Chapter 20 - The Weight Of Duty

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Serena's home, she and her family continued to revel in the joyous atmosphere. Laughter echoed through the air as they shared stories and savored the delicious meal prepared by Serena.

However, in stark contrast to Serena's happiness. Prince Oliver sat in his chamber, surrounded by the oppressive silence of the palace walls. As he sifted through the endless documents strewn across his desk, his mind wandered, inevitably landing on Serena.

His heart ached with a longing he couldn't quite comprehend. "Another evening alone in this chamber," he sighed, the weight of loneliness heavy upon him.

His mind drifted back to his childhood, a time filled with longing and isolation. He remembered the days when he would watch his younger siblings play together, longing to join them but always held back by the restrictions imposed upon him. His life had felt dull and monotonous, devoid of the simple joys that others took for granted.

"Nothing has changed much." He said with sadness in his eyes. "And I thought nothing will change, but then, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, you entered my life. Your kindness and warmth had illuminated my world, bringing light to the darkness that had surrounded me for so long."

"Why do I keep thinking about her?" he mused aloud, the image of Serena's warm smile etched in his mind.

"Is it because of your response to learning about my health condition, Instead of pitying me, you offered me unwavering encouragement and support, emphasizing that it was my personality that truly mattered. Your words had resonated deeply with me, offering me a newfound sense of confidence and self worth." He thought.

A voice, soft yet insistent, echoed in the depths of his consciousness. "Serena..."

He couldn't shake the memory of her kindness, her understanding. "Because Serena you're different. You understand me." He said to himself.

Despite the warning bells ringing in his mind, Prince Oliver couldn't help but ponder the significance of Serena's presence in his life.

"But I can't.... I shouldn't.." he protested, the walls of duty and responsibility closing in around him.

"But Feelings aren't bound by 'should' or 'shouldn't'. I feel what I feel...right? ," He asked himself, urging himself to acknowledge the truth of his emotions.

"I've never felt this way before," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, the admission weighing heavily upon his heart.

But fear still lingered in the depths of his soul. "But she's... she's..." he trailed off, unable to voice his deepest fears.

"She's everything I've been missing. I shouldn't let fear hold me back," He reminds himself the light Serena had brought into his life.

"But What if she doesn't feel the same way?" he wondered aloud, the fear of rejection gnawing at his resolve.

"But I'll never know unless I try," In the flickering light of the candle, Prince Oliver found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of his doubts.

"Maybe... maybe it's worth the risk," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. With each flicker, he felt a surge of determination, a resolve to seize the opportunity before him.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself against the lingering fear and uncertainty. "I must follow my heart," he affirmed, the warmth of the candle casting a newfound clarity upon his path.

With newfound courage, Prince Oliver stepped into the unknown, ready to confront his feelings and embrace the possibility of love.

As the night waned in the solemn halls of the palace, Prince Oliver grappled with his emotions in the solitude of his chamber.

Meanwhile, across the kingdom, as dawn broke, preparations were underway for a joyous occasion in Serena's home. With tender care, Aaron and his father busied themselves with the final touches for her 18th birthday celebration.

With tender care, they adorned the space with vibrant decorations, each ornament a testament to their love for Serena. As they meticulously arranged gifts and delicacies, anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the sweet scent of sweets.

"Everything looks perfect," Aaron remarked, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

His father nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with excitement. "She will be delighted," he proclaimed, his voice filled with pride.

As the warm afternoon sun cast a golden glow over their humble home, the air buzzed with excitement as Serena, her cousin Aaron, and her uncle prepared to celebrate her birthday. Despite their modest means, they were determined to make the occasion special, just like they did every year, infusing every moment with love and warmth.

As they gathered around the worn wooden table, adorned with a simple but heartfelt feast, Serena couldn't contain her gratitude.

"I can't believe another year has passed," Serena said, her eyes shining with emotion. "Thank you both so much for always making my birthday so special."

Aaron grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Of course, my dear Serena."

Her uncle nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Serena. Your birthday is a time for us to come together and celebrate the love we share as a family."

With a sense of camaraderie, they dug into the meal Serena had prepared, savoring each bite with contentment. The simple stew warmed their hearts as much as their bellies, and laughter filled the cozy space as they shared stories and reminisced about birthdays past.

After the feast, Aaron and her uncle presented Serena with their gifts, each one chosen with care and thoughtfulness.

