Chapter 56 The Bandit6

 As a 'little meat ticket' who was kidnapped by Bai Ji yu and came here, she just had a fight with the bandit boss and his boss, and in the end, that guy even ignored her directly, and was holding a sulk in her heart, and then there was a cold female ghost behind her, and the stuffiness burned even more vigorously, but there was nowhere to go but to hold it until she vomited blood from her internal injuries!



 Infinite cold air surged from behind, and Mu Wanwan, who had been silently frozen for a full hour, suddenly paused, turned to look at Jian Bai, who was silent behind him, and said heavily: "That... Miss, you don't have to follow my ...."



 Boss Heroine, spare her! Stop staring at her back with such cold eyes that are about to freeze to death, do you know how much pressure this is?



 Even if she really wanted to escape, the guards here were so tight that she couldn't fly out even if she had wings!



 "No, my master told me to follow you step by step. A cold face replied formulaically, his cold eyes were still cold enough to freeze a person, of course, that person was Mu Wanwan is also!



 This is revenge, it is definitely revenge! Mu Wanwan, whose face was full of black lines, listened to Jian Bai's formulaic indifferent voice, which was called a gritted teeth! The woman's subconscious intuition told her that the cold and glamorous woman in front of her definitely didn't like her very much, and she could feel that Jian Bai didn't like her from the moment they met, until now at this moment, this obvious feeling of hostility towards her became even stronger!



 Why? Why does she have to be hostile to the bandits' subordinates when she was innocently kidnapped! This still doesn't let people live, she should be the one who is hostile, right, this woman is good, as if she owes her tens of millions of debts!



 Taking a deep breath, Mu Wanwan clearly told herself not to be angry, not to be angry with a cold woman, that would only be self-inflicted, but your mother's dear! The old lady is holding back so hard! It's not easy to be a 'little meat ticket' these days! But the problem is that the scoundrel bandit used to be her mother's little brother! This ungrateful bastard guy!!



 "Where is the most precious place here?" Mu Wanwan, who was burning with anger, suddenly burst out with such a sentence-



 One room.



 A room full of antiques.



 A room full of priceless antiques.



 An antique room that can be sold for money that will last ten lifetimes.



 At the same time, this priceless antique room is facing a new revolution - cleaning!



 'Bang', an antique vase belonging to the Qing Dynasty has been broken!'Hiss', a calligraphy and painting belonging to the Tang Dynasty has been torn apart!'Bang', an ancient jade belonging to the Song Dynasty has been shattered!



 Mu Wanwan, who was sitting on the antique gem seat, had an antique teacup in his left hand and an antique glass jade in his right hand, threw it with his left hand, threw it with his right hand, and instantly destroyed two priceless treasures.



 In fact, these bodyguards are all powerful and want to suppress a little Mu Wanwan, but they don't dare to step forward to suppress it, even Miss Jian Bai next to her just folded her hands and let Mu Wanwan vent and throw it, how dare they say anything! Not to mention that this woman is covered by their master, and if there is a complaint, she can only swallow it in her stomach!



 It can only be said that women nowadays are not easy to offend! If they are offended, they will die every minute! Look at how much this pile of broken pieces is worth, this is not enough to kill!!



 "What about Bai Lang?" Mu Wanwan, who threw another Yuan Dynasty grinding inkstone, turned his head and asked boredly Jian Bai, who was standing silently on the side, with a soft and glutinous voice, like a cat, so weak and powerless, and so destructive and terrifying!!



 Boring, boring, so boring! I don't know if she destroys a little more, will she be angry when Bai Lang comes to see it? Then kick her out, hehehe!



 Coldly watching Mu Wanwan throw away another precious antique, Jian Bai, who folded his hands, was still calm and indifferent: "The master will be here soon." "



 Hmph, I really don't understand what's so good about this woman who doesn't understand etiquette?



 "Oh. After answering lightly, Mu Wanwan seized the time to destroy several precious antiques one after another, and when the bodyguards saw that they were about to have a heart attack, their master and their savior Bai Ji yu finally arrived!



 Oh my God, master, master, boss! Hurry up and stop the horrible destruction of this terrible woman, this fragile soul will be scared to death by life! After all, every flick of her hand is worth millions or even tens of millions!



 "What's going on?" As soon as he came in to save Bai Ji yu, who saw the antique fragments all over the ground, he frowned heroically, and asked in a low voice unhappily, not reluctantly, but more worried!



 Really, some damn bastard smashed these things, if ...



 Mu Wanwan, who suddenly interrupted Bai Ji yu's train of thought, raised her slender Bai Hao's arm high, and said in a vibrating voice: "I threw it!"



 Feel distressed, feel distressed, no matter how you say it's worth a lot of money here! So, if you're distressed, hurry up and take her out, it's not uncommon for her to stay here!



 "Wanwan!" Bai Ji yu let out a deep whisper, his slender and straight legs hurriedly walked to Mu Wanwan who was sitting on the big jewel seat with big strides, and his broad big hand wrapped Mu Wanwan's soft and snow-white little hand in the big palm, carefully examined it, and found that he was not injured before he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Wanwan, these things are not valuable, don't throw them with your own hands next time, what if you are stabbed by a fragment!"



 He'll be distressed, if Wanwan's hand is pricked by these old waste!



 "..."Bai Ji yu's words that normal people couldn't understand successfully made everyone present fall into a deep silence, including the initiator Mu Wanwan!



 Normal people can't say such things, could it be thatBai Ji yu is not a normal person?!



 In fact, it can't be all blamed on Bai Ji yu, after all, he has grown up in the forest since he was a child, and he has no interest in these 'dead things' who have no attack power and can't fill their stomachs, even if these 'dead things' are worth a fortune!



 "What, what, what!?" Mu Wanwan, who was dozens of beats slower to react, looked at Bai Ji yu dumbfounded and stammered.



 Oh my God, did she have auditory hallucinations? Otherwise, how could she have heard such things that were not in the right plot? Bandit boss, can you be a bit of a kidnapper leader, she should deal like this with you?!



 Looking at Mu Wanwan's stunned and stunned little touch, Bai Guanyu's gloomy mood gradually became enlightened this morning, he hooked Mu Wanwan's delicate but still stunned face with one hand, and his sexy lips sucked deeply on her soft lips, and his sexy and intoxicating voice whispered in a low voice: "Wanwan, don't be angry." If you want to throw it, ask them to throw it for you!"