Chapter - 48 The Painter Prince: Ethan's Dual Identity Exposed

As dawn broke on the horizon, casting a soft golden glow over the palace grounds, Prince Victor stood before the grandeur of the palace, a silent witness to the quiet beauty of the early morning. His heart heavy with the weight of impending departure, he cast one final glance towards the palace.

"Will you wait for me, Serena?" he whispered softly, his words carried away on the gentle breeze, a silent plea to the woman who held his heart. With a heavy sigh, he turned away, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the early morning as he made his way towards the waiting carriage.

As Prince Victor climbed into the carriage, the first rays of sunlight began to paint the sky with hues of pink and orange. With a resigned nod to the Coachman, he settled into his seat, his thoughts consumed by the image of Serena's face and the responsibility he had on his shoulders.

As the morning sun had risen higher in the sky, bathing the palace in its warm embrace, Prince Ethan stirred from his slumber, the remnants of sleep clinging to his mind as he slowly emerged from the depths of his dreams. With a yawn, he stretched his limbs, the weariness of his recent journey still weighing heavily upon him.

"Ah, that three-day journey was truly exhausting," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with fatigue. Yet, as he sat up in bed, a surge of energy coursed through him, buoyed by the anticipation of the day ahead.

With resolve, Prince Ethan rose from his bed and set about his morning routine, the familiar rituals serving as a comforting anchor amidst the tumult of his thoughts. As he stood before the ornate mirror in his chamber, a mischievous glint danced in his eyes, a secret smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"How will she react when she sees me in royal attire?" he mused aloud, his voice filled with excitement. "She'll be surprised to learn that I am a prince indeed." With a chuckle, he imagined the look of astonishment on Serena's face, the realization dawning on her like the first light of dawn.

His gaze drifted towards the table beside the mirror, where a box lay waiting. With a sense of excitement, he reached out and lifted the lid, revealing the contents within. A gift for Serena, a token of his admiration, nestled within the confines of the box.

"And I hope you'll like this," he murmured softly, his smile widening at the thought of her delight.

Yet, even as he prepared to seek out Serena, a sense of practicality tempered his enthusiasm. "She'll be occupied with her kitchen duties until evening," he reasoned aloud, his brow furrowing in thought. "It would be inconvenient to disturb her until then."

A plan began to form in his mind, a strategy to ensure their meeting would be both timely and convenient. "But I can catch her during her afternoon break," he concluded with a nod, a sense of satisfaction settling over him. With a sense of purpose, Prince Ethan made his way towards the bustling corridors of the palace.

As Prince Ethan waited patiently beneath the sprawling canopy of a majestic tree, its branches casting dappled shadows on the ground, his chief guard, Simon, stood sentinel behind him. The air was filled with the subtle symphony of nature sounds, the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves providing a soothing backdrop to the prince's contemplation.

Sensing the anticipation radiating from his prince, Simon dared to break the quietude with a gentle inquiry. "Your Highness, why do you choose to wait here? Shall I fetch Serena for you?"

Prince Ethan considered Simon's offer, his gaze fixed on the bustling activity around the palace kitchen. After a moment of thoughtful deliberation, he shook his head with a smile. "No, Simon, I'll wait for her here," he replied, his voice carrying a note of conviction. "I do not wish to disturb her while she attends to her duties."

With a nod of understanding, Simon acquiesced, taking his place beside the prince as they awaited the unfolding of events.

After what seemed like an eternity, the moment of afternoon respite finally arrived for the kitchen staff. The staff emerged from their domain, their faces flushed with the exertion of their labor.

Among them was Serena, her graceful form a beacon of strength amidst the flurry of activity. Her hands bore the telltale marks of flour, evidence of her dedication to her craft, yet her expression remained resolute as she prepared to steal a moment of respite from her responsibilities.

Prince Ethan's gaze was drawn inexorably to Serena, his heart quickening at the sight of her. Determined to seize the opportunity to speak with her in private, Prince Ethan turned to Simon, his voice a low murmur of intent. "Simon, go and fetch her for me," he instructed, his eyes never leaving Serena's form. "It is too crowded there, and I desire a quiet conversation."