Uncle handed her a beautifully wrapped package, a soft smile on his lips. "I hope you like this, Serena," he said, his voice gentle.

Curious, Serena unwrapped the package to reveal a stunning new dress, made from the finest fabric and adorned with delicate lace and embroidery.

"It's gorgeous," Serena exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. "Thank you, Uncle. I can't wait to wear it."

Aaron's gift brought tears to Serena's eyes. He handed her a small box, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"This is for you, Serena," Aaron said, his voice filled with affection. "I hope you like it."

Serena opened the box to reveal a delicate porcelain figurine. It depicted a brother and sister, standing side by side, gazing out at the world with smiles on their faces.

"It's beautiful," Serena said softly, her voice carrying a sense of genuine appreciation, her eyes reflecting a mixture of joy and gratitude. With gentle anticipation, she reached out towards the figurine, her fingertips tracing its delicate features with care. "Thank you, brother Aaron. It's perfect."

As she reached out to Aaron once more, her fingers grazed the fabric of his sleeve in a tender caress, a small yet meaningful gesture that spoke volumes of their deep bond. Her eyes danced with curiosity as she inquired, "Where is my second gift?" Every year, Aaron would surprise her with two gifts, each one a cherished token of their bond.

Aaron's smile widened into a grin as he delved into his pocket, retrieving the bracelet with a flourish. Its simple yet intricate design caught the sunlight in a dazzling display, each bead and strand woven together with meticulous care. While it lacked the opulence of jewels or fancy wrapping, its beauty lay in its simplicity and the love infused into its creation.

Serena marveled at the bracelet's earthy tones and textures, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns with a sense of wonder. Each bead and strand seemed to tell a story of Aaron's dedication and craftsmanship, a testament to the hours he must have spent creating it with love and care. The sunlight danced upon the polished stones and woven fibers, casting playful shadows that danced across her skin, adding an ethereal quality to the moment.

As Aaron gently placed the bracelet around Serena's wrist, she felt a surge of warmth envelop her, as though she were being wrapped in a cocoon of love and protection. The weight of the bracelet felt comforting against her skin, a constant reminder of her brother's presence and affection.

She admired the bracelet, turning her wrist to catch the light, marveling at how it seemed to glow with its own inner radiance. In that simple gesture, she found herself overwhelmed by Aaron's thoughtfulness and generosity.

In that fleeting moment, as they sat together in the room, bathed in the golden glow of sunlight filtering through the window, Serena knew without a doubt that she was truly blessed to have Aaron as her brother. And she vowed to cherish these gifts, forever etched in her heart.

As they were talking, Aaron's attention suddenly shifted when he heard the sound of a pigeon outside. Making a quick excuse, he excused himself and stepped outside to check on the noise.

Once outside, Aaron opened the letter delivered by the pigeon, his expression shifting from jovial to serious as he read its contents. He quickly folded the letter and concealed it within his clothes, he tried to maintain composure as he re-entered the house.

However, despite his efforts to appear normal, his father couldn't help but notice the change in his son's demeanor. His father's concerned glances didn't escape Aaron's notice, but he remained silent, not wanting to disrupt Serena's special day.

As the celebration continued, Aaron struggled to shake off the weight of the news he had received. When Serena eventually retired to her room to rest, Aaron's father approached him, concern etched on his face.

"What's troubling you, son?" he asked quietly, his voice filled with paternal concern.

Aaron hesitated for a moment, glancing around to ensure they were alone. "Father, this isn't the place to talk," he replied in a low voice. "Let's talk outside."

Once outside, Aaron took a deep breath before speaking. "Father, I have to go. There's urgent work that requires my immediate attention."

His father's brows furrowed in concern. "But what should we tell Serena why you're leaving so suddenly? After all, you only come once a year on her birthday, and she eagerly waits for this day. If you go like this, she'll be very upset."

Aaron's expression hardened with resolve. "Father, you know we can't reveal the real reason. Let's just tell her that there's a problem with the ship I manage. I hope she'll understand."

Finally, they reached a decision, and Aaron made his way to Serena's room. He knocked gently on the door, his heart heavy with the impending conversation.

Serena opened the door with a warm smile, but her expression faltered when she saw the seriousness in Aaron's eyes.

"What happened, brother?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Aaron hesitated, struggling to find the right words. "Serena, I... I have to go," he began, his voice wavering.

Serena's smile faded, replaced by confusion and then concern. "Go? But why? What happened?"

