Chapter 39 - Starfire Opal

As the evening sky draped the kingdom in hues of twilight, Prince Victor found himself immersed in a sea of paperwork within his chamber. The weight of responsibility bore down upon him, yet his thoughts wandered to Serena, the courageous woman whose bravery had captured his admiration.

Glancing up at the dwindling light filtering through the windows, Prince Victor sighed heavily, the pile of documents before him seeming to multiply with each passing moment. "It's about time for Serena to finish her duties," he mused aloud, a flicker of concern igniting within him.

Summoning Dominic, whose presence stood sentinel just beyond the chamber door, Prince Victor's tone held a sense of urgency. "Dominic, as Serena's duties come to an end, I cannot delay any longer. I must ensure her safety and well-being," he declared, his gaze intent.

With a sense of impatience propelling him forward, Prince Victor's request brooked no argument. "Show me to her room," he commanded, his demeanor revealing his commitment to ensuring Serena's safety.

However, before Prince Victor could take another step, Dominic hesitated, his expression tinged with apprehension. "Your Highness, if I may speak freely," he began respectfully, his tone laced with caution.

Prince Victor regarded Dominic with a raised brow, silently prompting him to continue.

"Your Highness, while your concern for Serena's well-being is admirable, I fear that your visit to her room may spark unnecessary rumors within the palace," Dominic explained earnestly.

Puzzlement clouded Prince Victor's features as he considered Dominic's words. "Rumors? What do you mean?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Dominic cleared his throat before elaborating, "Your Highness, given the nature of your relationship with Serena and her recent commendation by the king, any undue attention directed towards her may lead to speculation among the palace staff. It could potentially overshadow her accomplishments and jeopardize her reputation."

Prince Victor's brow furrowed as he absorbed Dominic's reasoning, his concern for Serena mingling with a newfound sense of understanding. "I see your point, Dominic," he acknowledged, nodding thoughtfully. "You're right. We must safeguard Serena's honor and dignity above all else."

A decisive glint sparked in Prince Victor's eyes as he made his decision. "Very well, Dominic. Instead of risking unwanted attention, please arrange for Serena to meet me here in my chamber," he instructed, his tone clear yet considerate.

Dominic nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll ensure she arrives promptly," he affirmed.

With a nod of thanks, Prince Victor returned his attention to the mountain of paperwork before him, his heart lighter knowing that Serena's safety and reputation were being carefully guarded. And as the evening shadows deepened, he awaited her arrival with a renewed sense of patience and respect.

Meanwhile, Serena sat in her room, her weary muscles finally finding respite after a long day of work. Aviva, her devoted companion and confidante, nestled beside her, a glimmer of curiosity dancing in her eyes as she gestured toward a small box resting on the nearby table.

"Serena, is this the reward bestowed upon you by the king?" Aviva inquired, her tone laced with anticipation.

Serena nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, it is," she confirmed, her gaze drifting towards the ornate box. "But I haven't had a chance to open it yet. After receiving it, I immediately went back to the kitchen."

Aviva's curiosity bubbled forth like a bubbling brook. "I can't help but wonder what could be inside," she admitted, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Serena chuckled softly at Aviva's eagerness, her own curiosity piqued by her excitement. "Well, there's no time like the present. Let's find out together," she suggested, reaching out to unlatch the lid of the box.

As the lid swung open, Serena's breath caught in her throat at the sight of the magnificent gem nestled within. Its brilliance seemed to illuminate the room, casting shimmering reflections across the walls.

Aviva gasped in astonishment, her eyes widening at the sight of the dazzling Starfire Opal. "Serena, what... what is that?" she stammered, her voice filled with awe.

Serena's fingers traced the smooth surface of the opal, her mind racing with wonder. "I think this is the Starfire Opal," she exclaimed softly, her voice filled with awe. "I've read about it in a book. It's a very valuable gem, Aviva. Expensive enough that if you were to trade it for money, you could buy two big houses in the capital."

As Serena carefully placed the Starfire Opal back into its protective casing and kept it within a humble chest in the corner of her room, a sense of wonder still lingering in her mind, she heard a gentle knock on her door. Aviva, ever attentive, swiftly opened the door to reveal Dominic standing outside.

"Miss Serena, Prince Victor wishes to see you," Dominic announced, his voice carrying the weight of his duty.

A mixture of surprise and curiosity flickered across Serena's features as she processed Dominic's message. Why would Prince Victor want to see me? The question danced in her mind.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Serena followed Dominic down to the residence of prince victor, her thoughts swirling with anticipation and a hint of apprehension.

As Serena and Dominic arrived at Prince Victor's chamber, Dominic announced her presence with a firm knock. "Your Highness, Serena is here," he declared, awaiting further instructions.

Prince Victor, seated behind his desk, responded promptly. "Send her in," his voice tinged with concern.

With Prince Victor's permission, Serena entered, and Prince Victor's eyes immediately swept over her, searching for any signs of harm. "Are you alright? I heard about your involvement in capturing the assassin yesterday," he inquired, his worry evident in his voice.

