Chapter 57 - Eyes in the Shadows

Serena lay awake the whole night, her mind consumed by thoughts of the shadowy figure she had seen earlier. The image of the mysterious person lingered in her thoughts, shrouded in darkness and uncertainty. When Aviva, woke up and noticed Serena's restless state, concern laced her words.

"You didn't sleep well, Serena," Aviva remarked, her voice soft with concern.

Serena blinked, momentarily startled back to the present. "Uh huh, I didn't get much sleep," she admitted, her voice heavy with fatigue. Without waiting for further inquiry, she rose from her bed and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up, seeking solace in the routine of her morning rituals.

As Serena emerged from her room and headed towards the kitchen, an uneasy sensation prickled at the back of her neck. It felt as though someone was following her, a notion she dismissed at first. But as the sensation persisted, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. With a sense of trepidation, she turned around, only to find no one behind her.

For a moment, Serena stood frozen in place, her heart pounding in her chest. Then, she heard it-the unmistakable sound of footsteps, drawing closer with each passing second. Steeling herself, she whirled around, ready to confront whoever was trailing her. To her surprise, it was Alexander.

Caught off guard by Serena's expression, Alexander brow furrowed. "Why do you look so startled? What happened?"

Struggling to compose herself, Serena glanced around anxiously. "No... Nothing," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Was it you who was following me just now?"

Shaking his head, Alexander replied, "No, I just arrived. Was someone following you?"

Uncertainty clouded Serena's features as she struggled to find an explanation. "I don't... I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with unease. "Why did you come here?"

"I'm heading to the kitchen," Alexander explained. "To tell madam edith to assign you as the sole chef for Prince Oliver's meals from now on."

Serena's curiosity sparked at Prince Oliver's sudden favoritism for her cooking. "Why?" she inquired, her eyes alight with surprise and intrigue. "Does Prince Oliver only want to eat food made by me?"

As they conversed, unbeknownst to them, Prince Ethan observed from the shadows, clutching a painting in his hands, his heart racing with anticipation. Peering stealthily from behind a marble pillar, Prince Ethan was looking intently to the exchange between Serena and Alexander. His curiosity burned as he sought to decipher the nature of their conversation.

With a hushed tone, Prince Ethan whispered to himself, "What is Alexander talking about with Serena? Do they know each other?"

Meanwhile, Alexander hesitated for a moment before responding to Serena's inquiry. "I can't explain the situation right now," he replied enigmatically. "But you can take it that way-that Prince Oliver wants to eat food made by you."

As Alexander spoke, Prince Ethan's inner turmoil waged war against his better judgment. "Proceed, Alexander... Just depart... I must unveil the painting to her," his silent voice urged, barely audible beyond his own ears. Yet, amidst his inner musings, a cascade of doubts flooded his mind. "Should I approach them now? But if Alexander discovers my creation of Serena's portrait, it could inadvertently reach Prince Oliver's ears. I want to keep this secret from all my brothers."

But Prince Ethan's hopes were dashed when Alexander and Serena strolled together towards the kitchen, their steps echoing like a lament in his troubled mind.

"Aah.. First Lucas, then father, then Sophia... and now Alexander, could this get any worse, ooh God?" Prince Ethan lamented quietly, his heart heavy with the weight of secrecy and longing. With a heavy sigh, he turned away, retreating to the solace of his quarters.

Meanwhile, in the bustling kitchen, Alexander handed Serena a paper bearing the names of various dishes. "Remember to make one of these dishes in every meal from now on," he instructed.

Serena nodded in acknowledgment, as she scanned the list. "Do you want me to deliver it too, like last time?" she inquired.

Alexander's response was firm, "No, I'll come and get every meal from now on."

Serena didn't pry further, focusing instead on her culinary tasks with a sense of duty.

Meanwhile, Alexander made his way to Madam Edith, urging her to designate Serena as the sole overseer of Prince Oliver's meals. He lingered nearby, silently observing as Serena meticulously prepared breakfast. With the tray in hand, he approached Prince Oliver's chamber and gently knocked. "Come in," came the subdued voice from within.

Presenting the breakfast tray to Prince Oliver, Alexander encountered resistance. "I'm not hungry, Alexander," Prince Oliver's voice conveyed a heavy sense of resignation. Undeterred, Alexander persisted, driven by his desire to bring comfort to the prince.