Simon nodded in understanding, his demeanor poised and resolute. "Understood, Your Highness," he acknowledged. As Prince Ethan's instructions settled in his mind, Simon took a moment to internalize the directive.

"But don't tell her that Prince Ethan is summoning her," the prince had cautioned, "just say the 5th Prince is summoning her."

With a nod, Simon set off towards Serena, his movements purposeful and deliberate. As he approached her, he seamlessly blended into the bustling scene, his presence unobtrusive yet unmistakable.

With practiced ease, he addressed Serena with a respectful bow, his tone polite yet firm. "Excuse me, Miss," he began, his voice carrying across the distance between them. "The 5th Prince requests your presence. He wishes to speak with you in private."

Serena's brow furrowed in surprise at the unexpected summons, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious message. Yet, she nodded in acquiescence, a sense of duty compelling her to heed the prince's call.

With measured steps, she followed Simon back towards the shade of the tree where Prince Ethan awaited, her heart fluttering with a mixture of nervousness and eagerness. Unaware of the conversation that awaited her, she braced herself for whatever revelation the prince had in store. And remembering the prince's instruction, Simon refrained from mentioning Prince Ethan's name, ensuring that Serena remained unaware of his identity.

As Serena approached the shaded alcove beneath the sprawling tree, her eyes fell upon a familiar figure standing before her.

"Ethan?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with surprise and confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Her mind flickered back to her previous encounters with Ethan, their paths had crossed twice before, each meeting leaving an indelible impression on Serena's heart. The first time, she had stumbled upon him in the forest where he painted her on the canvas. The second encounter had been more unexpected, a chance meeting in the bustling market of the capital.

Now, seeing him standing before her in the attire of a prince, Serena's confusion only deepened. "Why are you dressed like a prince? And why are you in the palace? I thought you were a traveling artist," she queried, her questions tumbling out in rapid succession.

Prince Ethan felt a pang of guilt as he recalled their previous interactions, the weight of his deception heavy on his conscience. "It's true, Serena. I am an artist," he began, his voice tinged with apprehension. "But I lied to you about my identity. I am actually Prince Ethan."

He watched her closely, searching her face for any sign of acceptance or understanding. The weight of his deception hung heavy between them, threatening to unravel the fragile bond they had forged through their shared experiences.

As she observed him, a realization dawned on Serena. "I hadn't noticed before, but his resemblance to Prince Victor is striking," she thought silently. Aloud, she questioned, "Why did you lie?" Serena's voice, though soft, carried a weight of confusion.

Prince Ethan took a deep breath, grappling with the weight of his deceit. "I wanted us to be friends without the burden of status," he admitted, his tone heavy with remorse. "I wanted a genuine connection with you, free from the constraints of my title. I'm sorry, Serena."

Silence enveloped them like a heavy cloak as Serena processed his confession, her thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Prince Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for her response, the weight of his deception pressing down on him like a leaden weight.

"Serena," he finally spoke, the uncertainty evident in his voice. "Why aren't you saying anything? Are you angry?"

Serena stood before him, her expression unreadable as she wrestled with her inner turmoil. After a long moment, she met his gaze with a mixture of sadness and understanding.

"I'm not angry, Ethan," she replied softly. "I'm just... disappointed. Disappointed that you felt you had to hide who you are from me."

Her words struck Prince Ethan like a thunderbolt to the chest, the weight of his deception pressing down on him, threatening to crush him beneath its remorseless force. Initially, he had anticipated surprise from her, but the unexpected disappointment in her eyes cut deeper than he could have imagined. "I understand," he murmured, his voice heavy with the burden of regret. "I should have been truthful with you from the start."

"I appreciate your honesty now, Ethan," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "But trust takes time to rebuild. We'll need to work through this together."

A sense of relief washed over Prince Ethan at her words, a glimmer of hope flickering to life within him. "Thank you, Serena," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I promise to do better, to be honest with you always."

With a nod, Serena offered him a small smile, a gesture of forgiveness and understanding. "Let's start fresh," she suggested.