Serena started to reassure him, "I'm fine—"

But before she could finish her sentence, Prince Victor approached her, his gaze focusing on a small cut on her neck. Concern etched deeper into his features as he reached out to inspect it.

However, Serena gently intercepted his hand, expressing a need for personal space. "It's just a small cut, Your Highness. I've already treated it," she assured him, her voice steady.

In his mind, Prince Victor momentarily questioned Serena's reaction, wondering if it stemmed from shyness. "I almost touched her neck; it's understandable, she is a woman, women are shy," he reminded himself. Pushing aside his thoughts, he took a step back. "You should have informed me when you were injured, even if it was minor. I gave you a token for a reason, so you could reach me anytime. Why didn't you use it?" His frustration is evident in his voice as he asked the question.

Serena carefully chose her words, mindful of Prince Victor's fiery temperament. "Your Highness, it was just a small injury, and I didn't want to burden you with every problem of mine. But I appreciate your concern," she replied softly, her tone gentle yet firm.

Prince Victor's brow furrowed, a mixture of concern and frustration evident in his expression. "Do you doubt my ability to protect or help you, Serena? Is that why you hesitate to share your troubles with me?" he asked, his voice tinged with hurt.

Serena met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a depth of sincerity. "No, Your Highness, it's not that. I simply prefer to handle things on my own." she explained, her voice steady.

Prince Victor's demeanor softened, a tinge of regret coloring his features. "I see," he murmured, his tone more understanding now. "But Serena, you must understand that I only want to make your life easier here in the palace. Let me help you."

Serena offered a small, grateful smile. "Your Highness, if I'll ever have any problem which I can't solve on my own in the future, I'll definitely tell you," she promised.

With a nod of acceptance, Prince Victor's features relaxed, his worry dissipating as he recognized Serena's independence and resilience. "Okay, Serena. That's all I ask," he replied, a sense of understanding blossoming within him for Serena.

As Serena stood before Prince Victor, a moment of hesitation lingered in the air before she spoke. "Your Highness, there is one favor I want to ask of you," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Eager to fulfill her wish, Prince Victor leaned forward, his expression attentive. "Tell me what you wish for, Serena. I'll do everything in my power to make it happen," he assured her, his commitment palpable.

Serena took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she continued. "It's about Aviva, the servant you assigned to me," she explained, her gaze meeting Prince Victor's. "I've noticed that she doesn't have much to do these days. While I'm at my chef job, she's alone for most of the day. I was hoping she could have a job of her own, something meaningful to occupy her time."

Prince Victor's brow furrowed slightly as he processed Serena's request. "You're concerned about her," he observed, a note of realization coloring his tone. "I hadn't considered the implications of her idle time. Although she's your servant, she's not part of the kitchen staff, so she can't assist you in your work."

Serena nodded, grateful for Prince Victor's understanding. "Exactly, Your Highness. Aviva may be my servant, but I want her to have a purpose of her own," she affirmed.

Prince Victor's expression remained stoic, a tinge of frustration evident in his voice. "You don't need to be so kind," he replied, his fiery temperament flaring briefly. "After all, she's a useless servant who doesn't help you in anything, so you don't need to take care of her. She's a slave, I'll sell her."

Serena remained adamant as she met Prince Victor's gaze. "Your Highness, you mentioned fulfilling my wish, and this is what I desire," she reiterated firmly.

Prince Victor's features softened slightly, a rare glimmer of understanding crossing his stern countenance. "If this is what you really wish for, I'll fulfill it," he conceded, his tone begrudgingly acknowledging Serena's request.

Turning his attention to the door, Prince Victor called out to Dominic, who promptly entered the chamber. "Dominic, please assign a job for Serena's servant," he instructed, his tone authoritative, though tempered by Serena's influence.

Dominic nodded in acknowledgment. "At once, Your Highness," he replied, before swiftly departing to fulfill his orders.

Observing Serena's resolute gaze, Prince Victor couldn't suppress a sense of satisfaction. He marveled at how effortlessly she persuaded him to fulfill her desires. Accustomed to heeding only the commands of the king and queen, he found himself eager to comply with her every request, relishing the opportunity to fulfill her wishes. "Now that I have granted your wish, Serena, there is something I wish for in return," he declared, his voice gentle yet firm.

Serena's curiosity piqued, her gaze meeting Prince Victor's with anticipation. "Tell me, Your Highness," she responded, her voice tinged with intrigue.

A subtle smile graced Prince Victor's lips as he extended his hand towards Serena with an invitation that spoke volumes. "Come with me," he urged, his tone infused with mystery and adventure.

Serena hesitated for a moment, her pulse quickening with a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, fueled by curiosity and trust, she reached out and placed her hand in his. Together, they embarked on a journey, Prince Victor's heart swelling with a mix of anticipation and delight as he felt Serena's hand in his, a silent promise of connection and possibility.