Chapter 27 - Navigating Dreams and Loyalties

As Serena approached Lily's house, her heart raced with excitement and nerves. She couldn't wait to share the news with her friend, but she also dreaded the moment she would have to say goodbye.

Entering Lily's spacious study, Serena found her friend buried in some documents. "Lily, you won't believe it! I passed final round of the chef recruitment process at the palace! I'm going to be a palace chef!" Serena exclaimed, unable to contain her joy.

Lily looked up from her paperwork, her eyes widening in disbelief before breaking into a wide smile. "Serena, that's incredible news! I knew you had it in you!" Lily exclaimed, rising from her chair to embrace Serena tightly.

As they sat down at the desk, Serena recounted her journey through the recruitment process, sharing every detail of her challenges and triumphs. Lily listened intently, her admiration for Serena growing with each word.

But as Serena finished her story, a hint of sadness clouded Lily's expression. "I'm so happy for you, Serena, truly. But the thought of you leaving... it's bittersweet," Lily confessed, her voice filled with emotion.

Taking Lily's hand in hers, Serena offered a reassuring smile. "I understand, Lily. It's hard for me too. But this is an opportunity I can't pass up," Serena said softly, her own voice tinged with sadness.

Lily nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You're right, Serena. You have to follow your dreams, no matter where they take you," she said, her voice filled with love and understanding.

Lily then said to Serena, "Why don't we celebrate your achievement tomorrow at your favorite tea shop? It's been days since we went there together, and it's near my father's shop. We can also choose some clothes for you. Consider it my gift because after this, we don't know when we'll meet. So tomorrow, you have to take the gift too, okay Serena?"

Serena nodded, understanding Lily's emotions and agreeing with her. "Thank you, Lily. That sounds perfect," she said, a soft smile playing on her lips despite the sadness in her heart. "I'd love to spend tomorrow with you, celebrating and cherishing our friendship." Serena understood that their time together was precious, and she cherished every moment she could spend with Lily before embarking on her new journey.

The next day, Serena and Lily went to the tea shop, the aroma of freshly brewed tea welcoming them as they settled into their favorite spot. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company as they sipped their tea.

Amidst their conversation, Serena noticed Lily's father talking with a man outside his cloth shop, his expression tense. "Hey, Lily, why does your father look so tense while talking with that man?" Serena asked, nodding toward the scene outside.

Lily followed Serena's gaze and sighed. "So, he's here again," she muttered before turning back to Serena. "Well, Serena, there's this problem, you see. Lucas, the son of the richest businessman in our kingdom, wants to buy this street. But my father doesn't want to sell his shop. He's been sending people continuously to convince him, even though Lucas offered another place for the shop. But this has been our family's shop for 50 years, and my father is reluctant to sell it."

Serena listened sympathetically, understanding the weight of family history and tradition in Lily's father's decision. "I see," she said softly, reaching out to squeeze Lily's hand in support. As they continued talking, Lily suddenly gestured toward a young man and said, "He's Lucas, the one who wants to buy my father's shop. I wonder what he's doing here today." But as Lily spoke, she didn't notice when Serena stood up from her chair and made her way toward Lucas.

Approaching Lucas purposefully, Serena said, "Excuse me, do you have a minute? I have something important to discuss."

Surprised by the sudden interruption, Lucas turned to see a striking young woman standing before him. "Yes, sure. What is it that you want to say?" he asked, his interest piqued by her directness.

As he turned, Serena was momentarily captivated by his steel grey eyes, their piercing gaze briefly catching her off guard. Gathering her emotions, a mix of frustration and protectiveness, she met Lucas's eyes squarely. "You see that cloth shop over there, the one you want to buy, and the owner isn't selling it?"

Lucas nodded, acknowledging the situation. "Yes, the owner is really stubborn."

With a firm tone, she continued, "Can't you just forget about that shop? It's very important to the owner. Being practical in business is a good thing, but you shouldn't pressure someone and hurt them just to achieve your goal."

Lucas, taken aback by Serena's sincerity, thought to himself, "She's a beautiful girl with a strong sense of protectiveness towards what's important. She's really different." Aloud, he responded, "Maybe you don't know, I offered a better place and a bigger shop in return. This isn't a bad offer, as I can see."

Serena shook her head gently, her eyes reflecting her empathy. "It's not about the offer being good or bad. The important thing is that he's reluctant to sell it because it's his family's old shop. He has memories and love for that shop."

Lucas paused, considering Serena's words carefully. "May I know your name?" he asked, intrigued by her conviction.

Serena met his gaze steadily. "I'm Serena," she replied simply, her tone sincere yet composed.

Curiosity tinged his voice as Lucas inquired, "May I know what's your relationship with the cloth owner? It seems you're quite protective of him. Are you perhaps related?"

Serena shook her head decisively, her long hair swaying slightly with the motion. "No," she stated firmly, her eyes meeting Lucas's with clarity. "He's my friend's father."

"Ah, I see," Lucas nodded understandingly, impressed by Serena's loyalty and compassion. "Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'll reconsider this." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Serena feeling a sense of relief and hope.

As Serena pivoted to head back towards the quaint tea shop where Lily awaited, her eyes caught sight of Lily standing a short distance away.

Closing the gap between them, Lily embraced Serena tightly, her gratitude evident in the warmth of her hug. "Serena, thank you for stepping in and speaking to Lucas on behalf of my father and me," Lily expressed earnestly, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "I can't predict if he'll reconsider buying our family's cherished old shop, but your courage today means the world to me."

Serena returned the embrace, feeling a surge of affection for her friend. "Lily, you're like family to me. I'll always stand by your side," she assured, her voice soft but resolute as she gently squeezed Lily's hand.

With their bond reaffirmed and hearts intertwined, they strolled back to the welcoming embrace of the tea shop, their friendship fortified by the shared moments of support and understanding.