Chapter 28 Who is more important 2

 "Little fool, how could I lie to you? My heart has been fascinated by you for a long time, and I will never be able to leave your hands." Chu Lingfeng's charming voice was calm, but it gave people the feeling But it seems like he is swearing!


 He once thought that he had no heart, and now he still has no heart, but it was just for Wanwan!


 Women like to listen to sweet words from their lovers. Mu Wanwan is just an ordinary little woman. Of course, she can't resist Chu Lingfeng's sweet promises, but what Mu Wanwan can't resist even more is - Chu Lingfeng's heartbeat. She snuggled tightly in his arms and heard his steady and powerful heartbeat so clearly that she felt that these were not lies, but words truly coming from the bottom of her heart!


 "Chu Lingfeng, forever, forever, I will hold your heart forever!" Mu Wanwan repeated the word 'forever' again and again, and suddenly found that she liked this word very much!


 She seems to be more and more inseparable from Chu Lingfeng, this man who makes her feel distressed and reassures her as if everything was destined from the moment she met him, they belong to each other!


 Mu Wanwan and Chu Lingfeng hugged each other tightly, and they were intimately connected without any gaps. The faint light in front of the door shrouded them, forming a hazy and beautiful picture full of love and sweetness. 


 "What...are you doing?!" A voice as cold as if it had fallen into an ice cellar suddenly broke this sweet beauty and forced its way in!!!


 The familiar voice instantly woke up Mu Wanwan who was intoxicated in Chu Lingfeng's arms. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked uneasily at the handsome but gloomy white wolf standing in front of the door, her heart suddenly went to him. Shaking it off, he said with a pale face: "Bai Lang"


 Bai Lang finally came back, but... she came back at this time. Chu Lingfeng was here. What should she tell Bai Lang?


 "I ask, what are you doing?!" As if he couldn't hear Mu Wanwan's voice, Bai Lang almost roared, his terrifying eyes staring at Chu Lingfeng's hands holding Mu Wanwan tightly. , as if he was going to pounce on them and tear them alive at the next moment!


 Damn it, damn it!!! Why should other men touch you? Why should you cling to other men's arms? Wanwan... I want to destroy you!!!


 In this way, no other man will dare to touch you in the slightest!


Looking at the subversive and terrifying look in Bai Lang's eyes, he is like a ferocious wolf that will pounce on the enemy at the next moment! Mu Wanwan's face turned pale and she bit her lower lip uneasily. She didn't know what to say. Her intuition told her that if she revealed her relationship with Chu Lingfeng at this time, Bai Lang would kill Chu Lingfeng without hesitation. Windy!!!


 what to do?!


 "Bai Lang, I -" Mu Wanwan wanted to say something vaguely, but was interrupted by Chu Lingfeng reaching out -


 "I am Wanwan's man. Are you qualified to ask what we are doing?" Chu Lingfeng, who had always turned his back to Bai Lang, slowly turned around. He was always arrogant and unruly. Looking at the white wolf in front of him who was filled with the aura of a brutal beast, he said lightly.


 It's not a provocation, because Chu Lingfeng never bothers to provoke. He was just stating the facts from a high position——




 "You -" The moment he saw Chu Lingfeng, Bai Lang's handsome but angry face changed slightly. He clenched his fists tightly with his big hands and tried his best to restrain the tense nerves and anger that filled his body with compassion! Because his natural wolf instinct told him that he was no match for this man now. This man is like the lion king in the forest. He is no match for this man now. If he goes head-to-head with him... he will only lose. It's just him!!!


 Is this man... the man from the racing day, called "Chu Lingfeng"?! It was this "Chu Lingfeng" who sent people to kill him just now, and it is also this "Chu Lingfeng" who is occupying Wanwan now!!!


 damn it! It turns out that this man had planned it a long time ago and was just waiting for him to fall into the trap he had prepared, just like a fool!!!


 The bloodshot eyes of the white wolf, one golden and one blue, gradually faded away. He looked at Mu Wanwan, who was blocked behind by Chu Lingfeng, with only a timid little head exposed. The rage that was about to destroy him gradually subsided. , but his knowing eyes were locked on Mu Wanwan's delicate but slightly pale face, tightly wrapped around her like a chain, and the magnetic voice asked unusually calmly: "Wanwan, is it true? ?"


 Is Chu Lingfeng your man? Wanwan, you have to think carefully before answering, otherwise... I will destroy you severely!!! Destroy you until you can no longer accept a man other than what he thinks you are!!!


 Bai Lang's overly calm voice made Mu Wanwan tremble with fear for some reason. There was a voice in her subconscious telling her that this problem was very serious and she must not answer randomly... She must not even answer: "Yes!"! Otherwise the consequences...may be beyond her imagination! But--


 Mu Wanwan's pale face looked anxiously at Chu Lingfeng who was standing in front of her, her bright starry eyes flickering hesitantly. However, Chu Lingfeng was her man, how could she deny it in front of him?!


 Why...shouldn't be like this! Her relationship with Chu Lingfeng should not have anything to do with Bai Lang. It should be said that Bai Lang should not stand between her and Chu Lingfeng. She doesn't love Bai Lang!!!


 After thinking about everything, Mu Wanwan's chaotic mind suddenly became clear. Her white hands tightly grasped Chu Lingfeng's slender and strong arms, and she replied in a light and quick voice: "Yes, Lingfeng is my man.", my favorite person."


 That's fine, I can take this opportunity to explain all this to Bai Lang. She and he... don't belong to each other!


 "Really..." Bai Lang's faint voice was so low that it was a bit scary, like a bottomless lake. It felt a bit weird! He was tall and strong and lowered his head, like a poor child who had done something wrong and was waiting to be forgiven. He seemed to have turned back into the 'Bai Lang' who regarded Wanwan as his heaven and clung to her with love. , the inexplicable fear in Mu Wanwan's heart gradually weakened——


 "Wanwan, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me about what happened this morning, okay?" The white wolf lowered his head so that the expression on his face could not be seen clearly, but the pleasant voice full of grievances made people feel distressed. ! Mu Wanwan's subconscious defense against White Wolf was instantly defeated!


 However, Mu Wanwan, who was very nervous, did not notice that Bai Lang's apology was just something that made her cry in the morning, not her and Chu Lingfeng's matter at this moment!!!