Chapter 36 - A Physician's Concern

As the moments stretched into eternity within the confines of Prince Oliver's chamber, the air hung heavy with the weight of unspoken turmoil. Alexander stood sentinel by the prince's bedside, his eyes never wavering from his charge's haggard form, a silent vow etched upon his heart to protect him from further harm.

In the midst of this vigil, the door creaked open, and Dr. Owen, the kingdom's prodigy, entered with purposeful strides. His expression, usually stoic and composed, betrayed a flicker of concern as he beheld the state of Prince Oliver.

"Alexander," Dr. Owen began, his voice grave, "what has happened to Prince Oliver? His condition is far worse than I anticipated."

With a heavy sigh, Alexander recounted the harrowing events of the interrogation room, sparing no detail of Prince Oliver's descent into emotional turmoil and the physical toll it had exacted upon him.

Dr. Owen listened intently, his brow furrowed with each revelation. Once Alexander had finished, Dr. Owen's expression softened, though his concern remained palpable.

"Prince Oliver is in a fragile state, both physically and emotionally," Dr. Owen remarked solemnly. "It is imperative that he rests properly and avoids any further emotional distress. His well-being depends on it."

With a sense of urgency, Dr. Owen produced a small vial of medicine from his satchel, along with a handwritten prescription. "Administer this medicine to Prince Oliver every two hours," he instructed, handing the vial to Alexander. "It will help alleviate his physical discomfort and aid in his recovery."

Turning his attention back to Prince Oliver, Dr. Owen's gaze softened with compassion. "But remember, Alexander," he continued, his voice gentle yet firm, "medicine alone cannot heal the wounds of the heart. Prince Oliver's emotional well-being is just as crucial to his recovery. Ensure that he is surrounded by comfort and happiness, for only then will true healing begin."

Alexander nodded solemnly, a sense of determination settling in his heart. "I will do everything in my power to see Prince Oliver through this," he vowed, his voice steady with resolve.

With a final nod of reassurance, Dr. Owen took his leave, leaving Alexander to his vigil by Prince Oliver's side.

Meanwhile, as Serena drifted into the realm of dreams, her mind became a battleground of whispers and shadows. Amidst the darkness, a voice emerged, echoing with urgency and purpose. "Your people need you," it whispered, each syllable laden with weight and responsibility. Serena tossed and turned, her subconscious wrestling with the call to duty. "Go to your people," the voice urged, its tone unwavering. "They need you. Don't forget your responsibility."

In her slumber, Serena's hands clenched the bedsheets, her brow furrowed with the intensity of her inner turmoil. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, a testament to the intensity of her dreamscape.

Aviva, roused from her own sleep by Serena's restless movements, reached out to her. "Serena," she murmured softly, gently shaking her shoulder. "Wake up, Serena."

Slowly, Serena's eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding her gaze as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Aviva's concerned voice broke through the haze, prompting Serena to sit up and wipe the lingering sweat from her brow.

"What happened?" Aviva inquired, her voice filled with worry. "Did you have a nightmare?"

Serena's mind struggled to grasp the fleeting memories of her dream, the details slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. "I don't remember," she admitted, a hint of frustration tainting her voice.

Aviva observed Serena closely, noting the lingering unease in her friend's demeanor. "You seemed so restless moments ago," she remarked gently. "It seemed like you were having a nightmare, and you were murmuring some words I couldn't understand."

With a resigned sigh, Serena leaned back against the pillows, exhaustion evident in her posture. "It's fine," she reassured Aviva, offering a faint smile. "It's just... whenever I get injured, I have these kinds of dreams. But when I wake up, I forget them. It's been happening to me since childhood, as far back as I can remember."

Aviva's brow furrowed with concern as she considered Serena's response. "Is it some kind of trauma?" she ventured, her voice soft with worry.

Serena shook her head, her expression troubled. "I don't know," she admitted quietly. "I don't remember anything like that."

With a gentle nod, Aviva reached out to reassure her friend. "Alright," she said soothingly. "Let's try to get some rest. You have work tomorrow."

Serena offered a grateful smile before closing her eyes and settling back onto the bed, eager to find solace in sleep once more.

In the chamber of prince Oliver, throughout the night, Alexander maintained a vigilant watch over the unconscious form of Prince Oliver, diligently administering the medicine as Dr. Owen had prescribed. Prince Oliver remained in a state of semi-consciousness, his breathing shallow and his brow furrowed with the remnants of turmoil.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered into the chamber, a faint glimmer of consciousness flickered within Prince Oliver. With great effort, he struggled to articulate his thoughts, his voice barely a whisper as he addressed Alexander, his faithful guardian.

"What happened to the assassin? Did he confess anything?" Prince Oliver inquired, his voice laced with concern.

Alexander, meeting the prince's gaze with loyalty, replied, "Your Highness, I was here all night, attending to your needs as you were not well. I didn't have the chance to check on the prison's situation." Concern etched across his features, Alexander knelt beside Prince Oliver, his voice gentle yet urgent. "Your Highness, Dr. Owen instructed us to shield you from emotional distress. Please, I implore you, refrain from dwelling on the assassin's whereabouts for now."

Prince Oliver, recognizing Alexander's genuine concern, mustered a faint nod. "I'll try," he murmured, though inwardly, he knew it would be a daunting task. He couldn't bear to burden Alexander with the weight of his own turmoil.

Sensing the prince's struggle, Alexander placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Your Highness, you must be exhausted," he observed empathetically. "I'll instruct your attendants to prepare everything you need to freshen up. It'll help you feel better."

As Alexander turned towards the door to summon the attendants waiting outside, his commitment to ensure a peaceful environment for Prince Oliver's recovery was evident.

