Chapter 41 - Shadows of Duty and Desire

As Prince Victor stepped into his sister Sophia's residence, the urgency in her summons was palpable. With an emotionless tone, he questioned, "Why have you called me here this late?"

Sophia's eyes lit up with relief as she caught sight of her brother. She rose from her chair and rushed towards him, enveloping him in a tight embrace as if fearing she might never have another chance to hold him. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to speak through her trembling voice.

"Br... Brother... Please help," she managed to choke out amidst her tears.

Prince Victor's heart clenched at the sight of his sister's tears. Despite his reputation for stoicism, his love for Sophia ran deep. In her presence, he shed the armor of coldness, becoming the protective older brother she needed.

He gently patted her shoulder, his voice softening as he asked, "What happened, sister? Who dared to make you cry? I'll make sure that person pays dearly."

"It's... It's mother," Sophia finally revealed between sobs.

Sophia's admission that it was their own mother who caused her tears pierced Prince Victor's heart. His initial instinct of vengeance melted away as he realized the complexity of the situation. "Why are you crying because of mother? What happened? Tell me properly," he urged, placing both hands gently on her shoulders.

Leading Sophia to a nearby chair, Prince Victor knelt down in front of her, his tall stature still towering over her even in his lowered position. Sophia struggled to compose herself, her tears slowly subsiding as she recounted her plight.

"Mother wants me to marry the Crown Prince of Elysia," she finally managed to explain, her voice quivering with reluctance.

Prince Victor felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him. How could their mother impose such a decision on Sophia without considering her feelings? "So you don't want to marry him," he stated more as an affirmation than a question.

Sophia's response was tinged with anger. "Yes, otherwise why would I be crying here?" she retorted, her vulnerability laid bare before her brother.

Sophia possessed a unique power over Prince Victor – she alone could unleash her anger upon him. In a kingdom where his temper struck fear, Sophia's presence transformed him into a protective, vulnerable brother. Since childhood, his love for her compelled him to listen to her frustrations, despite his usual fiery demeanor.

"It's fine if you don't want to marry him. I'll talk to mother, don't worry," he assured her, his voice gentle and comforting as he gently patted her head, seeking to ease her worries.

Despite Prince Victor's attempts to console his sister, Sophia remained distressed as she confided, "Brother Victor, it's not as simple as that. Even if you speak to her, I fear it won't make a difference. Mother explained that this marriage is crucial for strengthening the relationship between our kingdoms. Remember, in a few months, the alliance between our kingdom and Elysia for the sovereign route will formally expire. If I refuse to marry Crown Prince Orius, she's concerned that renewing this alliance will be challenging."

Prince Victor listened intently to his sister's explanation, nodding in understanding. "Oh... I understand. This is really a complicated matter," he acknowledged, his mind already working on a solution.

As Prince Victor pondered their next move, Sophia couldn't help but express her apprehension about Crown Prince Orius. With a darkened expression on her face, she revealed, "Brother, do you know by what name Prince Orius is famous in his kingdom?"

Prince Victor furrowed his brow in thought. "I heard something about this. I think it's something like 'Mortalbane,' if I'm not mistaken."

Sophia nodded gravely. "Yes, brother. He's merciless – known for his ruthless nature, earning him the nickname 'Mortalbane' in his kingdom. He's been responsible for countless brutal actions, such as..." She paused, her voice trembling with apprehension, "ordering the execution of dissenters without a second thought, and even orchestrating political assassinations to maintain his power."

Hearing this, Prince Victor looked at his sister and gently stroked her cheek. "You don't need to tell me all this, Sophia. I already know how cruel he is. I've heard about his actions," he reassured her, as he placed his hand on her shoulder and continued, "Don't worry, Sophia. I'll make sure that the problem of the sovereign route will be solved even without marriage."

A small, grateful smile appeared at the corner of Sophia's lips as she looked up at her brother. "I trust you, brother. Only you can solve my problem. That's why I asked you to come here," she said, her voice filled with relief and trust.

As he remembered how his beautiful and peaceful night with serena was interrupted by his sister's distress, Prince Victor couldn't help but feel a twinge of both anger and disappointment.

After comforting his sister, Prince Victor stood up, his mind already devising a plan to navigate the treacherous waters of political alliances and familial obligations. With a reassuring squeeze of Sophia's shoulder, he promised to return soon with a solution that would safeguard her happiness and freedom.

As Prince Victor left his sister's residence, his mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions. With each step he took towards his Royal quarters, the weight of his sister's plight bore down on him.

Beneath the silvery glow of the moon, he paused, casting his gaze heavenward. "It appears that for the next few days, I won't be able to be with you as much as I'd like," he pondered, the moon serving as a silent witness to his unspoken yearning. "I promise you, I'll solve this problem soon, and then I'll sit and talk with you under the beautiful sky."

