Chapter 13 Chu Shao

 "It's so noisy." A lazy, low-magnitude, charming voice came out from the red car, making the little bodies of Hei Tong and Bai Tong tremble slightly. It came from the fear of the strong man. The fear, the uncontrollable fear!


 "Chu Shao"'s lazy and charming voice made Chitong resolutely turn around, half-bent towards the red door of the extended Lincoln, and said respectfully like a black butler: "Master, you're awake."


 The bright red car door was opened by the bodyguards, and the man in the car stepped down gracefully with his slender and perfect legs. The man was tall and slender, with broad shoulders, a strong chest, slender limbs, and an innate royal elegance, flames. He has handsome short red hair, and blood-red pupils, and is wearing a high-end red suit handmade in Italy. The man's whole body is as dazzling as a flame, and it is so stunning that it is hard to look away. The man has God's most perfect favor, and he is heroic. The handsome face has a charming and sexy languor, but it also carries a restrained and intimidating air. The rare red hair and rare red pupils are rare in the world!


 This handsome man who is as dazzling as a flame is "Chu Shao". At only 20 years old, he is already the leader of the Chi family in the three-color family and has created countless miracles!

 "Chu Shao"'s blood-red eyes like flowing blood lazily examined the Hei Tong and the Bai Tong not far away one by one. His charming voice was enveloped with an inexplicable sense of majesty: "It's so noisy, give it all to me." Shut your mouth."

 After putting down the blade, Bai Tong's personality returned to timid Bai Tong, but "Chu Shao"'s words frightened her so that her tender little face turned even paler. She suddenly dodged behind Hei Tong, her little soft His body was trembling uneasily, and the fear of "Chu Shao" in his heart became even deeper!


 Is that person... the owner of Chi Tong, the person in charge of the Chi Tong family? It's really powerful. Even though he didn't do anything, his coercive aura was enough to scare the enemy away. This... powerful aura is not what a 20-year-old man should have. This man must have experienced a lot of hardships before!


 "Master, Hei Tong and Bai Tong—" Before Chi Tong could finish his words, he was indifferently interrupted by " Chu Shao".


 "I heard it all." "Chu Shao" walked towards Hei Tong and Bai Tong with elegant steps on his slender legs. The fierce aura exuding from his body became stronger with every step he took, and he was not afraid of anything. Hei Tong also took a small step back——


 "I can agree to your request and withdraw from this game. But -" "Chu Shao" pointed his slender fingertips at the bodyguards killed by Bai Tong, and said lazily with his thin red lips: "You killed them The bodyguards around me want me to agree to your request again, this deal seems to be a bad deal!"


 "Then... what do you want to do to agree?" Hei Tong suppressed his petty fear and calmly negotiated the terms with "Chu Shao".


 "I want both of you boys, Hei and Bai, to do something for me. As for what it is, I will keep it secret for now. Don't worry, I won't let you betray your family." "Chu Shao"'s lazy and handsome face showed an elegant and charming look. The indifferent smile, but the threatening tone did not give Hei Tong and Bai Tong a chance to think about it!


 No one dares to negotiate terms with "Chu Shao" after messing with him!


 "Chitong, let's go back." Turning around elegantly and handsomely, "Chu Shao" called Chitong lightly and walked into the luxurious carriage.

 "Yes, Master." Chitong looked back at the ugly black Bai Tongs behind him, and then followed "Chu Shao" and rushed into the carriage!


 The flaming red extended version of Lincoln soon drove away from the top of the mountain, and the red color looked so dazzling and domineering as it shuttled through the dim mountain roads.


 "Master, why do you agree to their request?" This was the question in Chitong's mind.


 "Because I want to go to school tomorrow, and I don't want to spend too long here tonight. Ah - I want to see Wanwan. I hope it can be tomorrow soon." "Chu Shao" who has been staring out the window The bright red thin lips raised an intoxicating smile, as if she couldn't wait!

"Ah - little Hei tong, why didn't you refuse "Chu Shao"'s request just now? Now we will have to do something for him in the future!" Seeing "Chu Shao", the red extended version of Lincoln walked away. Without a trace, the Bai Tong who had been hiding behind the Hei Tong dared to dance out and accused with a pout!

 Woohoo - But "Chu Shao" is scary, as if he can kill someone with just one look. Sadly, Chi Tong would be so loyal to him!

 Hei Tong glared at Bai Tong, who was cheating on him afterward. His chocolate-skinned handsome face was serious and tense, and he said majestically: "Shut up! Didn't you see that I'm upset?"

 Humph, you Bai Tong, why didn't you stand up and object just now? Now that "Chu Shao" is gone, he will speak out!

 He also wanted to refuse, but... that man gave them no room to refuse at all. To challenge that man's ability now would be like hitting a stone with an egg!


 "Little Hei, what should we do? We agreed to the deal with 'Chu Shao'. If we violate it, both of us may be killed!" Bai Tong wrinkled his delicate and cute pink face, feeling uneasy. He grabbed Hei Tong's little arm and said coquettishly: "Hei Tong, you are the most powerful, but you have to think of a way!"

 Well, it's right to leave it to the little black guy! Even though he is the most powerful among the "three-color boys"?! Even Tong once lost to his claw fist!


