Chapter 77 The Scarlet Wedding 4

 An incredible scene was staged, the man who was still shooting with a pistol just now sat down obediently the next moment, he paused in consciousness, and then jumped up and said maniacally: "Damn, Jian Bai, you play with me!"



 Lei Li, who belongs to the dog of the zodiac, doesn't know what the reason is, every time Jian Bai asks him to 'sit down', his body is obedient and obedient to sit down, more obedient and fast than a puppy!



 Lei Li, 26 years old, height 190, gender male. Blind in his right eye, he is a world-famous shooter, with a relatively irritable personality, but in front of Jian Bai, he can only obediently 'sit down' like a puppy!



 Although Lei Li is blind in one eye, please don't doubt his superhuman eyesight, as long as Lei Li participates in every assassination operation, he will decide that it will be 100% successful, and there will be no 1% deviation!



 It's still a 'big' room, but it's already home to too many of the world's most dangerous people, like now—



 A handsome man with an FBI inspector's license on his chest was taking the license and talking on the phone: "What? Found the den of the assassination of madman Lei Li? Okay... You guys are ready to prepare for an ambush, I'm not in the United States now, so I'll leave the hunting operation to the captain to deploy!"



 As soon as the mobile phone was turned off, the heroic man casually threw his FBI inspector license to the ground, turned his head, looked at Lei Li, who was still yelling with Jian Bai, and shouted: "Lei Li, your nest has been lifted by the FBI again, go find a second nest by yourself, and find me a more secret place! Don't let me wipe my ass every day!"



 That's right, this heroic and righteous man is the legendary Mission Impossible, a double undercover agent! He is not only the FBI's counter-striker but also one of the black terrorists who secretly helped!



 Sure enough, there are no wonders in the world!



 Chi Hao, 29 years old, height 192, gender male. The FBI's Counter-Strike Inspector advocates justice, but most of the time he uses violence to solve problems⊙⊙!



 ; The Tricolor Family is divided into black, white, and red families, and the Black Family is undoubtedly mixed with the underworld, it is not only as simple as the ultimate underworld but also mixed with the god-level of the world's most wanted gold list, so to avoid too many head-on conflicts with the FBI, as the smartest and calmest Chi Hao in the "Black Division", he is undoubtedly the strongest one in history! 


 No need to ask, it's still in this 'big' room—



 On the high-end soft leather sofa, there was a very sloppy and unkempt man asleep, the man's face was full of stubble and his sleeping posture was extremely indecent, at this time he was lewdly wrapping one hand around his lower body, chanting in a dream: "Wife, I still want to ... Don't stop... Keep taking off, oh! you're so beautiful..." (save nearly a few thousand words here)



 Zong Ming, 35 years old, height 195, gender male. A married uncle with a wife and a daughter, how ordinary his usual life is as ordinary as is, how much waste material there is, a standard favorite wife, Zong Ming is a waste of material in ordinary times, but he is helplessly the first place in the "Black Division Group", the strongest leader of the whole group, and the strongest man in all the members, referred to as Uncle Waste Material!



 One foot stomped on the steel-hardened stomach of the scrap uncle sleeping on the sofa, and then stomped on it desperately, as if he wanted to step on the scrap uncle's belly, and finally the sharp silver light flashed, and a sharp knife slashed down at the scrap uncle's stomach with lightning speed, and Zong Ming, who slept like a dead pig, flashed unconsciously, and the whole person slipped down the sofa, easily avoiding the 'murder' of the master of the knife!



 "Cut, I've been found again!" A handsome, aura, noble, beautiful man pursed his mouth in disappointment, put the sharp knife on his shoulder, and glanced at the wastewood uncle who rolled to the ground and was still sleeping soundly, the beautiful man stepped on him unceremoniously one foot, and shouted in a half-tone voice: "Uncle Zongming if you don't wake up, I will abuse you!"



 This is a handsome, aura, noble, and beautiful man, elegant as a noble prince, he is not only a master of swordsmanship, but also a real prince, with half Arab blood, half Penglai blood He is a little prince of a certain country in exile!



 Zuo Yan, 24 years old, height 186, gender male. The identity is the little prince who is exiled to a certain country, his nature is black, and it can even be said that he is seriously distorted, extremely fond of bloody violence, what he wants most is to kill the wasted uncle and become the first seat of the head of the "Black Division", with a personality horror index of 90%, and has a serious ** super abusive tendency!



 But the princely Zuo Yan is a veritable S (abuser), if it is described from the perspective of Tanmei, Zuo Yan is a violent attack! ghost animal attack! scum attack! twisted attack! beast attack!!



 In short, it's a ** prince who is abused for abuse!



 These are the 7 members of the famous "Black Division" of the black family, they are the terrifying 7 people in the underworld with strange abilities and personalities, and they are also the 'nobles' on the global international wanted list, controlling the dark illegal smuggling transactions around the world, arms, diamonds, biological and chemical weapons, and assassinations are a series of dark businesses under the black family!



 Of course, compared with the top three on the global international wanted list: Lucifer, Qiao Fei, and Hades, the three world-class horror predators, the seven of them can be said to be small jasper!



 The double-layer door was pushed open, and a black boy in a black Chinese Tang costume walked in leisurely with his hands in his sleeves, his big black eyes looked at this smoky miasma and a strange atmosphere pinched his eyebrows and said with a headache: "Can the seven of you give the master a little more normal!"



 Really, what kind of place is this? What are you doing here if you don't go to the hospital for surgery, why don't you go to your room to sleep here, and what is that thunderous gun shooting!!