Chapter 8 - Royal Wagers and Hidden Desires

The chamber crackled with unspoken queries, each companion grappling with their thoughts, wondering what tumultuous emotions had gripped the 4th Prince Victor. Uncertainty filled the room as Adam, Lucas, and Prince Ethan exchanged meaningful glances, attempting to convey their shared curiosity without provoking the Prince Victor.

Adam, known for his astute military acumen as the son of the kingdom's esteemed general, sensed the group's unspoken desire for answers.

It was not just Lucas but also 5th Prince Ethan who hesitated to take the lead and ask questions of Prince Victor. Instead, Prince Ethan, through a subtle exchange of eye gestures, conveyed to Adam that he should step forward and be the one to navigate this enigmatic situation.

Adam, understanding Prince Ethan's silent request, prepared himself to take on the role of the group's strategist and initiate the conversation with Prince Victor.

Adam leaned forward slightly, his voice carried both intrigue and uncertainty as he posed the question that lingered in the room like a closely guarded secret: "What transpired today?" His words bore the weight of their shared intrigue as he continued, "What led to you losing the bet?"

Prince Victor met Adam's gaze, his own eyes reflective and filled with introspection. Silence draped the chamber for a moment, as if both inquirer and subject sought answers to the enigmatic events of the day.

Inside his mind, Prince Victor asked himself, "What happened today?" His thoughts swirled like a tempest, grasping at the elusive memories of the day.

Prince Victor's lips formed an uncharacteristic smile, casting a veil of intrigue over the room, leaving his friends and brother perplexed. Earlier that evening, they had made a bet, and now, despite losing, Prince Victor's smile remained, hinting at a hidden truth yet to be revealed.

As Adam, Lucas, and Prince Ethan exchanged bewildered glances, the air crackled with anticipation, awaiting Prince Victor's response, his confidence from earlier now juxtaposed with his enigmatic expression.


In the evening

The meeting in Prince Victor's room had begun with a rather mundane discussion of pressing official matters. The four of them-Prince Victor, his younger brother Prince Ethan, and their friends Adam and Lucas-sat in a circle, their faces a mix of boredom and concentration. The large windows framed the setting sun, casting a warm, golden glow over the room.

Prince Ethan's keen eyes roved the room, searching for a distraction. They settled on a vibrant parrot confined within a cage near the window. Its plumage, a dazzling array of greens and blues, shimmered in the fading light.

"Look at that magnificent bird," Prince Ethan remarked, his voice cutting through the monotonous drone. Rising from his seat, he approached the cage, his fingers gently wrapping around the iron bars.

"Quite a beauty," Lucas murmured.

Prince Ethan, with a longing in his voice, said, "Why should such a creature be confined? I'll free it." His fingers extended to open the cage.

Prince Victor, who had been watching with a smoldering expression, did not look pleased. With his characteristic intensity, he leaned forward, his eyes locked on Prince Ethan. "Wait a moment," he commanded, stopping Prince Ethan from opening the cage. He thought for a moment and said, "I'll make a wager with you, Ethan."

Prince Ethan turned, intrigued but cautious. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Prince Victor stood, his presence dominating the room. "I bet you that even if the parrot is set free, I can recapture it and return it to this room before twilight casts its complete darkness." His voice was firm, brooking no argument. "I don't lose what belongs to me."

A murmur of interest rippled through the room. Adam and Lucas exchanged glances. Prince Ethan's curiosity was piqued. "And what do I gain if you fail?"

Prince Victor's eyes blazed with confidence. "Name your prize."

Prince Ethan pondered for a moment, a playful grin spreading across his face. "If you fail, I want the intricately crafted dagger from your collection. The one with the jeweled hilt and the blade forged from Damascus steel."

Prince Victor's expression darkened for a moment, knowing the value Prince Ethan placed on beautiful and rare items. But his confidence remained unshaken. "Agreed," he said. "And if I succeed?"

"Then I shall find and present you with a warhorse, as strong and fierce as you are," Prince Ethan said.

"The terms are set, then," Prince Victor declared. He turned to a servant standing by the door. "Fetch my horse from the stable."

The servant bowed and hurried off. As the room buzzed with anticipation, Prince Victor turned back to Prince Ethan. "Release the bird once I get my horse."

Prince Ethan watched as Prince Victor stepped outside. Once he saw Prince Victor mounted on his horse, Prince Ethan opened the cage door. The parrot, with a flutter of vibrant wings, soared out of the window into the open sky.

Prince Victor shot a final, intense glance at Prince Ethan and said loudly, "Watch and see. I don't lose."

With that, Prince Victor spurred his horse into action, chasing the parrot with fierce resolve. The room fell silent as the three remaining men watched him go, the weight of the wager hanging heavily in the air. Prince Victor was resolved to prove his strength before twilight fully descended.


Adam continued with a hint of amusement, "I must admit, I thought our dull evening would finally take an exciting turn when Prince Victor issued the challenge to Prince Ethan." He gestured towards Prince Victor. "But now, with your return without the parrot, our curiosity is piqued."