As Aaron explained the urgency of his mission, Serena's initial confusion turned into frustration. "But why now, Aaron? Why on my birthday? You know how much this day means to me," she protested, her voice tinged with hurt.

Aaron felt a pang of guilt at Serena's words, but he knew he couldn't back down. "I'm sorry, Serena. Believe me, if I could stay, I would. But there's a problem with the ship I manage, and I can't ignore it," he replied, his voice heavy with regret.

Serena's eyes filled with tears as she struggled to comprehend Aaron's decision. "But can't it wait? Just for today? Please, Aaron, don't leave me on my birthday," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aaron's resolve wavered at the sight of Serena's tears, but he knew he had to stay strong. "I wish I could, Serena. But this is urgent, and I can't delay it any longer," he insisted, his tone firm.

Their conversation grew heated as Serena refused to accept Aaron's decision. "No, Aaron, you can't go! Not today, not on my birthday," she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word.

Aaron's heart ached at Serena's anguish, but he knew he had no choice. "I'm sorry, Serena, but I have to," he said, his voice filled with regret.

Serena's frustration turned to anger as she confronted Aaron. "How can you be so selfish? Do you even care about how this will affect me?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aaron's own frustration bubbled to the surface as he defended his actions. "Of course I care, Serena! But this is something I have to do," he insisted, his tone growing defensive.

Serena's voice rang out loudly, choked with raw emotion, tears streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall. "Is it because I'm not your biological sister?" she exclaimed, her words heavy with bitterness. "So you don't care enough to stay on my birthday?"

Even as the words left her lips, Serena knew she had struck a nerve. She knew deep down that her uncle and cousin cherished and loved her, but in the heat of the moment, her pain and frustration spilled over.

Aaron met her gaze with a calm expression, his features revealing the turmoil within. "I already told you, I care Serena," he replied, his voice steady despite the storm raging within him. "But I have urgent matters to attend to. You should understand."

He reached out to wipe away her tears, his hand extending in a gesture of comfort and reassurance. But Serena recoiled, brushing his hand away with a sharp motion, her heart heavy with hurt and rejection.

With a loud thud, she slammed the door shut, shutting out not only Aaron but also the flood of emotions threatening to consume her.

For a moment, Aaron stood outside, his gaze fixed on Serena's closed door, a single tear tracing a path down his cheek. His fingers twitched with the urge to reach out, to somehow convey the depth of his emotions to her. "Why would I want to leave?" he thought, his voice a whisper in the silence of his mind. "You don't know how much I love you. If I could, I would always stay by your side, never leaving you. But it's not possible... Only if I could tell you the truth."

With a heavy heart, he raised his hand to knock on the door, the sound echoing in the air like a drumbeat of longing. "Serena, open the door, please," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. But there was no response, only the hollow echo of his own words reverberating in the emptiness.

He knocked again and again, each rap of his knuckles a silent prayer for forgiveness and understanding. "Serena, please open the door," he implored, his voice cracking with emotion. But still, there was no answer, only the cold silence that seemed to suffocate him.

With a resigned sigh, Aaron lowered his hand, his shoulders slumping with defeat. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, Serena was adamant about shutting him out. With a heavy heart, he turned away from the door, his steps heavy as he made his way out of their home.

But before he could take another step, a pang of sorrow pierced his chest. He couldn't bear to leave without saying goodbye, without one last attempt to bring a smile to Serena's face. With a flicker of emotions in his eyes, he turned back to the door.

"Serena, even if you don't want to open the door," he said softly, his voice gentle yet firm. "And protest like this... I'll still leave. But why not say goodbye with a smile?"

But as the seconds stretched into eternity, still, there was no response from within. Aaron knew he couldn't delay any longer, so with a heavy sigh, he bid his farewell, his voice laden with sadness. "Goodbye, Serena. I wish you nothing but happiness." And with that, he turned away, his steps faltering under the burden of unspoken words and unfulfilled promises.

As Serena heard the fading echo of his footsteps and realized that he had left, tears streamed down her cheeks, a silent testament to the overwhelming sense of loss that engulfed her. She understood that Aaron had made his decision, but accepting it was another matter altogether.

Serena curled up on her bed, the emptiness of Aaron's absence bearing down on her like a heavy blanket. Try as she might to suppress her tears, she found herself overcome by a deep and profound loneliness as she confronted the remainder of her birthday without her cherished brother by her side.