Chapter 45 Five Years Later 6

 "Ah? Bai Jiyu has also come to N city? Where are the others? Why are you the only one?" Bai Tong turned his little head and looked around, but he couldn't see Bai Jiyu and the seven people from the "Black Division" Figure!



 Aren't the Black Division supposed to protect the Master of the Black Family at all times? Why is it missing?



 "Forget it, that bastard master acted willful again and came here without saying a word. The "Black Division" and I only found out last night, so I rushed over first to see what it was. Situation!" Thinking of Bai Jiyu, whom even Jian Bai couldn't tame, Heitong couldn't help but get a headache, and his trigeminal nerve was twitching tightly!



 What a troublesome master! Are you so impatient to come back? It must be because of that woman named 'Mu Wanwan'. God knows that woman is Chu Lingfeng's fiancée. If the Hei family gets involved in this matter again, it will be a mess!



 Chu Lingfeng will get violent!



 Just as Hei Tong was deep in thought, his big black eyes silently glanced at a fat middle-aged man not far away who was staring at Bai Tong next to him with a lustful look on his face. His sinister eyes made Hei Tong Tong frown in displeasure. He stretched out his black claws and pulled the overly beautiful and eye-catching Bai Tong behind him. He stared at the fat and wretched man with dark eyes, and said in a childish voice: " Why are you looking at this perverted uncle? If you look at me again, I will chop off your eyes!"



 Humph, disgusting fat thing! No matter what, this little idiot is the one he is protecting. Can such a low-level person look around?!



 Originally, the cruel words uttered by a 13-year-old boy had no lethality at all, but it happened that that person was a well-trained black boy. He was worthy of being the head boy of the "Tricolor Family". What he said The aura was different. He was not limited by his childish age at all. Even an ordinary grown man could not match his fierce aura. Soon the fat and wretched man ran away!



 Because Heitong's dark eyes are not what a 13-year-old boy should have!



 "Ho ho ho, little Hei Tong is so awesome!" Bai Tong, who was watching the excitement, clapped his hands with joy looked at Hei Tong with admiration, and said in admiration!



 Woohoo - if she could have the courage of Little Heizai, she wouldn't have to be 'abused' by Master Tian three times a day and late-night snacks!



 "Of course, who do you think I am!" Listening to Bai Tong's admiring praise with satisfaction, Hei Tong raised his head and proudly said like a man. Then he thought about it and realized that something was wrong. He slapped the back of Bai Tong's head hard and said, "Get out of here! You were taken advantage of by that wretched uncle just now, why are you so stupidly happy here!"



 What a heartless little idiot! He didn't understand how an idiot like Bai Tong could pass the test of the "Bai family" boy. He could make her angry to death at any time!



 "What does it matter? If he takes a look at it, you won't lose a piece of flesh." The timid Bai Tong is usually a 'pacifist'. Of course, she who picked up a knife is a 'violence advocate'! The two-faced person may be the kid Bai Tong!



 "This is a matter of principle, principle!!!" The black boy was pulling his luggage and walking while teaching the white boy beside him, especially emphasizing the word 'principle'!



 "Oh..." Bai Tong, who was following Hei Tong step by step, said "Oh" in an elongated voice, and then quickly added: "But I don't have any principles to abide by!"



 There is no moral integrity, maybe he is also talking about Bai Tong!



 ...After being speechless for a long time, Hei Tong raised his head at a 45-degree angle, half sad and half bright, and forced out three words: "You win!"



 Therefore, when a principled child faces a dishonest child, not only will he lose speechlessly in the end, but he will also be left speechless by being angry!



 Under the bright sunshine, the tall black boy in a Chinese Tang suit and the petite white boy in a Japanese kimono were walking side by side. The two of them were talking to each other, and their little figures were pulled away. The two people, who overlapped each other for a long time, but whose clothes and colors were completely incompatible, looked particularly harmonious and warm under the bright sunshine, as if they had always been getting along like this!





The taxi stopped in front of the International Wedding Dress Shop. After paying the fare, Mu Wanwan stepped out of the taxi. She looked at the time on her watch, her pink lips slightly raised a sweet smile, and she walked into the wedding dress easily. It's in the library——



 The moment Mu Wanwan opened the door and entered the bridal salon, a pure black Rolls-Royce sped over at great speed and stopped in front of the international bridal salon. The handsome man sitting inside had a gloomy look on his face. Seeing Mu Wanwan push open the door and walk in, her hands holding the steering wheel tightened, and the veins popped out. It was obvious that the rage in the man's heart had reached an indescribable height!!!



 Bai Jiyu unbuckled his seat belt without thinking, opened the car door decisively, and stepped out of the car, intending to go in and snatch Mu Wanwan back, but - his inevitable train of thought was interrupted by a phone call!



 Bai Jiyu, who originally didn't want to answer the phone, saw that the person on the caller ID was Jian Bai. He hesitated deeply and finally answered the call. His unhappy voice was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly! "Don't waste his time taking Wanwan away!



 "Don't go looking for Mu Wanwan!" Jian Bai didn't hesitate and went straight to the topic!



 Almost as if his body was rejecting it instinctively, Bai Jiyu decisively replied with three words in the next second: "Impossible!"



 If he doesn't find Wanwan, does he want him to watch Wanwan marry Chu Lingfeng and become another man's woman?! impossible!



 "Calm down, you can't come forward directly in this matter! Mu Wanwan is Chu Lingfeng's fiancée. She is already half a member of the Chi family. How can you, as the head of the Hei family, steal Chu Lingfeng's woman? What?" Jian Bai, whose thoughts were spinning very quickly, suggested calmly and succinctly: "Don't mess around now, wait until the people from our "Black Division" arrive, and we will come forward! I promise you, I will treat Mu Wanwan. I snatched it back for you before the wedding, so you go back now!"



 With their "Black Division" coming forward, the worst-case scenario would at least shirk the responsibility for this matter to them, and the best-case scenario would be that Mu Wanwan, this woman, could be completely wiped out! However, it doesn't work! Bai Jiyu seems to care about this woman very much, so he can only snatch her back and imprison her!