Prince Ethan, unable to contain his curiosity, implored, "Please, brother, enlighten us. How did you, the invincible, lose this bet?"

Lucas, equally puzzled, added, "Indeed, we saw you chasing the parrot with such confidence. How did you lose?"

Prince Ethan, Lucas, and Adam leaned in with genuine curiosity, their eyes fixed on him as they awaited an explanation for the day's perplexing events.

4th Prince Victor, aware of their collective intrigue, couldn't help but chuckle softly at their eagerness. He leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face, as he prepared to recount the events that had transpired.

"Well," he began, his voice carrying a note of amusement, "it seems fate had other plans today. That parrot, you see, was faster and more elusive than I had anticipated. It led me on a chase that took us through the marketplace, where I encountered something truly unexpected and more interesting."

His friends exchanged intrigued glances, their interest deepening. Prince Victor continued, "This encounter left me momentarily distracted, and the parrot took the opportunity to escape. Hence, I lost the bet." With those words, he rose from his seat and quietly exited the room.

As Prince Victor departed, his friends were left in a state of bewilderment. While their curiosity had been momentarily satisfied, the enigma surrounding the unexpected encounter in the marketplace deepened, leaving them eager to learn more.

Then, like a thunderclap in the silence, Prince Ethan exclaimed, "Hold on a second! He never handed over that dagger; I won!" He sank into his chair, shaking his head at his own oversight amidst the whirlwind of Prince Victor's loss.

His friends exchanged knowing looks, suppressing smiles at Prince Ethan's forgetfulness. With a gentle ribbing, they teased, "Seems like Prince Victor's escapade had us all a bit distracted!" They chuckled softly, realizing they too had been captivated by the unfolding drama.

In the tranquil palace garden, Prince Victor wandered amidst the lush greenery, seeking solace. The moon's gentle glow bathed the surroundings in a silvery light, casting shadows among the flowers and trees. Despite the serene setting, his thoughts were consumed by Serena, her presence a persistent enigma in his mind.

He found solace on a bench nestled within the garden, his mind a tumultuous sea of contemplation. Gazing into the distance, he was lost in his musings under the gentle moonlight.

As Prince Victor closed his eyes, Serena's memory enveloped his thoughts. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her delicate features bore an ethereal grace. Her presence exuded an aura of enchantment that transcended mere words.

Prince Victor's heart was tethered to that memory, captivated not just by her physical allure but by the enigmatic allure of her very being. The evening's events had been a curious blend of adrenaline and intrigue.

In his mind, Serena's bold act of sitting in front of his horse was a deliberate display of admiration. His experiences had taught him that people often approached him to please him or remained silent out of fear or respect.

However, Serena's gaze wasn't filled with fear. Yes, she had appeared scared when his horse charged towards her, but when he stopped the horse and she opened her eyes, he saw something different. Her hazel eyes, filled with a fire he couldn't understand, looked directly into his. No one ever dared to look him so directly in the eyes, except his family—and even some of his siblings feared him.

Serena's fearless gaze made her seem special. He believed her courageous act of addressing a prince like himself was a clear sign of her admiration. This conviction fueled his eagerness to see her again, convinced she had taken this extraordinary step solely to interact with him.

However, unbeknownst to him, amidst the chaotic events on the bustling streets, serena had not sat before his horse by choice but had tumbled to the ground. This crucial detail, obscured by the whirlwind of events, remained concealed from the prince.

As the moon's gentle light continued to grace the palace garden, Prince Victor remained lost in a reverie woven with thoughts and emotions centered around Serena.

The scent of blooming jasmine still hung in the air, mingling with the soft caress of the breeze that rustled the leaves of the trees that surrounded him. In this tranquil setting, Prince Victor's mind wandered, pondering where their paths might lead

Meanwhile, just beyond the imposing palace gates, on the dimly lit cobblestone streets, a young woman named Rei rode her horse. The moonlight painted a determined expression on her face, casting shadows that danced in harmony with her anticipation.

Originally, Rei had intended to harness the horse's speed to reach the eastern edge of the capital's forest swiftly.

Upon reaching her destination, she carefully halted her mount near an ancient tree where the forest's density increased. With a touch as gentle as the night's breeze, she urged her horse to glide silently into the distance, ensuring its concealment from prying eyes.

Intriguingly, Rei was no stranger to the secrets of the hidden pathway near the old tree. This knowledge was reserved for a select few who had been initiated into its mysteries. The path, camouflaged by nature itself, remained hidden from the casual observer's gaze. With each step, she walked through this concealed trail, leading her deeper into the heart of the forest.

She pressed on through the silent night, guided solely by the moon's ethereal glow, until the first soft rays of morning light pierced the dense canopy above. Finally, after her arduous journey, Rei emerged from the labyrinthine depths of the forest into a hidden village, nestled amidst the untamed wilderness. Her quest had brought her to a place known to only a chosen few, a place concealed from the prying eyes of the outside world. As the sun painted the sky with its golden hues, she knew that this marked the beginning of a new, enigmatic chapter in her journey.