His thoughts turned to Serena, she engulfed his thoughts like a raging inferno. "Oh, Serena... I'm missing you already," he confessed, his words a whispered prayer to the celestial heavens. "Is this deep and true love that I'm feeling right now for you?"

Yet, amidst the echoes of his own declaration, a startling revelation emerged, leaving him adrift in a sea of confusion. "Am I already fallen for you so deeply that the thought of not being able to see you for some days is clenching my heart?" he pondered aloud, his voice tinged with incredulity.

In the stillness of the night, his mind grappled with the enigmatic nature of his newfound emotions. "I don't understand this feeling..." he confessed, his words a whispered confession to the moon above. "I thought I liked your courage. I thought I liked your boldness."

With each passing moment, his inner turmoil intensified, a tempest raging within his soul. "I wanted to care for you. I wanted to listen to you. I wanted to see you..." he mused, his thoughts a labyrinth of conflicting desires and uncertain truths.

Was this the love of which poets sang and lovers dreamed? A tumultuous whirlwind of passion and tenderness, desire and devotion, weaving its intricate tapestry upon the canvas of his heart.

As Prince Victor gazed upon the moonlit sky, his heart wrestled with the weight of responsibility and desire. The love he harbored for Serena, intertwined with his duty to safeguard his kingdom and his beloved sister, Sophia, created a tempest of conflicting emotions within him.

With each step towards his chamber, Prince Victor's mind churned with plans and strategies. Upon reaching the sanctity of his private quarters, he retrieved a document – one that held the key to Aurelia Kingdom's prosperity and security: the Sovereign Route.

The Sovereign Route wasn't just a mere passage through rugged landscapes; it epitomized the heartbeat of Aurelia Kingdom's economic prosperity and strategic defense. As the vital lifeline for trade and diplomacy, it intricately linked Aurelia with its neighboring realms of Elysia and Veridia, while also fostering connections with Eldoria. This pivotal network not only facilitated the seamless exchange of goods, knowledge, and alliances but also underscored the interconnectedness of diverse cultures and economies along its path.

The alliance for the Sovereign Route was forged a quarter-century ago by the former king of Elysia. However, following his tragic demise, the ascension of a tyrannical successor has cast a shadow over the prospect of renewing the alliance through mere discourse.

Alone in his chamber, Prince Victor strategized fiercely, refusing to sacrifice his sister's happiness to political convenience. Determined to preserve Aurelia's sovereignty, he vowed to find a solution that didn't involve her marriage to the tyrannical Crown Prince of Elysia. Guided by love and duty, he resolved to navigate the complexities of diplomacy with resolve, ensuring a future where both his kingdom and his family thrived.

Meanwhile, in another part of the palace, Prince Oliver's mind consumed by the weight of the task before him. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows upon the walls, mirroring the turmoil that churned within him.

Unable to shake the gnawing sense of unease that gripped him, Prince Oliver turned his attention to the letter that lay upon his desk, its contents shrouded in mystery.

Beside him, there were piles of ancient tomes and weathered parchments lay scattered haphazardly across the room, Prince Oliver's chamber resembled a battleground of knowledge, where each book vied for his attention in the pursuit of truth.

Prince Oliver had spent hours poring over them, searching for a clue that would unlock the secrets hidden within the letter's cryptic words. With each page he turned and each word he deciphered, he delved deeper into the labyrinthine mysteries that bound his fate. The scent of aged paper filled the air as he sifted through the accumulated wisdom of generations past, his dedication unyielding in the face of the daunting task before him.

As the night pressed on, Prince Oliver's commitment remained steadfast, his focus sharpening with each passing moment. Among the scattered books strewn across the chamber floor, one caught his discerning eye—a nondescript tome nestled beneath layers of history. Its weathered pages whispered of forgotten tales and concealed truths, its unassuming facade betraying the depths of knowledge it held.

With a sense of anticipation mounting, Prince Oliver cracked open the book, revealing in bold letters, "Forgotten History of Veridia." His anticipation soared, and he eagerly delved into its contents, his piercing blue eyes meticulously scouring the text for any hint or revelation.

Page after page unveiled the tumultuous history of Veridia – tales of conquests tainted by betrayal and the ruthless pursuit of power. With each revelation, Prince Oliver's expression morphed, reflecting the tumultuous array of emotions churning within him. His azure gaze danced in the flickering candlelight, illuminated by the newfound understanding that dawned upon him.

The once enigmatic puzzle of the cryptic letter began to unravel before his very eyes. The historical accounts intertwined seamlessly with the words penned in the mysterious missive, illuminating a clear path towards comprehension.

Lost within the labyrinthine corridors of forgotten history, Prince Oliver found himself pondering, "Could this be the key to decrypting that letter?" His mind raced with possibilities as he meticulously connected the dots between the past and the present, weaving a tapestry of knowledge that held the promise of revelation.

As he gently closed the book, Prince Oliver reverently placed it alongside the letter, safeguarding them within the sanctity of his chamber, their secrets waiting to be unveiled in the light of a new day.