"Alexander," Prince Oliver's weak voice broke the silence once more, concern evident in his tone, " My father doesn't know about last night, does he? I don't want him to worry."

With a reassuring nod, Alexander met Prince Oliver's gaze. "Don't worry, Your Highness," he assured, his voice gentle yet firm, "I made sure that this didn't reach the King's ears." Understanding the importance of discretion, Alexander had taken every precaution to shield Prince Oliver's condition from causing undue concern to the king.

A faint sense of gratitude flickered in Prince Oliver's eyes as he whispered, "Thank you."

Acknowledging the prince's gratitude with a nod, Alexander momentarily left his side to summon the attendants, ensuring Prince Oliver's comfort and well-being remained his top priority.

As Prince Oliver was getting freshened up, Alexander continued his vigilant duty, his resolve unwavering despite the exhaustion that weighed heavily upon him. Standing tall and steadfast, he kept a watchful eye over Prince Oliver's chamber, his dedication to safeguarding the prince's well-being never faltering.

As Alexander stood there, Adam, the palace guard commander approached Alexander with a concerned expression. "How is Prince Oliver faring?" Adam inquired softly, his eyes reflecting genuine worry.

With a reassuring nod, Alexander replied, "He is better now, thank you for asking. But I must ask you a favor. The events of last night, please keep them to yourself. I've ensured that only a few trusted individuals know about it, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Understanding the gravity of Alexander's request, Adam nodded solemnly. "I understand, Alexander. You have my word; I won't breathe a word of it to anyone."

As they spoke, Adam shared troubling news with Alexander. "We tortured the assassin throughout the night, but he remains unyielding. He's in a near-death condition, yet he hasn't divulged any information. The king has decided to execute him publicly tomorrow."

As Alexander absorbed the grim reality of the situation, he turned to Adam with a heavy heart. "Sir, you shouldn't burden Prince Oliver with this news right now. He's just emerged from an emotionally taxing ordeal."

Adam nodded in understanding. "You're right, Alexander. I won't mention it to him. He needs time to recover."

"But You should know," Adam continued, "that he'll eventually learn of this. We can't keep it hidden forever."

"I understand, sir," Alexander replied, gratitude evident in his voice. "Thank you for your concern."

As Adam took his leave with a solemn nod, Alexander remained standing, his thoughts still consumed by the weight of recent events. Hours passed as he stood there, lost in contemplation. Just as Prince Oliver emerged from his chamber, Alexander turned to him with concern etched upon his features.

"What are you doing out, Your Highness? You should rest," Alexander advised gently, his worry evident in his tone.

But Prince Oliver, though weakened, expressed a quiet insistence. "I'm feeling better now, Alexander. I want to go to the palace garden for some fresh air," he softly stated.

Reluctantly, Alexander acquiesced, though his hesitation lingered. With a nod, he followed Prince Oliver as they made their way towards the tranquil refuge of the palace garden.

Meanwhile, in the bustling kitchen, Serena was busy preparing dishes when Edith, the head of the kitchen, approached her with urgency.

"Serena, the king has summoned you. A guard is waiting for you outside," Edith informed her with a sense of gravity.

Understanding the importance of the king's summons, Serena wasted no time. With a nod of acknowledgment, she followed the guard immediately, knowing that the king's orders could not be delayed.

Stepping into the grand hall of the palace, Serena was enveloped by its majestic aura. Adorned with intricate tapestries that told tales of old, the hall exuded an air of regal splendor. At its heart, the magnificent throne awaited the king, a symbol of his authority and sovereignty. Nearby, Adam, the stalwart guardian of the palace, occupied a seat befitting his esteemed position, his vigilant gaze a testament to his dedication.

Respecting the palace protocol, Serena approached the king with a graceful curtsey, her demeanor a harmonious blend of deference and professionalism.

The king acknowledged her presence with a nod, his eyes assessing yet not devoid of warmth. "I've heard of your bravery in capturing the assassin," he remarked, his voice carrying the weight of his acknowledgment.

Serena, careful to maintain the appropriate balance of humility and acknowledgment of her actions, replied, "Your Majesty, I merely did what was necessary to uphold the safety and security of the palace. It was a collective effort, and I am honored to have played a part in it."

"Serena," the king began, his voice resonating with admiration, "you have shown not only great skill in the culinary arts but also remarkable bravery in facing danger head-on. Such qualities are rare and invaluable in our palace."

A sense of pride swelled within Serena's chest at the king's words, though she remained humble in her demeanor. "Your Majesty, it is an honor to serve in this palace," she replied with genuine gratitude.

"I summoned you here because I wanted to reward you for your contribution in the incident," the king continued, gesturing towards an attendant who approached with a beautifully adorned box held carefully in his hands.

With a gracious nod from the king, the attendant presented the box to Serena, who accepted it with a sense of awe and gratitude. Though she hadn't sought recognition or reward for her actions, she knew it would be disrespectful to refuse the king's gesture of appreciation."Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness and benevolence," Serena expressed, her voice filled with sincerity as she bowed respectfully to the king.

As the king gestured towards Adam and Serena, indicating that they could leave, both of them bowed once more in acknowledgment before taking their leave.

As Serena and Adam stepped out from the grand hall, Serena was about to make her way to her room to stow away the reward bestowed upon her by the king before continuing her duties in the kitchen.

Just as she was about to turn towards her designated path, Adam's voice called out to her, halting her movements.

"Serena," Adam's cheeks tinged with a hint of nervousness as he approached Serena, his gaze reflecting admiration and a touch of bashfulness.

Turning to face Adam, Serena met his eyes, curious about the reason for his interruption."What is it?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity.