Chapter 34 Shura in the Blood 2

 Young Master Bai Lang, is the master of their Black family, possessing absolute self-confidence, arrogance, and unrivaled bravery!



 If Master Bai Lang can survive today, then in the future... he will become the strongest master of their Black family, and he is willing to be loyal to Master Bai Lang!



 "Aren't you going to do it? If you don't do it first, then I will start it!!!" Chu Lingfeng, who has always been worried about Bai Lang's affairs, suddenly had an unfathomable expression on his handsome face, and his high-end suit was straight He suddenly lunged forward, and as soon as he raised his strong fist, Bai Lang felt a sharp pain on his right cheek, which made him almost tilt and fall. The Bai Lang with half-squinted eyes could not see clearly in front of him. In such a situation, his wolfish vigilance made him instinctively step back repeatedly to avoid the danger!



 "What? Are you scared after just one punch?" Chu Lingfeng elegantly tidied up the messy suit on his body while approaching Bai Lang's position step by step. It was obvious that he had no intention of letting him go. His blood-red eyes were as if Cold electricity!



 "Tsk!" Bai Lang spat out a mouthful of blood, wiped the broken corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and glared at Chu Lingfeng who was getting closer and closer to him, his thin lips pursed tightly!



 Damn it, why couldn't he see this man's action, so fast... Couldn't even he, who is so perceptive, see it?!



 hateful! This man is really strong!



 Is that why Wanwan wants this man instead of him?!



 When he thought that the man Mu Wanwan chose was Chu Lingfeng instead of him, Bai Lang started to run wild and lost control. He glared at Chu Lingfeng with fierce eyes and roared: "Stop looking down on others, who will be afraid of you!! !"



 As soon as Bai Lang finished speaking, he rushed forward quickly. The speed was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Without strong physical strength, it would never be possible to reach such a speed. Between the two of them, you punch me and I punch you. The legs are moving back and forth, and it looks like no one is taking advantage, but in fact - the Bai Lang is at a disadvantage!



 Bai Lang's left arm moved dexterously, narrowly blocking the attack of Chu Lingfeng's fist, but - the bones of his hand made a "clack" sound beyond the load, and Chu Lingfeng's fist was like a hammer! It's very heavy, so heavy that even Bai Lang's body can't bear it!



 What is this man's body made of? Surprisingly, so heavy!



 "It seems that the beasts in your forest are very weak!" Chu Lingfeng's slender and straight legs kicked out sharply, hitting Bai Lang's abdomen hard, causing him to lose consciousness immediately, and all the nerves and limbs in his body were shaken. He became numb, and his tall and strong body was shaky, but Bai Lang's stubborn will forced him to fall to the ground on one knee, gasping for breath in pain!



 "I've said it before, you're no match for me, you're too weak." Chu Lingfeng's calm voice didn't have any trace of the messiness from the fight. He was still frighteningly calm, and his handsome face didn't even change his expression. , still arrogant and unruly, just as he approached the Bai Lang, the anxious voice of the black boy interrupted his elegant steps——



 "Wait a minute, do you want to kill our young master? This will make you the enemy of the Sanselie family. Have you thought clearly?!" Heitong knew that negotiating with Chu Lingfeng was stupid, but He had no choice now. Young Master Bai Lang can't defeat Chu Lingfeng, and Young Master Tian can't do it either, and Bai Tong... must end it as soon as possible! "You...what do you want to do to let us go?!"



 "What do you want?" Chu Lingfeng's red eyes darkened slightly as if he were meditating and calculating something. He finished thinking perfectly in almost 3 seconds, "Remember what we did before? A deal? Both you and Bai Tong owe me something, now is the time to fulfill the deal."



 "I don't have to kill you two young masters, but the only condition is that you take them back to the Sanselie family immediately and imprison them in the family for five years. They cannot step out of the Sanselie family within five years. Half a step out of the family door!" Chu Lingfeng's blood-red eyes flashed with a cold light, and her charming voice said coldly: "If they dare to take even half a step out of the door, I will destroy them immediately!"



 Five years, five years! He wants Bai Lang and Mu Muotian to disappear from this world for five years. After five years, he and Wanwan will be together forever, and what happens to the Sanselie family has nothing to do with him!



