Chapter 25: Complicity

 The targets that the "Red Family" wanted to hunt were Bai Lang and Mu Miaotian, but the chaotic streets and the panicked crowd made it difficult for the shooters hiding in the dark to target the positions of Bai Lang and Mu Miaotian, and they just wanted to move their positions. and the focal length in the direction, a small silver-white blade as thin as a cicada's wings came with a 'swish' sound and an instant kill at an extremely fast speed that was difficult to avoid. Because it was not suitable for long-range attacks, the attack power of the small blade was drastically reduced, and it was simply not enough. By piercing into the shooter's solid body armor, the sharp blade just brushed the shooter's only defenseless face——

 'Bang' The shooter guarding position A fell unconscious in an instant. The attack power of the small knife was indeed not enough to kill people, but the blade was coated with super powerful anesthetic. People with strong physiques could only use a little The hands and feet will become numb if they are stained, not to mention the injuries that seep into the wounds directly into the body?!

 One after another, the shooters guarding positions A, B, C, and D were tripped by the extremely powerful anesthetic-stained blade and fell unconscious instantly, which temporarily relieved Bai Lang and Mu. The crisis of Miao Tian being hunted gave them a chance to breathe and escape!

 A dance step spun lightly, and the silver-white kimono embroidered with fox patterns circled and flew with Baitong's graceful and agile dance steps. A small blade as thin as a cicada wing and as sharp as a cicada wing was accurately thrown out, as graceful as a pure white elf's Bai Tong's delicate and snow-white face was filled with a murderous aura, and she asked softly in a childish voice like a silver bell: "What time is it? Little Hei tong."

Hei Tong, who had been staying behind Bai Tong and watching her dance gracefully and shoot accurately like an elf, coolly folded his little arms and tilted his head to think about it. The usually domineering young man's voice softened a little. "...It's past eight o'clock."


 The implication is that I can't go back and watch... "Ultraman"!


 Yes, Bai Tong, who has a weird personality, has a perverted hobby, which is to catch up on the "Ultraman" animation that is broadcast at eight o'clock every night. This perverted hobby has been maintained for a year, and today - it is destined to Baitong and "Ultraman" are no longer destined to be together!

 Although Hei Tong has always been unable to agree with Bai Tong's aesthetic vision, Bai Tong is terrified after picking up the blade. He doesn't want to anger this little devil because of a movie called "Ultraman"!

 Black Tong's words made the murderous aura exuding from Bai Tong's little body even more fierce. She frowned slightly in displeasure and said in a childish voice, "Those two bastard young masters let my "Ultraman" It failed, the crime is unforgivable!!!" The sharp knife containing the killing anger was thrown out again, and the last target was also eradicated. Bai Tong, who was still in the stage of rage, suddenly turned around and rushed towards Hei Tong. He grabbed his little Tang suit in front of him and asked, "Where are those two bastard young masters?!"


 She has to avenge her Ultraman!!!


 "In..." Just when Heitong wanted to point out the location of Bai Lang and Mu Miao Tian, he discovered that the two people who were there a moment ago had now disappeared. Even Heitong, who had been keeping a tight eye on their movements, could not detect them. Escaped cleverly, Hei Tong hurriedly pulled down Bai Tong's hand that was holding on to him and ran out quickly, but he still could not find any trace of Bai Lang and Mu Mu Miao Tian. The sound of a motorcycle rang in his ears. Before Hei Tong could react, a black motorcycle passed by Hei Tong at high speed with excellent driving ability, just a hair away from him——



 The super fast black motorcycle quickly drove away, leaving only the solemn-looking Hei Tong in the chaotic crowd, and the Bai Tong who had just walked over!

 "These two bastard young masters are really capable!" Bai Tong, who was playing with the knife in his hand, had a simple and stupid character. He became bloodthirsty and cruel, and his words were no longer as timid as usual!

 He was able to escape from the surveillance range of the little Hei Tong's eyes silently. He was worthy of being the young master of their black-and-white family. He still had the strength he deserved!

 "Yes, but if the two of them left our domain like this, wouldn't they just follow Chitong's wishes?!" Hei Tong's dark chocolate-colored paws rubbed his chin in a mature and sophisticated manner and said thoughtfully: "We must follow up. Chi tong assassination cannot be just that simple!"

 Chi Tong is the smartest and smartest of the three boys. That guy has such great ideas, how could it be so simple this time?

 "No!" Bai Tong rejected Hei Tong's suggestion without thinking, and said disapprovingly with his small cherry mouth: "I want to go back to see my "Ultraman", and let those two bastard young masters die. !" So, after picking up the blade, Baitong is the devil among angels and Satan among demons. Now she doesn't care who lives or dies, she just wants to go back to see her Ultraman-sama!


 The little black claws clenched into fists. Hei Tong took a few deep breaths before he could barely calm down the urge to strangle Bai Tong. The sound of his teeth was almost squeezed out from between his teeth, "I'll record it for you." When the time comes, you can go back and watch again!"


 God knows what timing recording means. He doesn't understand foreign recorders the most, but the current situation doesn't allow Bai Tong to act arrogant. It's okay to lie, right?!

 "Really? Little Hei Tong, you are the best!" Hei Tong's words were undoubtedly a lifeline for Bai Tong. She flew around happily several times before smiling sweetly: "Let's go and save the young masters. !"


 ...The person who just now said he would let them die suddenly changed his attitude 180 degrees when he heard that he could still see her "Ultraman" when he returned home. Heitong was speechless for a while before wiping his sweat. , thinking to herself: If she doesn't have her "Ultraman" when she goes home, how about using his "Blue Cat" to replace her?!

 The black heavy-duty motorcycle moved away from the bustling business district at an extremely fast speed. The person driving the heavy-duty motorcycle was a white wolf who rushed straight into the green light without looking at the red light. And of course, the person sitting in the back was Mu Miao Tian!

 The fierce wind blew away Mu Miaotian's beautiful silver hair, making him look both beautiful and wild. He looked at the Bai Lang's straight path and frowned: "We can't go back to Wanwan's house. This will bring trouble to her." Hurtful!"

 Since the goal of that group of people is to assassinate them, if they go back to find Wanwan now, they will harm her!

 "I know!" Mu Miao Tian didn't need to remind Bai Lang that he would not be stupid enough to choose to go home at this time. The black heavy-duty motorcycle made a smart turn and turned into a relatively remote industrial area!