"This is made by Serena, especially for you," Alexander interjected, urgency evident in his tone as he conveyed his concern for the prince's well-being. At the mention of Serena's name, a glimmer of warmth flickered in Prince Oliver's eyes.

Slowly, Prince Oliver approached the tray, his gaze lingering on the carefully prepared meal before him. "She made it only for me?" he murmured softly, a glimmer of hope breaking through the clouds of his desolation.

"Yes, from now on, she will be responsible for all your meals," Alexander affirmed, his words carrying a silent plea for Prince Oliver to find solace in Serena's cooking.

As Alexander had foreseen, Prince Oliver's appetite returned after more than a day, and he consumed every morsel on the tray simply because it was made by Serena, whom he loved. Her presence and effort in preparing the meal provided him with a sense of comfort and reassurance, prompting him to eat despite his previous reluctance.

Meanwhile, Prince Ethan entered the lavishly decorated room, summoned by his mother, Queen, where his sister, Princess Sophia, awaited his presence. The chamber was adorned with an array of clothes and jewelry, indicating preparations for an upcoming event.

The Queen initiated the conversation, her tone commanding yet expectant, "Sophia has spoken highly of your discerning eye for attire. We require your assistance in choosing attire and accessories for the occasion."

Approaching Sophia with measured steps, Ethan leaned in, his words a soft murmur in the air. "You intend to entangle me in this as well, don't you?"

Sophia, her voice barely audible, retorted, "Since you failed to dissuade Mother from her incessant matchmaking, I'm merely returning the favor by disrupting your peace." Her lips curved into a smile, resembling the bared fangs of a wary predator.

Ethan's gaze lingered on his sister's visage, where shadows danced in the depths of her eyes. Turning to his mother, he began, "Mother, perhaps it would be prudent to delay the occasion. Brother Victor's return may render Sophia's marriage unnecessar....."

But before he could finish, his mother's gaze bore into him like a thousand daggers, a silent command to cease his words. Glancing at Sophia, he found her eyes ablaze with frustration, a silent tempest of emotions swirling within, urging him to sway their mother's decision. Caught between their piercing stares, Ethan felt like a lone ship adrift in a stormy sea, buffeted by the conflicting currents of his mother and sister's anger.

Feeling the weight of their expectations pressing down upon him, Ethan delicately navigated the conversation with his mother. Summoning every ounce of courage, he gently proposed, "Mother, may I suggest that you entrust the preparations to me? Your previous commendation of my taste assures me I can manage the arrangements with aplomb."

Sophia, still caught off guard by her brother's sudden shift in approach, maintained her stoic expression. Ethan silently prayed that his proposal would successfully divert their mother's attention, granting Sophia some respite from further matrimonial discussions.

The Queen paused, her regal demeanor softened by a thoughtful expression. "Well, if you truly wish to take on this responsibility, my son, you may do so. However, remember that I expect nothing less than perfection. I will provide you with a comprehensive list of requirements for attire and jewelry."

Prince Ethan nodded earnestly, "Of course, Mother. You can count on me."

With a gracious nod, the queen dismissed both Princess Sophia and Prince Ethan from her presence.

Outside the chamber, Sophia couldn't help but playfully nudge Ethan's foot, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What were you scheming in there? I specifically asked you to dissuade Mother from meddling, yet now you're willingly volunteering to assist her?"

Meeting his sister's gaze with calm reassurance, Ethan replied, "Do not fret, Sophia. I have a plan. I convinced Mother to let me handle everything to spare you from her constant interference. Trust me on this."

Sophia's worry was palpable as she softly reiterated, "But brother, I don't want to marry."

Ethan reached out, tenderly placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I understand, Sophia. Rest assured, I am only preparing to shield you from Mother's relentless pressure. There is no expectation for you to wed the Elysian crown prince."

Princess Sophia beamed with happiness as she softly uttered, "Understood, brother," before swiftly departing.

Observing his sister's departure, Prince Ethan couldn't help but mutter to himself, a mixture of amusement and affection evident in his tone, "Can't she even say thanks? I'm going through all this trouble for her." A gentle smile graced his lips as he shook his head fondly at Sophia's playful nature, cherishing the bond they shared.