Chu Lingfeng's extravagant demands made Heitong's eyes widen and he said in disbelief: "What? You want us to imprison our master!? How is this possible!" And it's still such a long time of five years, damn it! This...isn't this an insult to their black and white family?!



 Moreover, Master Bailang and Master Tian are not willing to go back to the Sanselie Family at all!



 "Oh? Is this rejection?" Chu Lingfeng smiled disapprovingly, reached out took out a second small and exquisite pistol, and shot the semi-exhausted Bai Lang in the shoulder without looking. One shot as a warning! He said coldly: "I'm sorry, I, Chu Lingfeng, have never been rejected! My next shot may be in the head."



 Humph, you want to negotiate with him, the black boy is overestimating his abilities!



 "I understand, I agree to your request!" Hei Tong knew that he had no choice. To save the lives of the two young masters, even if it was an excessive request, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and nod in agreement!



 Just shut it down, just five years! At least in the past five years, the lives of the two young masters will be safe. In five years, the black and white families will make the two young masters more powerful than Chu Lingfeng!



 "Remember what you promised, otherwise I will still have a way to kill them." Putting the pistol back into his clothes, Chu Lingfeng looked at the injured Chitong beside him and said, "Let's go, Chitong." As he said, Then he walked into the Rolls-Royce carriage with elegant steps, and Chitong followed suit.



 The crimson Rolls-Royce quickly disappeared, and only the injured Bai Lang, Mu Miutian, Hei Tong, and Bai Tong were left in the silent industrial area!



 As soon as Chu Lingfeng left, the Bai Lang who had been barely supporting his body fell to the ground unconscious and passed out. Even though Chu Lingfeng shot him in the shoulder, the Bai Lang still didn't say a word. He was indeed very stubborn, but in The Strength is not Chu Lingfeng's opponent!



 The rising sun gradually rose, brightening the darkness of the night. Under the faint morning light, two young men, one black and one white, were lying on the road in the industrial area, one behind the other. The bright and warm sunshine shone brightly. It brightened up the beautiful faces of the two people and softened the stiffness on their faces. For the first time, I discovered that black and white can be so close!



 "Little Hei Tong, what should we do?" The injured Bai Tong was extremely uneasy. Although Chu Lingfeng had left, the fear in her heart was still there. She leaned on Hei Tong's little body, frowning weakly. asked.



 Do we want to imprison the young masters in the Trisele family for five years? Five years... can drive a person crazy!!!



 This... will the young masters still be willing to agree with her and Heitong?



 "We have no way to refuse. None of us are Chu Lingfeng's opponents. If we didn't agree to his request just now, we all know what the consequences will be!" The sullen Heitong bit his lip and said in confusion: "Master, this is the first time for me... to be insulted like this!"



 Not only did Bai Tong get injured, but he also almost lost the lives of the young masters. It was really in vain that he was the "number one boy" in the Sanse family!



 "Little Hei Tong..." Holding up Hei Tong's injured and bleeding little hand, Bai Tong licked the blood stains on his little palm distressedly and said trustingly: "It's none of your business, it's that man who is so terrible. No matter what our abilities are, Xiao Heizi is the strongest among the three of us, there is no doubt about it."



 If Little Heidi hadn't protected her just now, she would have been killed by Chu Lingfeng's gun. Sure enough... She still can't do it without Little Heizi, she's not mature enough!



 After licking the blood on Hei Tong's little palms cleanly, Bai Tong, who was as delicate and beautiful as a porcelain doll, frowned and asked, "Then what are we going to do next?"



 No matter what problems Bai Tong encounters, the person he asks will always be Black Tong. He may have become dependent on him. The relationship between the black and white families is not that friendly, but the relationship between the two little boys is unexpectedly friendly. !



 "Right now, we have to take the two young masters back to the Sanselie family first. Fortunately, Chu Lingfeng made them both injured and unconscious. Otherwise, we would have to go through a lot of trouble to take them back!" He slowly stood up from the ground. Heitong stroked his sore eyebrows and said with a headache: "Then they will be imprisoned. At least for the next five years, they will never be allowed to step out of the gate of the Tricolor Family!"



 Otherwise, Chu Lingfeng would do what he said!!!



 It seems that he and Bai Tong will have a headache for five years. These two young masters are not easy to serve, let alone imprisoning them! I can't imagine what will happen next!