Chapter 31: Break you hard

 The dark room was filled with hot and sizzling air. With the help of the faint moonlight reflected from the floor-to-ceiling windows, I could vaguely see the two people entangled on the pure black bed, as well as the messy sheets——



 "Wanwan..." A magnetic and lustful male voice sounded in the dark room, murmuring the name he loved most in his heart obsessively, which seemed dangerous and made people think wildly!



 "Xiao Bai, what are you doing?! Get up!!" Mu Wanwan, who was pressed heavily by Bai Lang, gasped for pure breath on the bed, her soft white hands tightly resisting Bai Lang's strong chest. She pushed forward to resist him, trying to get him off her body. She was almost out of breath. Her red mouth opened and closed to breathe. It was unexpectedly seductive and wanted to lick and kiss her. The Bai Lang was also really After doing so, she couldn't resist the fatal temptation and without hesitation leaned down on her handsome but evil face, her hot lips pressed heavily on Mu Wanwan. Without any defense, she half-opened her red lips, and her long and domineering tongue went straight in. , brushing her lips gently with his lips, sucking her sweetness feverishly! As if she was his most cherished treasure and he was afraid of missing any corner, his kiss was crazy, hot, obsessed, and intoxicating! It seems that he has infinite persistence to take her as his own!



 The sudden and crazy kiss from Bai Lang completely frightened Mu Wanwan, leaving her confused and unable to understand what was going on. She was just stunned for a long time!



 Bai Lang, the man she picked up...the man she treated as a younger brother. They shouldn't be like this. What went wrong?!



 "Xiao Bai... don't!" Taking advantage of the gap between her small mouth, Mu Wanwan hurriedly turned her head away to avoid Bai Lang's intrusive and shocking kiss. Her soft hands resisted desperately and she waved her hands randomly. Trying to drive him away, my legs kept kicking. How could we know that such behavior seemed to further arouse Bai Lang's hidden wolfish cruelty and predatory nature?



How could the petite Mu Wanwan's weak strength be compared to the overwhelming strength of the Bai Lang? Soon, Mu Wanwan's slender hands were easily captured by the Bai Lang with one hand. He raised them high above her head, separated her legs with his knees, and completely pulled the petite and pitiful Mu Wanwan away. All imprisoned under his tall and strong body!



 "Xiao...Bai Lang, don't be like this, you are like this... I'm so scared..." Looking at Bai Lang's bottomless eyes, Mu Wanwan's heart suddenly tightened and she kept twitching. She was beating wildly, her long black and smooth hair had long been scattered on the bed, her pale and frightened face was like a baby that could be broken when pinched, her starry eyes condensed with water vapor shone pitifully, Mu Wanwan looked like It's like a pure sacrifice to the devil! It can also stimulate a man's hidden animal desires, making him want to break her even more!



 "Wanwan, you are so beautiful!" Bai Lang was completely obsessed with the helpless and innocent Mu Wanwan; he couldn't help himself and didn't want to! His handsome face, glowing with crimson lust, nestled deeply into Mu Wanwan's snow-white and sweet neck. He sniffed deeply, stretched out his tongue to lick evilly, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's so beautiful. I can no longer control myself!"


 On the big black bed, which was messy and full of lust, a tall and strong young man occupied the delicate and boneless woman under him. He restrained the woman's slender hands domineeringly with one hand, preventing her from moving at will. A big hand roamed and caressed the woman's graceful body. The long and dexterous fingers penetrated the obstructing clothes. When the hot palm covered with thick calluses touched the woman's soft and delicate skin, the young man's breathing became stronger. The hair is thicker as if it is about to burst out, and the handsome face is extremely red!



 The Bai Lang's generous and hot palm caressed Mu Wanwan's snow-white and tender skin endlessly, and the flat belly extended to the plump and elastic chest. The extremely wonderful feeling in the palm made Bai Lang's two-color eyes, one gold and one blue, darken. Deeply, she lowered her head and rubbed Mu Wanwan's soft breasts through the thin clothes. She became more and more obsessed and couldn't help but murmur: "Wanwan... it's so comfortable. The soft flesh of Wanwan's breasts makes me feel happy." I feel so comfortable. This is something I have never felt before. Sure enough... Wanwan is the most special. Only you can make me have this strange but extremely comfortable feeling..."



 Wanwan's body was soft and slippery, with an alluring aroma, which made him feel extremely comfortable. He wished he could stick to Wanwan's body like this for the rest of his life, never wanting to leave for a moment!



 Although the Bai Lang who grew up in a wolf pack has understood the difference between men and women, he has not yet mastered the real sex of men and women. He just relied on his instinct to keep rubbing against Mu Wanwan. His limp body became increasingly hot and unbearable, and his handsome face secreted a few beads of sweat, making him look extremely sexy and charming!



 " body feels so weird, so hot! It feels so uncomfortable!" Bai Lang half-squinted his eyes, enjoying the ultimate comfort brought by lust, but he also didn't know how to vent the lust that was about to explode, so he could only continue helplessly. Rubbing Mu Wanwan's soft body, her movements became more and more rough and urgent, like a child who couldn't get candy. With a sudden change of heart, she impatiently grabbed one of Mu Wanwan's soft little hands and pulled it down. Put the trouser chain inside her crotch, forcing Mu Wanwan to hold the big guy inside which was so swollen and painful!



 The moment her soft little hand touched the huge foreign object, Mu Wanwan's delicate face turned frighteningly pale. Her pair of big, watery eyes stared blankly at the Bai Lang pressing on her, half-narrowing his eyes in self-reflection, and screamed in disbelief. She screamed: "Ahhhhh!!!"



 "Let go...Bai Lang!!! Let me go!!!" Mu Wanwan, who was frightened by Bai Lang Meng Lang's actions and breathless, desperately tried to struggle to grasp the palm of her hand but was controlled tightly by Bai Lang. She couldn't get rid of the 'thing' in her hand at all. She could only turn her head away and closed her eyes in despair, bit her lip, and sobbed: "Bai Lang, I hate you to death, I hate you to death!!!"



 How could he force her to do such a thing? Such a secret place... She... was held in her hand? Oh my god... this kind of thing has never happened to her, even Chu Lingfeng, but with Bai Lang...