 "There is no way. That man is not a simple person. We can't fight them now. We can only join up with the masters. As long as our masters are strong enough, the power of the Chi family will decline sooner or later!" Heitong could not be serious. He furrowed his thick eyebrows tightly, and his handsome little face looked solemn. He was not optimistic about the 'master' of their Hei family!

 Can his 'master' compare to Chitong's master? If you can't compare, don't let the Hei family pay for it too!


 Hearing this, even Bai Tong, who had always been single and stupid, couldn't help but feel uneasy, "But... our two masters are still racing. If something happens to them on the way, what should we do?!"


 Young Master Bai Lang and Young Master Mu Miao Tian are the masters that the Black and White families have been looking for for a long time, because of the accident eighteen years ago——


 "Then let them die! Anyone who can't survive a race is not worthy of being our master!" Heitong said coldly and ruthlessly in his childish voice!


 "Wow! Little Hei tong, you are so heartless!" Bai Tong's porcelain-white little hands covered his delicate and beautiful face in surprise, then he thought for a moment and stretched out his little head to suggest: "How about - I'll be with you later. How about a dance in front of the master?"


 Anyone who can live to watch her dance is qualified to be their master, right?!


 He glanced at Bai Tong coldly, and Hei Tong couldn't help but stretch out his little hand to pinch her tender cheeks, and said, "You little fool, your dance is used to deal with the enemy, How can you use it against your own master, and what's more! You have to dance, either to the dead or to me!"


 ah!! Bai Tong is simply an idiot!


 "Oh - I understand, little Hei Tong, please stop pinching hurts..." Bai Tong looked at Hei Tong pitifully, hoping that he would have enough energy to stop ruining her little face!

 There was a silent silence, and then—


 "Bai, Tong! You idiot! You have a testicle!!!" Black Tong's gnashing teeth roared through the entire mountain -

 The two extremely fast rays of light that were constantly seeing the distance between each other on the mountain road gradually approached. The dark light that had been lagging behind the silvery white light gradually came up suddenly in a leaping manner. The two dazzling motorcycles, one black and one white, became increasingly clear. Each other's condition has improved, and the end is approaching them——


 Breathing the accelerator, Bai Lang's dark motorcycle was suddenly side by side with Mu Miao Tian's silver motorcycle. Two extremely fast beams of light, one black and one white, were like phantoms of meteors, so fast that it was dizzying to see. Only two beams were visible. The opposing beams of light were violently colliding left and right as if they were eager to get rid of the other side. The friction between the locomotive and the locomotive splashed out brilliant but extremely dangerous sparks, and the passage driven by the white wolf was the outermost one. If he were to be like this If Mu Miao Tian crashed into it, he would fall off the mountain with the car and the people. The shouts of the people around him become even more crazy——


 "Kill someone, knock it down, knock it down!!!"


 "come harder! Hit him down!!!"


 Following the crazy shouts of the crowd, Hei Tong and Bai Tong squeezed out of the crowded crowd. They saw Bai Lang and Mu Miao Tian fighting with each other. They were obviously about to reach the finish line, but they seemed to regard each other as a thorn in their side. As if, we must fight to the death! What's even more frightening is that the murderous intent in their eyes is no joke, but the two of them have already planned to eliminate each other in this car race!


 Bai Tong grabbed Hei Tong's suit sleeve. She, who was as white as a porcelain doll, frowned and said, "Little Hei Tong, it seems that our two masters have a really good relationship!" They both wanted each other to die! "Little Hei, go out and stop them. If this continues, it's not a joke!"


 No matter which side it is, they can't lose!


 "Idiot, are you sick?! I'm a delicate person, how can I possibly hit a motorcycle?!"


 Just when Hei Tong and Bai Tong were arguing with each other, the cheers from the crowd became even louder. Bai Lang and Mu Miaotian crossed the red line at the finish line at the same time. The two of them were racing without any incident, except that each other's motorcycles had been damaged. The skin was peeled off due to wear and tear, the rearview mirror was rotten, and the skin was rubbed off on both hands, but it could finally be called 'safe'!


Taking off the silver-white heavy helmet, silver hair as long as the Milky Way waterfall poured down. The intense and exciting racing made Mu Miao Tian break out in hot sweat, making his soft and beautiful body even more charming, but his bright red lips stood out. He said extremely cold-bloodedly: "Do you know why I want to kill you? I installed a small camera in Wanwan's house. I know her every move. You appear! It makes me very unhappy!!!"


 This wolf is so tough that it can't even hit him like this! Damn it, it's so damnable! He spied on his people!

 The heavy black helmet was thrown to the ground heavily, and the white wolf with a cold and handsome face roared like a bad wolf from his thin lips. With a cold and handsome face, he rushed to Mu Miu without saying a word. In front of Tian, ​​a strong arm suddenly lifted, and he punched Mu Miao Tian's delicate and beautiful face firmly. His golden and blue pupils were completely bloodshot. He said fiercely and bloodthirstyly: "You***! How dare you spy on Wanwan!!! Wanwan is mine, you, a lowly male, are not worthy of even touching her!!!"