right now, I was going to go deep down and if possible catch people's attentions...this wouldn't be the first time I'd be doing it.

I brought my head out of the water to catch some breath. And after breathing in and out, I dived into the water again, going really deep this time as my legs kept moving like a fishtail.

It's been some time since I last swam...so I was somehow surprised that I was still able to do this. After diving deep down, I came up again, brought my head out of the water, caught some breath, then repeated.

Did I catch people's attentions with what I was doing? Yes, to an extent. No one outside the pool noticed what I was doing, but people inside the pool were noticing it...

They were like, "Look at how deep that guy is going, is he a fish or something?".

"Wow, that's so nice".

"If I dare try this, I might end up drowning".

Yes, comments like these were being made about my swimming...

I even heard a certain man say, "I think I'm going to try out what this guy is doing, I'm going to dive deep into the water".

Then his wife cautioned him, "Do you want to die? Do you think everyone has the ability to dive deep into a pool of water? Don't you dare try it, so you want to leave me alone in this world?".

..Hearing that, a smile appeared on my face while I was in the water.

I kept diving deep down into the water while bringing my head out of it and catching my breath as well. Trust me, I was enjoying myself, and to me, the fun had just started.

After swimming, I didn't plan on leaving just like that. As known, there were still some other things I wanted to engage in...