Chapter7 The Nature of the Wolf

 Mu Wanwan only learned about Zhang Wei's death from a professor at the university a week later. This shocked her. The person who was alive a week ago turned into a cold corpse a week later. The corpse was so sudden!

 Mu Wanwan has been feeling gloomy since she came back from Zhang Wei's funeral. She still couldn't accept Zhang Wei's sudden death!


 In the dead of night, the pure white and cozy little house was shrouded in the night. A cool breeze blew in through the thin white gauze curtains. With the unique chill of the night, Mu Wanwan sat down holding a pillow and sighing in despair. It was difficult to fall asleep on the sofa in the living room.


 "Wanwan, are you still thinking about that person?" Seeing that Mu Wanwan couldn't eat or sleep these past few days, all because of the dead Zhang Wei, Bai Lang felt extremely annoyed. With an unhappy face, he sat next to Mu Wanwan, his slender arms exclusively holding her into his broad arms, and his low and sexy voice was particularly charming in the night: "You are already dead, why bother?" Want to think about him?"


 Humph, Wanwan belongs to him, and that lowly male is bothering him even to the point of death. It's abominable!


 "Xiao Bai, you don't know! The day Zhang Wei died turned out to be the day he met us. I don't understand how he could run out onto the street for no reason in the building!" Mu Wanwan's soft little hands grabbed Bai nervously. He was wearing a wolf-white shirt and his beautiful eyebrows were tightly tangled.


 She heard Zhang Wei's mother say that Zhang Wei's death was horrific. His arms and several ribs on his back were broken before he was run over by three cars in a row. Zhang Wei must have been beaten by someone before he was killed. ! Even...maybe that person indirectly killed Zhang Wei!


 Compared with Mu Wanwan's restlessness and depression, Bai Lang seemed much more cold-blooded and ruthless. He hugged Mu Wanwan tightly in his arms and sneered at the taste: "Wanwan, don't think about him anymore! He is dead and we have nothing to do with him." what relationship!"


Bai Lang's cold and disapproving tone made Mu Wanwan tighten her eyebrows. She raised her delicate face to look at him and educated him righteously: "Xiao Bai, how can you talk like this? Zhang Wei is my friend. You should care about him!"


 She always felt that Xiaobai's concept of life values ​​was a bit strange as if everyone except her was his enemy. In this was a bit like a wolf!


 "It shouldn't be!!!" Bai Lang, who had always been obedient to Mu Wanwan, suddenly shouted sharply, his handsome face with a heroic sword-shaped eyebrow condensed with majesty and domineering, and his broad palm forcefully tightened Mu Wanwan's delicate little body. On her face, her two-colored pupils, one golden and one blue, looked deeply into her bright pupils and said in a very possessive voice: "I only have Wanwan in my heart. I only think about Wanwan, and I only look at Wanwan." Wanwan's eyes only listen to Wanwan's words, I only need you and that's enough! Equally, Wanwan only needs me!"


 Everyone else is their obstacle, as long as two people are together forever, it's enough!!!


 Bai Lang's words made Mu Wanwan confused and frightened. She didn't know that Xiao Bai had this kind of... almost perverted desire for exclusive possession of her. This may be the reason why Xiao Bai has always been helpless, right? She developed dependence and trust by taking care of him! But Xiaobai's feelings are abnormal. She is a human being, and he cannot be the only one in her world!


 This is an abnormal and even a distorted concept!


 Mu Wanwan began to avoid Bai Lang intentionally or unintentionally, and she was not as open to talking to him as before. She even banned him from hugging her and would lock the door before going to bed at night. Mu Wanwan felt that Bai Lang's outlook on life would go astray sooner or later if he continued like this. She doesn't want her to be the only one in Bai Lang's world, and she doesn't want him to treat everyone as intruders or enemies!


 Mu Wanwan once cruelly thought about calling the police and asking the police to take Bai Lang away, but in the end, she still had the heart but not the courage!


 She knew that Xiaobai was treating her wholeheartedly, so she couldn't be more cruel!


 After picking up her painting supplies and carrying her schoolbag, Mu Wanwan was going out to attend classes in the university town again. The courses taught by college students, especially those in the art department, were very relaxed. All she had to do was hand in the drawings on time, and she didn't show her face until a week. There are many people there, but to avoid spending time with the white wolf, Mu Wanwan still chooses to go to school to "hypnotize" without any trouble!



 Alas, there is no one more miserable than her who cannot stay at home! But she hopes Xiaobai can use this time without her to go out and see the outside world and meet other people!

 "'re going out again..." The handsome white wolf squatted in front of him like an abandoned puppy, pulling on Mu Wanwan's trousers and pursing his thin lips.


 Why did Wanwan always leave him at home alone during this period and go out by herself? Wanwan doesn't want him anymore? Did he make Wanwan angry?


 "Yeah, I...I'm a student and I have to go to class, haha..." Mu Wanwan smiled stupidly. Seeing Bai Lang's handsome face, which looked like he had been abandoned by others, she gritted her teeth. Cruelly said: "Xiao Bai, don't wait for me to come back for dinner tonight. If you are hungry, just order KFC, otherwise there will be meat in the refrigerator. I taught you how to turn on the coal stove last time."


 Mu Wanwan, be cruel, don't let Xiaobai's unreasonably handsome face knock you down!


 You have to turn this guy onto the right path!!!


 Mu Wanwan's words made Bai Lang's handsome face turn pale instantly. His frustrated voice couldn't stop trembling as he asked, "Wanwan... won't you come back to have dinner with me tonight?"


 He was disliked and Wanwan didn't want him anymore. What should he do... His heart was so painful!


 The dejected and pitiful look of the white wolf is not to mention how distressing it is. The lost and beautiful voice alone is enough to stimulate a woman's potential motherhood. But fortunately, Mu Wanwan has always been very nervous, so motherhood is not a problem. Including hers!


 "Yeah, I won't be back for dinner tonight. I made an appointment with a friend to go out for dinner!" Mu Wanwan deliberately emphasized the word 'friend', then patted Bai Lang's generous shoulder and opened the door, and went out!

 The cozy little house suddenly became deserted without Mu Wanwan's giggle. Only the white wolf was left squatting motionless at the door as if praying that Mu Wanwan would come back and accompany him at the next moment!

 "Friend...does it matter to me?" The white wolf with his back leaning against the light climbed onto his handsome face in darkness, making him look cold and dangerous. His two-colored pupils, one gold and one blue, flashed fiercely. Dark light!

 As if he thought of something, Bai Lang suddenly stood up. He walked into the kitchen mechanically, picked up the kitchen knife on the chopping board with a clear purpose, and then took the kitchen knife and chopped it on his arm without thinking. He cut a cut on his arm, and blood spurted out like a fountain, instantly staining a large area of ​​his white shirt red---——

 "Wanwan, are you willing to come back and stay with me?" Bai Lang murmured to himself expressionlessly, as if he couldn't feel the tearing pain on his arm.