Chapter15 A knife on the head of the word "sex"

 Mu Wanwan felt that her sleep was very deep and sweet.

 The dazzling sunlight refracted into the house through the thin white gauze curtains, illuminating the warm and cozy little house. When Mu Wanwan was awakened by the sunshine outside the window, the clock had already pointed to ten o'clock in the morning——

 "Ah ah ah -" A series of deafening screams shattered the warmth and tranquility of the small house. Mu Wanwan, with messy hair and a pale face, hurriedly opened the hands of the white wolf that hugged her tightly, and said hurriedly: "Bai Lang, let go, I'm going to be late!!!"

 Ahhhh! She hasn't shown up at school for a whole week. If she doesn't show up today, the professor will stomp on her sooner or later! Damn it, doesn't Bai Lang's biological clock usually wake up at six o'clock on time? Why are you still sleeping today?!


 "Well... you are late if you are late. Whoever dares to bully you, I will beat him..." Bai Lang, who came back just before six o'clock in the morning last night, is still half asleep and half awake, with a hoarse and sexy voice. She muttered all the words in her heart. The savage yet protective words made Mu Wanwan dumbfounded. She stretched out her snow-white hand and knocked Bai Lang's plump and beautiful forehead hard, and said angrily: "This What I said is right, if you don't let me get up, I will beat you!"

 Bai Lang's thinking is so barbaric that it makes people speechless...

"Well... All right..." The half-asleep white Wolf was actually very tired, but he could not bear to make Wood Mu Wanwan unhappy, and could only force his hazy eyes open and lazily raise his arms. The wide body and a few buttons of the black silk pajamas are unbuttoned to reveal a sexy and strong bronze bust. The white Wolf, who has not fully woken up, looks handsome and evil, and the looming lights are more sexy. 

 A "bang" sound made Bai Lang, who was still in a dazed state, wake up vigilantly, only to find that Mu Wanwan was no longer on the pure white bed, and her two-colored eyes, one gold and one blue, instantly It became clear, and there was a flash of... panic!

 "Wanwan...where are you?! Hey! Why did you fall under the bed? Why is your nose bleeding?" In just one minute, Bai Lang experienced a colorful and unpredictable life. In the first 0.01 seconds, I noticed that Mu Wanwan was missing. In 0.02 seconds, I was surprised to find Mu Wanwan lying under the bed. In 0.03 seconds, I saw blood spurting from Mu Wanwan's nostrils. In 0.04 seconds, I noticed Mu Wanwan's face. With her cute little crimson face, Bai Lang just thought that Wanwan was so interesting! It makes him even more unscrupulous, and there are always different surprises for him! so cute!

 Compared with Bai Lang's unpredictable and exciting psychological activities, Mu Wanwan only has one thing from beginning to end, and that is - He was so seduced by the white wolf that he knocked himself out of bed and even had a nosebleed...

 "What...what time is it?" Facts have proved that no matter how bad life is, Mu Wanwan still has the face-to-face!

Bai Lang carefully helped Mu Wanwan up, and then carefully looked up and down to see if she had been injured anywhere, and then replied slowly: "10:10."

 "Ahhhh - I'm late!!!" Mu Wanwan made a horrifying sound again but was calmly interrupted by Bai Lang: "Sit down, I will comb your hair, then go wash your face and brush your teeth, I will help you Prepare your clothes and breakfast. Come out, change your clothes, grab some bread, and rush out. You will be able to catch the 10:25 bus!"

 Mu Wanwan was stunned for a moment after hearing Bai Lang's calm and perfect arrangements. She sat down obediently and let Bai Lang comb her long hair which was as long as a chicken coop. It took her a while to react and said, "Hello, Bai Lang." So mighty!"

 "Of course!" Silly Wanwan, he is a wolf, how can he not be mighty?!

 According to Bai Lang's perfect arrangement, Mu Wanwan caught the bus on time and arrived at school safely, but... it still couldn't change the fact that she was already late!

 "Student Mu Wanwan! You haven't attended for almost a week. I thought I would deduct points if you didn't show up today! But it's fine now! Not only did you attend, but you also showed up late, double the deduction of points! "The old professor adjusted his glasses, and he struck quickly, ruthlessly, accurately, and fiercely! Short name: Cruel!

 The cry in Mu Wanwan's heart was unfair. Just when she was about to ask for mercy, a familiar voice sounded behind her——

 "What's so noisy?" Chu Lingfeng, who was dressed in red casual clothes, still couldn't hide the dazzling light on his body. His handsome face with a rich Western flavor had a faint expression, his red hair was bold and eye-catching, and his blood-red eyes were incredibly beautiful. His rare appearance immediately caused a sensation in the whole classroom!


 Chu Lingfeng, President of the student union. With a mysterious background like an aristocratic prince from the West, he is the target of many girls in the university town. However, he rarely comes to school, only once a month, or even once every few months, which makes him even more mysterious!

 However, it is rumored that every time Chu Lingfeng comes to school, the first person he looks for is always a girl named 'Mu Wanwan', so their ambiguous relationship has long been spread throughout the university town!

 "Chu, Chu, Chu, Chu..." The old professor saw Chu Lingfeng like he was seeing an eagle's chick, and he couldn't squeeze out the last word "Lingfeng"!

 Chu Lingfeng glanced at the old professor lightly as a warning. The intimidating look in his eyes made the old professor change his mind and say kindly: "Classmate Chu Lingfeng."

 " Wanwan, do something wrong?" Not only did Chu Lingfeng look like a foreigner, he even looked like a foreigner in height. He was tall and slender and looked so tall standing behind the petite Mu Wanwan. He just looked like a foreigner. Like an eagle protecting its eaglet, he gently hugged Mu Wanwan's neck from behind, lowered his head, and was almost face to face with Mu Wanwan - the ambiguous and ambiguous behavior almost made people scream. !

 "But how could our Wanwan do something wrong?" Chu Lingfeng's indifferent tone revealed a hint of deep endearment as her slender fingertips gently caressed Mu Wanwan's snow-white and delicate face.

 Chu Lingfeng's words were meant for the old professor, and he was so frightened that the old professor quickly came to the rescue: "Yes, yes, classmate Wanwan has excellent character, and it is impossible for her to do something wrong!"

 It's terrible! "Chu Lingfeng" hasn't come to school for several months. He thought that "Chu Lingfeng" was tired of playing with Mu Wanwan. Who knew... the relationship between these two people is full of twists and turns!

 "In that case, I'll take her away." As he said that, Chu Lingfeng didn't even look at the old professor. He took Mu Wanwan's soft little hand and walked out of the classroom as if everyone inside was transparent. Yes, he only has eyes for Mu Wanwan!

 Mu Wanwan let Chu Lingfeng hold her hand and walk down the spacious and clean corridor. She pursed her lips and couldn't help but stamp her feet and said: "Chu Lingfeng, how good are you! Why didn't you tell me when you came back? I almost scared myself to death just now!"

 Chu Lingfeng was always like this, disappearing mysteriously for months. Although she was still very uneasy sometimes, he... always appeared just when she was almost unable to hold on any longer! She loves and hates it at the same time!

 Yes, just like the rumors in the school, Chu Lingfeng is the man she admires Wanwan!

 "Wanwan's birthday is coming soon. No matter how busy I am, I will come back because nothing is more important than you." Chu Lingfeng's unique and charming voice contained deep love——