Chapter 17 - A Desperate Plan

As Prince Oliver reached his chamber, a wave of weariness washed over him, the weight of helplessness pressing down on his shoulders. He sank into the chair near the window, his gaze drawn to the darkening sky adorned with countless stars. Each twinkling light seemed to whisper secrets of hope and possibility, casting a gentle glow over the shadowed room.

In the quiet solitude of his chamber, Prince Oliver found solace in the memory of Serena. Her warmth and kindness flooded his thoughts, a beacon of light in the darkness of his doubts and insecurities. He recalled their first meeting, the genuine smile that graced her lips, and the way her presence had eased the burdens of his troubled mind.

As he gazed at the stars, Prince Oliver spoke softly to the night sky, his words a whispered prayer. "I wish everyone is as warm and kind as you, Serena," he murmured, his voice filled with longing and a hint of sadness.

With a determined resolve, Prince Oliver stood from his chair, his mind racing with thoughts of how to see Serena once more. He knew that time was fleeting, and the looming obligations of the festival would soon consume his days.

"I want to meet you, Serena," he whispered to the silent chamber, his words carrying a sense of urgency. "I should meet you this week, somehow, before the festival begins. Otherwise, it may be nearly a month before I will have the chance to see you again."

As he pondered his next move, Prince Oliver's thoughts turned to the previous occasion when he had ventured outside the palace walls. It had been a stroke of luck, a fleeting moment of freedom granted by the arrival of Prince Julian from the neighboring kingdom of Eldoria. The memory of their encounter in the forest, and the unexpected meeting with Serena, filled him with a sense of longing and anticipation.

Eager to find a way to see Serena once more, Prince Oliver began to devise a plan. He knew that he would have to tread carefully, avoiding the vigilant eyes of the palace guards and the watchful gaze of his family. But for Serena, he was willing to risk everything.

Prince Oliver summoned Alexander. "Alexander, I'm in need of your assistance," Prince Oliver's tone was urgent yet tinged with a sense of vulnerability.

Alexander met his prince's gaze. "What is it, Your Highness? How may I be of service?"

"I must see Serena tomorrow, before the festival commences," Prince Oliver confessed, his voice heavy with desperation. "I can't bear the thought of waiting another month."

Understanding the gravity of Prince Oliver's request, Alexander furrowed his brow. "And how do you propose we achieve this, Your Highness?"

"We'll need a plan," Prince Oliver replied, his mind already racing with possibilities. "I shall disguise myself as a servant, and you, Alexander, will escort me beyond the palace walls. Once outside, I'll have a horse and civilian attire awaiting me, which you have to prepare for me," Prince Oliver explained. "I'll make my way to the forest where Serena gathers firewood in the morning."

Alexander's furrowed brows revealed his concern as he gazed at Prince Oliver, his eyes reflecting the flickering torchlight within the dimly lit chamber. "But your highness," he began, his voice hushed yet urgent, "what if you are discovered? And your delicate heart... How can you dare venture alone, without the safeguard of attendants? The perils, they are beyond measure."

Prince Oliver's response was measured but his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. "Serena," he spoke her name with a reverence that resonated through the chamber, "is worth every gamble, every shadow of doubt. I will proceed with caution," his voice remained composed, but the slight quiver in his fingers revealed the weight of his emotions, "I shall tread slowly, mindful of the dangers that lurk." His commitment was palpable, evident in the firm set of his jaw and the unwavering gaze he cast upon Alexander.

Nodding in reluctant agreement, Alexander sighed. "Very well, Your Highness. We'll meet here at dawn tomorrow to carry out the plan."

Gratitude washed over Prince Oliver as he turned to his loyal companion. "Thank you, Alexander."

Alexander offered a reassuring smile. "We serve at your command, Your Highness."

As the night stretched on, Prince Oliver lay restlessly in his bed, the anticipation of the coming day mingling with the uncertainty of their daring plan. Though sleep eluded him, his thoughts remained steadfast on Serena.

The next day, as dawn broke over the palace, Alexander escorted Prince Oliver beyond the palace walls according to their carefully devised plan. Everything unfolded smoothly, each step bringing them closer to their daring rendezvous.

Prince Oliver waited anxiously in the secluded spot where he and Serena had first crossed paths. His heart pounded with anticipation as he scanned the forest path, knowing that she would soon pass by.

And then, as if by fate, Serena appeared. Prince Oliver's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.

With a hopeful smile, Prince Oliver stepped forward to greet her. "Serena, how are you?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth.

But to his surprise, Serena's brow furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Prince Oliver's heart sank at her words, a pang of sadness washing over him."Have you forgotten me already?" he questioned softly, his disappointment palpable.

In that moment, Serena's gaze flickered to his blue eyes, her expression one of surprise and disbelief. "Are you...?" she began, her voice trailing off as she shook her head in confusion. "No, it can't be possible."

Serena's hesitant words hung in the air, her uncertainty palpable as she dared to voice the improbable question that had been lingering in her mind. "I know it's highly unlikely, but... are you the second prince, Oliver?".

A surge of emotions swept through Prince Oliver at her words, a mixture of hope, and overwhelming joy. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as he processed the significance of Serena's recognition.

A radiant smile spread across Prince Oliver's face, his features lit up with undeniable warmth. His lips curved into a gentle smile, framed by a straight nose and high cheekbones. Just near his left eye, a delicate birthmark adorned his fair complexion, resembling a golden crescent moon with subtle swirls dancing along its edges.

"Yes, Serena, it's me," he replied, his voice filled with elation. "I am Prince Oliver."