Chapter 79 The Scarlet Wedding 6

 Trap Chu Lingfeng to death in the cathedral to see who spends a little longer than whom!!



 Klein Xiao K is not good at hand-to-hand attacks, and his fighting ability is also very weak, so even if he plays, he will only be beaten, but he is the most terrifying military talent!



 After Xiao K was so thoughtful that the foolproof battle plan was distributed, Bai Yuyu refused, "No." He looked at the location of the environment outside the car, and his two-color eyes, one gold and one blue, flashed a sharp light, and redeployed: "Zuo Yan and Xia Er's positions are reversed, Zuo Yan are guarding the car, and Xia Er and Zong Ming are attacking together!"



 The structure of this cathedral is different from that of ordinary churches, and the interior of the cathedral must have been remodeled, if he guessed correctly, there was an escape route!



 Chu Lingfeng is a scheming man, no matter what time he is, he has paved a completely back road for himself!



 However, when he meets him, Chu Lingfeng is going to be finished today!



 "The car is a hundred meters back, right here, don't move!" Bai Yuyu ordered coldly.



 The extended version of the Rolls-Royce docked in front of an empty park according to Bai Jianyu's order, and even the tactical genius Xiao K couldn't understand Bai Jianyu's intentions, "BOSS, why?"



 Once Uncle Waste and the ** Prince join forces, they are the most powerful partners in combat effectiveness, why did the BOSS transfer Zuo Yan to replace the perverted Charles...?



 "Here, it's the second exit. Bai Yuyu looked at a humanoid stone statue in the empty park, he looked confident, and all the illusions couldn't escape his sharp eyes!



 The person who came out of here would not be Chu Lingfeng but would be ... Mu Wanwan!



 Sure enough, Xiao K, who was prompted by Bai Jianyu, also quickly thought of this, and he admired the cold and handsome Bai Jianyu who was leaning on the leather sofa with admiration, and he recognized this boss even more in his heart!



 The boss obviously doesn't have a computer in hand, but he can instantly perceive the uncoordinated environmental arrangement around the cathedral, and follow the subtle clues, but he can accurately find the second exit, and then calmly make a new configuration!



 If the person who came out of this second exit was Chu Lingfeng, the perverted Charles decided not to be Chu Lingfeng's opponent! Of course, if the boss himself went up, the result would be different!



 However, this is the worst plan! If they could, they decided not to let the boss play in person, first, they couldn't let the boss be in the slightest danger! Second, if the boss showed up, the fight between the black and red families would have to be moved to the international stage! Third, the true face of their black boss must not be on the international stage, otherwise the first place on the global terrorist wanted list would probably be the boss himself!



 Oops, sure enough, they are still at a loss when they are responsible for manipulating the global dark business, if it weren't for Chi Hao's super mission impossible FBI cover, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I would have been invited to coffee by the FBI!



 Especially Lei Li, I don't know how many times the nest has been lifted by the FBI, and the funniest thing is that every time Chi Hao leads the team to lift the nest, it makes Chi Hao want to shoot Lei Li every minute!



 Hey, it's not easy for this generation to be black!



 "Assignment complete, go!" The slender five fingers made an unbearable sound of 'clucking' bones, and Bai Yuyu, who exuded a murderous aura all over his body, ordered calmly and in a low voice!



 The next moment, in the spacious compartment of the extended version of Rolls-Royce, there was only Bai Yuyu with a cold face, Xiao K, who was holding the computer and constantly typing commands, and Zuo Yan who was next to the side of the car!



 "I hope that the person who came out of here is Chu Lingfeng. Looking out the car window, ** Prince Zuoyan was inexplicably bloodthirsty and excited!



 If he kills Chu Lingfeng, Uncle Zong Ming's first position will be occupied by him!



 In the cathedral where the excitement was stained with joy and happiness, Chu Lingfeng, who was carried away by the happiness he dreamed of, obviously didn't notice that the terrifying crisis had come-


 The luxurious cathedral filled with the wedding march was filled with hundreds of people, the priest chanted words in a sincere and sincere voice on the stage, Mu Wanwan was dressed in a pure white wedding dress with silk as the base, and she held the arm of Chu Lingfeng, who was also wearing a white suit beside her, and listened to the priest's eulogy reverently and attentively, and then, after Chu Lingfeng and Mu Wanwan exchanged rings with each other, as long as the marriage certificate was signed with each other's words, the marriage contract between the two officially took effect in law-



Just when Mu Wanwan picked up the black pen and was about to sign her name, a bullet hit the marriage certificate she signed, and a large hole in gunpowder smoke was pierced through the table, which was a silencer gun, and she didn't hear any sound!!! 


 Sky... Oh my God, don't tell her... This is a real bullet!!



 The frantic shootout kicked off this terrorist attack -









 In the car on the other side, Xiao K took the hearing device and remotely assisted: "Lei Li, be careful not to hurt Mu Wanwan! We want to capture her alive, this is the boss's order!"



 Besieging Chu Lingfeng and capturing Mu Wanwan alive is the real goal of their plan!



 "OK! Received! Tsk, it's just that bullets that don't hurt people are really hard to aim!" Lei Li, who was shot in an ambush in the dark, responded to Xiao K's order while holding a blocking rifle and aimed at Mu Wanwan and fired wildly, the bullets were all missiles, and the bullets only deviated by one millimeter and all fell on Mu Wanwan's side, and the gorgeous custom-made wedding dress and long hem were also shot out of a few holes!



 Mu Wanwan, who was surrounded by bullets, couldn't move at all, her whole body was covered with the smell of bullets and gunpowder, she hugged her shoulders and exclaimed: "Chu, Chu Lingfeng!!"