Chapter 39 Another woman 2

 You must know that Bai Lang is not the master of their Black family, and he is not qualified to order their "Black Division" to do things! If it weren't for being so annoying and being pestered by Bai Tong, she wouldn't have broken the principles of their "Black Division"!

 Yes, this cool-looking Jian Bai who looks like an extremely strong woman is in the seventh seat of the Hei family's "Black Master Corps", commonly known as Beast Tamer!

 She can tame and tame any ferocious beast one by one, and even make them loyally obey only her!

 The iron door flowing with the current was opened, and Jian Bai, who was dressed in a smart black suit, walked in calmly and expressionlessly. The iron door was immediately closed the next moment, and Bai Lang and Jian Bai were the only ones in the ridiculously large room. There were two of them, and the two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, one was full of defensive vigilance, and the other was cold and calm!

 "I don't have any weapons on me, so you don't have to guard against me. Besides, I'm no match for you in terms of fighting or physical strength. I have no ill intentions towards you." Looking at the alert Bai Lang, Jian Bai calmly reported his "Harmless", his eyes looked straight into the Bai Lang's two-colored eyes, one golden and one blue, with no intention of turning away!

 Once avoided, it means that the animal taming has failed!

 Looking at Jian Bai who was approaching step by step, the Bai Lang let out a wild beast-like roar of 'low' from his lips and teeth. His deep eyes were full of cruel and murderous intent, which was extremely scary and made people stop in their tracks! But Jian Bai still approached Bai Lang firmly step by step, her dark eyes always looking at Bai Lang's ferocious bloodshot eyes, never looking away for a moment!

 Bai Lang, who was holding his hands tightly, seemed to be trying his best to express sympathy for something, and all the muscles in his body were tense. The next moment, he suddenly picked up the antique table lamp next to the bed and threw it at Jian Bai without thinking. Got it!!!

 The antique table lamp hit Jian Bai's slender body with a bang. The accessories were scattered on the ground, and Jian Bai's originally smooth forehead was bleeding. She could avoid it, but she didn't choose to avoid it. , just calmly withstanding the malicious attack of the Bai Lang!



 If you want to tame a ferocious beast, you must let it let down its guard against you and make it believe in you!

 "As I said, I have no ill intentions towards you." Jian Bai calmly took out a handkerchief from his suit and wiped the blood on his forehead. His cold voice hit Bai Lang's fatal point: "I have no intention of attacking someone." It is not the principle of wolves to launch malicious attacks against strong females!"

 The wolf will only attack, attack its enemies! And they will not touch things that are not malicious or harmful to them!

 This is the harmonious symbiosis in the wolf philosophy: to survive, wolves have always maintained a harmonious and symbiotic relationship with the natural environment and do not participate in unnecessary disputes and conflicts.

 And Bai Lang inherited this, so he didn't attack her the moment she came in, but struggled for a while before choosing to attack her!

 Jian Bai's words made Bai Lang fall into silence, and Yingqi's brows also furrowed tightly. He was dissatisfied that he had broken his long-standing principles for the sake of a lowly female! 

"I think we need to talk so that you can be more clear about your future goals." Looking at Bai Lang, who had gradually become more vigilant and defensive, Jian Bai knew that the heat was right, so he found a chair and sat down, looking at Bai Lang. With a slightly avoidant look, he said calmly: "Do you want to go out?" 

 "Nonsense!" Although he will not attack Jian Bai again, it does not mean that the Bai Lang can accept Jian Bai. The only female he can accept is currently Mu Wanwan!

 "In this case, it is necessary for me to tell you that you will not be able to leave the "Three Colors Family" within the next five years." Jian Bai folded her slender hands on her knees and said matter-of-factly.

 Since they have offended the "Chi Family", Bai Lang will only be killed if he goes out!



 Jian Bai's formulaic words angered Bai Lang. He jumped up from the bed and glared at her coldly and indifferently. He gritted his teeth and said, "What did you say? I'm going to be locked up here for five years!? What a joke!" !!"

 He doesn't want to die. He has to escape no matter what method he uses. If he can't see Wanwan for five years, he will die or go crazy!!!

 And five years later...that man may have gotten Wanwan...

 Faced with Bai Lang's rage, Jian Bai remained calm and calm: "I'm not joking, because if you lose, you have to pay the price. This is the law of the jungle, and I think you are familiar with it."

 How could Bai Lang, who had been raised by wolves since childhood and lived in the forest for so long, not understand Jian Bai's truth? Losing in the forest meant death, but now in the human world, if he lost... he would also have to pay a relative price!

 But... he wants to go back to Wanwan, he doesn't want to leave Wanwan!

 All the principles have been explained and the effects are in place. Jian Bai looked at Bai Lang who was deep in thought and asked calmly: "I ask you again, do you want to go out?"

 Bai Lang, the future master of their Black family, is a very interesting man. He is surrounded by the aura of beasts. She likes it!

 Glancing at Jian Bai coldly, Bai Lang's dark and handsome face snorted uninhibitedly: "Nonsense."

 "If you want to go out, then our goal is clear!" As if she had been waiting for Bai Lang's words for a long time, Jian Bai stood up decisively and walked to Bai Lang, stretched out her hand to him, and said tactfully: "We Cooperate! In these five years, our Hei family will do our best to train you. As long as you can become the master of our Hei family in five years, everything you have lost today will be our "Black Master" in five years. We will do our best to get you back!!!"

 As long as the Bai Lang has enough ability to become the master of the Black Family, then their "Black Division" will not have to be in a state of being unable to intervene, and the Chi Family will no longer dominate!

 Five years from now, it will be a new situation!



 "Including Mu Wanwan, can I get it back?" Bai Lang's two-colored eyes, one gold and one blue, were filled with deep whirlpools. Having completely calmed down, he threw out his only and most important condition!

 "Yes, including Mu Wanwan." Although Jian Bai didn't know who Mu Wanwan was from Bai Lang, it was no longer important. What was important was that Bai Lang was willing to cooperate with them!

 "Okay, let's cooperate." Bai Lang stretched out his generous hand and said coldly and expressionlessly!