Prince Ethan returned her smile, gratitude flooding through him at the prospect of a second chance. "Yes, let's," he agreed, his heart lighter knowing that Serena was willing to give him another opportunity.

After receiving Serena's forgiveness, he turned towards the nearby bench where a delicately crafted wooden box lay, he gently retrieved it, his hands trembling slightly with anticipation.

"Serena, please accept this gift," he implored, his voice soft yet earnest as he extended the box towards her.

Serena hesitated, her brow furrowed in confusion. "A gift? For what occasion?" she questioned, her uncertainty evident in her tone. "It isn't my birthday or anything. I can't accept it for no reason."

Prince Ethan's gaze softened with sincerity as he urged her, "Please take it, Serena. Otherwise, I'll feel embarrassed. I specially bought this for you, thinking that it would look exquisite on you."

With a mixture of reluctance and curiosity, Serena accepted the gift. "Open it," Prince Ethan encouraged, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes as he eagerly waited for her reaction.

Serena lifted the lid of the box. Inside, nestled in folds of soft velvet, lay a breathtaking dress that seemed to shimmer with ethereal beauty. The fabric was a vision of elegance, adorned with delicate appliques depicting butterflies and flowers. Each motif was intricately crafted from layers of fabric, creating a stunning dimensional effect that brought the dress to life.

Against a backdrop of pristine white, the butterflies appeared to flutter delicately, their wings seemingly poised for flight. The flowers bloomed in vibrant hues, their petals soft and lifelike, as if plucked from a garden and immortalized in fabric. Each detail was meticulously rendered, from the delicate veins of the butterfly wings to the intricate contours of the flower petals.

Serena's breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon the exquisite garment, her heart swelling with awe at its beauty. "It's... it's stunning," she murmured, her voice reflecting her emotions as she lifted the dress from its resting place.

Prince Ethan watched her with bated breath, his own heart pounding with excitement as he awaited her response. Seeing the wonder in her eyes filled him with a sense of joy and satisfaction, knowing that he had chosen the perfect gift for her.

"I'm glad you like it," he said softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he drank in the sight of her holding the dress in her hands. "I thought it would suit you perfectly."

Serena's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she turned to him, her heart overflowing with appreciation for his thoughtful gesture. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

As they stood together beneath the shade of the tree, the air seemed to crackle with a newfound sense of connection between them. But Prince Ethan's heart was heavy with another request he wished to make of Serena.

"Serena," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I want to ask you for a favor."

Serena turned to him, her expression curious. "What can I do for you, prince Ethan?"

"Can you please not call me Prince Ethan," he said gently, "just say Ethan, like before you knew my identity. And as for the favor I want to ask of you... It's just that I want to make a painting of you wearing this dress. Will you do me the honor?"

Serena considered his request for a moment before responding. "I don't have a problem with that," she said thoughtfully, "it's just that I don't have much free time. You know I have to work in the kitchen every day from morning to evening."

Prince Ethan nodded, understanding her predicament. "I remember...," he said thoughtfully, "kitchen staff are allowed to have one leave every month. If it's not too much for you, could you use that leave for my request?"

Serena hesitated, her brow furrowing in thought. "Well, I already used my leave for this month," she admitted, "so I won't have any other leave available. I'm sorry."

Prince Ethan's heart sank at her words. He had been so hopeful that she would agree to his request, but it seemed that fate was not on his side."I really want to make your painting, Serena," he said softly, despondency evident in his voice. "You inspire me to create art."

Serena could see the despondency in his eyes, and she felt a pang of guilt for not being able to fulfill his request. "How about we make the painting in the evening after my duty?" she suggested, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"But in the evening, you'll already be tired," Prince Ethan protested, concern evident in his voice. "How can I make you sit for hours for my painting?"

"It's fine, Ethan," Serena reassured him, her smile growing. "I'll make it work. Let's make the painting in the evening today."

Prince Ethan's face lit up with gratitude at her words. "Thank you, Serena," he said sincerely, a weight lifted from his shoulders. "I can't wait for the evening."