Chapter 61 - The Sacred Amulet

In the late morning at the outpost, Prince Victor and Prince Asher stood with Prince Julian as he prepared to depart. With a smile, Julian remarked, "It's been wonderful seeing you both after so long. My journey here was truly worthwhile."

Returning the sentiment, Prince Asher said, "Likewise, Brother Julian. Wishing you a safe journey ahead."

Prince Victor nodded, expressing with gratitude, "Indeed, your presence served a purpose this time. So yes, it was a pleasure meeting you." As Julian smiled in response, he bid his farewell and left, leaving behind a sense of camaraderie in his wake.

Turning to Prince Victor, Prince Asher inquired, "Brother, are you departing today as well?"

Prince Victor replied sternly, "No, I'll leave tomorrow. Since I've already come here, I might as well assess the conditions and ensure everything is in order before my departure."

Prince Asher, understanding Prince Victor's sense of duty, reassured him, "Brother, I  manage affairs here competently. You needn't concern yourself. However, if you wish to verify, I'll promptly send all pertinent documents regarding our work and finances to you."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Prince Victor left to attend to his duties, leaving Prince Asher to continue overseeing operations at the outpost.

Serena had managed to secure a precious half-day leave, citing an urgent matter that demanded her attention. However, her true destination lay beyond the confines of her workplace; she yearned to seek out Adam at the guard training ground.

As she hurried towards the training ground, a sense of urgency gripped her like a relentless tide, pulling her forward with an unstoppable force. However, upon arrival, she was met with a formidable obstacle: the imposing figure of the guard on duty. His stern countenance and demand for a permission letter instantly raised alarms in Serena's mind. She found herself lacking the security of a permission letter this time, unlike the one Edith had given her during her previous visit.

Remaining composed, Serena endeavored to plead her case with the guard, her tone polite yet tinged with insistence. "I have no intention of entering," she clarified, "I just need to speak with Adam. It's urgent."

However, the guard, seemingly unmoved by Serena's plea, cast a dismissive glance over her attire, silently questioning her significance. His response was terse and unwavering. "Sir Adam is presently unavailable. You'll need to return at a later time."

Undeterred, Serena pressed on, "Can you at least tell me when he'll return?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "I'll wait if I have to."

But the guard, now convinced that Serena was nothing more than a nuisance, refused to disclose any information. "I can't tell you that," he replied bluntly, his tone final.

Disheartened yet unwilling to concede defeat, Serena made one final plea. "Please, convey to him that Serena was here and urgently requests a meeting."

With a reluctant nod, the guard reluctantly agreed to pass on the message, though inwardly he had no intention of doing so. As Serena turned away, her heart weighed down by disappointment, she couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of defeat. Her journey here had been fueled by hope for Adam's assistance, yet she found herself denied even a chance to meet him.

As Serena made her way back, not far from the training ground, she suddenly felt a strong tug on her arm, causing her to whirl around in surprise. Before her stood a young woman dressed in the humble attire of a palace staff member.

"Why did you pull me like that? Who are you?" Serena demanded, her voice tinged with a mixture of shock and apprehension.

The young woman, Rei, her face etched with guilt, hesitated before speaking. "I'm Rei. I've been following you for days," she confessed, her tone filled with remorse.

Serena's shock only deepened at the unexpected revelation. She hadn't anticipated the person trailing her to be a young woman, and certainly not one who would confront her so boldly. With a steely resolve, Serena squared her shoulders, readying herself for whatever explanation Rei might offer. "Tell me why you've been following me," she demanded, her stance poised for action.

With a deep breath, Rei began, "I've been observing you for a while, waiting for the right moment to approach. I'm sorry for startling you like this," she began.

Serena struggled to contain her frustration as she sought answers. "What's your motive for following me?" she asked, her tone a mix of irritation and curiosity.

Rei raised her hands in a placating gesture. "Please, hear me out. I'll explain everything, and I assure you, I have no ill intentions," she urged, her expression earnest and sincere.

Serena hesitated, her anger giving way to cautious curiosity. "Alright, go on. I'm listening," she conceded, her tone softer but guarded.

Rei gestured towards the necklace adorning Serena's neck. "I was following you because of that necklace. It's of great importance to my people," she explained.

Serena's confusion deepened as she glanced down at the cherished heirloom her mother had bestowed upon her. "My mother gave me this necklace. How could it be connected to your people?" she questioned, her voice a mixture of disbelief and skepticism.

Rei, casting a cautious glance around, suggested, "This isn't the best place for such a conversation. Would you be willing to discuss it in your room?" She waited anxiously for Serena's response.

Though Serena remained guarded, she reluctantly acquiesced, and together they made their way to Serena's room. Once inside, Rei scanned their surroundings, ensuring they were alone, before beginning.

