Chapter 61 Suggestion Hypnosis 2

 "A woman who can become the mistress of our black family must have a noble bloodline and genes that can perfectly match your master so that you can breed offspring that can be as good as your master. "They will select excellent women of different nationalities around the world, and then send them back to the headquarters of the 'Tricolor Family', and then their experts will conduct a six-month genetic examination, bloodline verification, wisdom test and other aspects of screening, and finally the one who stands out will be qualified to become the future mistress of their black family!



 "Hmph! gene, bloodline, then I've been in the forest for 18 years, all genes and bloodlines have been destroyed, and I'm not going to be your master now!"



 "How can you be compared to others? You are our black family and ..." One of the emotional elders on the screen seemed to have stepped on some taboo point, and suddenly stopped his voice, his face was pale with a weak heart! It was so dangerous that he almost said something he shouldn't have said!!



 In short, Bai Ji Yu is different from anyone else! It should be said that no generation of masters of their Hei family can compare to Bai Ji yu! Bai Ji yu is the essence of their entire Hei family...



 Looking at the patriarch who wanted to stop talking, Bai Ji yu's heroic brows furrowed slightly, and a trace of doubt passed in his heart, and his wolfish intuition told him that this group of old men must be hiding some secret! For example, when he was still a baby, what would he be in the forest?



 A long and contentious meeting began—



 On the other side, Mu Wanwan, who was walking aimlessly, rarely sent someone to follow her like a ghost in the past few days, Mu Wanwan simply walked all over this incredibly big castle, although it is unlikely to go all over, but it is boring anyway, it is better to walk around and move your muscles!



 Mu Wanwan is not stupid, although Bai Ji did not send someone to follow her closely, she would not be stupid enough to think that this is an opportunity to escape, after all, this ancient castle is very well guarded as if protecting the president, it is simply difficult to fly!



 Therefore, after a long time of thinking about it, Mu Wanwan continued to wander around this castle boringly!



 The delicate red rose garden attracted Mu Wanwan's attention and also retained her boring footsteps, she half-squatted down and supported her cheeks with her hands fascinated to look at this sea of fire-like dazzling flowers, smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, the fiery red roses reminded Mu Wanwan of - the red Chu Lingfeng!



 "It's beautiful, this red rose. A handful of immature boys' voices pulled back Mu Wanwan's wandering thoughts, she suddenly raised her little head, and her bright starry eyes looked at the handsome boy in a red suit in front of her in confusion, and said in a soft voice: "Are you?"



 Is this boy also the maid next to Bai Lang? Wow, even a little maid is so handsome, it's damn!



 "My name is Chitong, Miss Wanwan. Holding his chest with one hand, the handsome Chitong performed a beautiful etiquette to Mu Wanwan who was squatting on the ground like a gentleman, and said with a smile on his pink lips: "Miss Wanwan can live here safely?"



 Did Bai Ji touch the master's woman?



 The sluggish Mu Wanwan thought that Chitong was the person sent by Bai Ji to test her, pulled the corners of her mouth, raised an unnatural smile, and said with a dry smile: "Hahaha... OK... It's still ...."



 If that pervert didn't go into heat, she would be better!!



 "That's-" Chi Tong's pure black eyes glanced at the hour hand on his watch, and said quickly, "So Miss Wanwan wants to get out of here?"



 The guards here are very tight, and the time for his illusion control is almost up, and there is no way to take Miss Wanwan away with his ability alone, he has to find a way!



 "Uh... What are you talking about?" Mu Wanwan looked vigilantly against the handsome red boy in front of her, and didn't dare to take his words! What if he was sent by Bai Ji Yu to test her?



 If that guy knew she wanted to leave, she wouldn't know what was going to happen!



 Chi Tong, who has been by Chu Lingfeng's side for many years, has become more and more skillful in reading people's minds, and seeing Mu Wanwan's hesitation in his heart, he smiled elegantly and said, "Miss Wanwan, please rest assured." Chu Lingfeng is my master, I am here to help you on the orders of my master, and I will take you out of here and return to my master's side. "



 'Miss Wanwan' must hurry back to her master, or the people of their 'Red Family' will soon be overwhelmed, because during this time the master's temper has become so terrible that it can be said to be cloudy and sunny, oh no!



 Even he couldn't bear it anymore, and if he didn't get 'Miss Wanwan' back, sooner or later he would be shot by his master!!



 Chi Tong's words made Mu Wanwan bounce up all of a sudden, looking at the handsome but still childish Chi Tong, he said in disbelief: "You are the person next to Chu Lingfeng?"



 One... Teenage boys?



 Oh my God, what is Chu Lingfeng's career?!



 "Yes, Miss Wanwan. While calculating the illusion control time, Chi Tong succinctly explained to Mu Wanwan: "Anyway, Miss Wanwan just needs to believe in me, do you want to leave? "I think very much, even he can detect the more and more inconvenient emotions of his master!



 Do you want to leave? or do you want to stay? When it came to the moment when she was faced with a choice, Mu Wanwan was a little hesitant again, she could return to Chu Lingfeng's side if she left, but Xiao Bai would definitely ... Hate her!



 However, she and Bai Lang can't go on like this! If they continue like this, the three of them will be distorted, and they should be distorted before they are distorted... Cut off all this hesitation!



 Suppressing the strong uneasiness in her heart, Mu Wanwan clenched her fists with her hands and said calmly: "I want to leave!" "



 If her encounter with Bai Lang was a mistake, then it's up to her to end it!



 Hearing the satisfactory answer, Chitong neatly took off the contact lenses in his eyes, looked directly at Mu Wanwan's starry eyes with no whites of his eyes, and said coolly: "Look at my eyes, don't look away." "