"First, I need to ask you something. Do you know who your mother is?" Rei inquired, her tone serious.

Serena was caught off guard by the question, her mind swirling with uncertainty. She hesitated, realizing she knew very little about her mother, Eleanor, only her name and that she was a kind person. Sensing Serena's silence, Rei pressed on, "Your mother, Eleanor, was the previous leader of my people."

Rei's words lingered in the air like a heavy mist, enveloping Serena in a shroud of uncertainty. As she pondered the significance of her mother's name matching that of the previous leader, doubt crept into her mind like tendrils of fog, obscuring her thoughts.

"There's a tale woven into the fabric of this necklace, a story of legacy and responsibility," Rei began, her voice carrying the weight of solemn truth. "In essence, it signifies your connection to our people and the role you play in shaping our future."

Serena's brow furrowed, her muscles tensing under the weight of revelation. It felt as though the ground beneath her had shifted, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty. "But what does this mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her fingers instinctively clutching the pendant around her neck.

Rei's gaze softened with empathy as she responded, "It means, Serena, that the mantle of leadership now falls upon your shoulders. You are the beacon guiding our people through the currents of time, the keeper of our traditions and aspirations."

Serena's silence echoed loudly in the chamber, a tumultuous storm of confusion and disbelief raging within her like a tempest-tossed sea. Words eluded her, lost in the swirling chaos of her mind as she grappled with the staggering weight of the revelation.

Rei pressed on, her voice gentle yet firm. "You should come with me to my village and meet your people. They need you, and they need this," she urged, gesturing towards the necklace resting against Serena's chest.

Serena's skepticism lingered in her voice as she questioned Rei's credibility. "What reason do I have to believe in you?" she asked, her tone cautious yet curious.

Rei's response was swift as she retrieved a small box from her pocket and opened it, revealing dried traces of blood inside. "Let me show you something," she said calmly, her demeanor confident yet earnest.

Serena's curiosity was piqued as she gestured towards the box. "What's inside?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on the mysterious contents.

Rei's gaze remained steady as she replied, "That's not important for now. What matters is that this necklace will change to its original color when I touch it with these dry blood traces."

Serena's disbelief was palpable as she processed Rei's words. "Original color? But it's been golden for years. How could it change color?" she questioned, her skepticism evident in her voice.

As Rei carefully applied the trace of dry blood from her finger onto the necklace, Serena watched in awe as the impossible unfolded before her eyes. In a breathtaking display of ancient magic, the once-golden necklace began to transform, its hue shifting from shimmering gold to a mesmerizing shade of green.

The green that enveloped the necklace was like the verdant embrace of a lush forest, rich and vibrant with life. It shimmered with the iridescence of sunlight filtering through a canopy of leaves, casting ethereal patterns that danced across its surface. Each facet of the necklace seemed to pulsate with the essence of nature itself, as if it held within it the very soul of the earth.

As the transformation completed, the necklace emitted a radiant glow, illuminating the room with its newfound brilliance. Serena stood transfixed, utterly captivated by the enchanting sight before her.

In that fleeting moment, Serena questioned herself, "Could such magic truly exist in this world?" Her mind reeling with uncertainty. "But I just saw it with my own eyes. There's no denying its reality." Her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she continued to gaze at the radiant glow enveloping the room. "Perhaps there's more to this world than I ever imagined," she thought, her breath catching in her throat.

Rei's question hung in the air, heavy with anticipation, as Serena struggled to comprehend the reality of what she had just witnessed. "Now, do you believe me?" Rei asked, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Serena's mind spun with disbelief as she struggled to make sense of the extraordinary events. "Is this real? Am I dreaming? Is this magic?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Rei's words struck a chord deep within Serena, stirring a mix of emotions. "This truth is undeniable, Serena. It's about you, and only you," Rei insisted, her tone sincere and unwavering.

Serena's curiosity intensified, driving her to seek answers. "What exactly does this all mean? And what's with this magic" she asked.

Rei hesitated, her expression laden with a sense of urgency. "I can't explain everything here. For better understanding, you must come with me," she implored, her gaze pleading.

Serena, still grappling with the surreal nature of the situation, hesitated. "Give me some time to think," she requested, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Rei nodded understandingly, acknowledging Serena's need for space. "Of course, take all the time you need. But know that the answer I seek is yes, and this is also your responsibility," she explained, her tone resolute yet compassionate.

Serena's uncertainty persisted as she sought clarity on their future interactions. "Where can I find you when I make up my mind?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of trepidation.

Rei offered a reassuring smile, her presence a comforting anchor in Serena's turmoil. "You won't need to find me. I'll always linger around you," she explained gently. "Whenever you need to speak with me, just call my name, and I will answer, unless I'm called away by the call of nature."