Chapter 92 The Wedding Night 4

 Help! She doesn't want to have sex with Bai Yuyu, she's going crazy, she feels like she's going to die now, and she's uncomfortable to death...



 "No... Bai Jianyu, you let me take a break... I'm going to die..." Mu Wanwan's low crying voice was pitiful and helpless, her crimson and charming little face was wrinkled fiercely, she kept shaking her little head to make her congested head sober up, and her hands were already completely numb when she was tied up for N hours!



 Oh my God! she's going to die... He was tortured to death by Bai Yuyu..., a despicable man! She didn't want this ridiculous way of dying... Shame on you!



 Continuous love in the same position leads to blood circulation, cerebral congestion, and death?!



 This way of dying is too speechless!



 Help me... She doesn't want to continue to do it with this madman... It's not as comfortable as shooting her with one shot, this is simply abuse in disguise...



 Mu Wanwan squinted slightly at the blurred starry eyes, and there was a slight light on her thick eyelashes, although she couldn't see the bottom of Mu Wanwan's eyes, Bai Yuyu could also imagine that it must be full of pain.



 Bai Yuyu's handsome and evil face showed a subtle expression, both enjoying and tangled, the enjoyment lies in the fact that he loves the feeling of Mu Wanwan combined, the ultimate pleasure is about to overwhelm his whole body, so that he can't even ask for it, let alone stop, he is not even willing to stab for a moment! This feeling is fantastic, he has never had this crazy, comfortable, and fulfilling feeling, he is addicted, and he is reluctant to leave!



 But what Bai Yuyu was entangled in his heart was that Mu Wanwan looked painful, weak, and tired. Shouldn't he stop and let Mu Wanwan take a break? This very distressing thought for Mu Wanwan brushed through Bai Yuyu's heart, leaving a deep trace, but then it was deliberately ignored by Bai Yuyu!



 Now Mu Wanwan is his woman, she should satisfy his physical desires! What's more, why does she make him feel distressed?



 She just needs to make him comfortable!



 Mu Wanwan's helpless and delicate moaning voice was particularly clear and crisp in the dark room, Bai Yuyu felt a trace of strangeness in his heart, lowered his bright red handsome face, kissed Mu Wanwan's delicate collarbone, all the way down, her wet and hot lips contained her full elastic snow milk, sucking and pulling. The murder weapon under him, a little patient sprint, maybe it was this rare gentleness, and it was difficult to move a little and finally brought out some honey. It played a lubricating role, and the whole giant was moistened with water, and it moved forward even more.



 However, there is only one person who is comfortable in this endless love from beginning to end! First, the pain of breaking her body made Mu Wanwan, who has always been afraid of pain, turn her face white, and then what followed was Bai Ji Yu's brutal attack with no skill at all, and the crazy and savage possession of the same position continued all night, and now the damn man was still pressing heavily on her and gnawing her breasts! Mu Wanwan felt that she would be full of shadows for XXOO in the future...



 It's horrible!!



 "No... Got it... Stop, Bai Jianyu ... I'm going to break it..." Mu Wanwan almost cried and shouted, too much passion, too much discomfort, too much impact made her already muddy head become like mud, she almost wanted to open her mouth to beg Bai Yuyu for mercy, let him give him a shot to relieve him!



 If she keeps doing it, she thinks she'll hang up!



 Mu Wanwan's fragmented voice made Bai Guanyu, who was indulging in the frenzy of lust, a little sober, and the two-color eyes of one gold and one blue became round and shiny due to the influence of lust, bright and charming! Bai Jianyu, who pulled back a trace of reason a little, soon noticed that something was wrong with Mu Wanwan, Bai Jianyu almost didn't even have to think, and his body immediately reacted automatically and quickly untied Mu Wanwan's hands tied to the head of the bed, and hugged her whole person who was lying flat all night, and the part of the union between the two was never separated!



 Bai Yuyu's generous big hand gently patted Mu Wanwan's stiff and pale face, buffering her blood, and said in a hoarse and sexy voice: "It's useless, it won't work after just doing it for a while!"



 Bai Yuyu didn't admit that he was distressed and cared about Mu Wanwan, he just felt ... I feel that the rare sex is just disturbed!



 What a useless woman! However, didn't Jian Bai say that this kind of 'thing' is very comfortable to do? He does feel very comfortable, so why does Mu Wanwan ... It seems like... It seems to be painful!?



 It's only been done for a while?! Mu Wanwan wants to kill Bai Jianyu! What does it mean to have only done it for a while, and the sky is about to light up, okay? And she was still forced by him all night, does he have any humanity? In his heart, he has already whipped Bai Jianyu hundreds of times, but the idea is very full, but the reality is very skinny! Mu Wanwan, who was so tired that she couldn't even lift her little toes, nestled in front of Bai Yuyu's sweaty chest very spinelessly, and fell into a deep coma the next moment, not to mention the whipping corpse, even if she retorted, she didn't have the strength to say it!



 Her physical strength has been squeezed out by Bai Yuyu!



 Looking at Mu Wanwan who was unconscious sleeping in his arms, her little face was tired and pale, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned to prove that she was still unstable in her sleep! Bai Yuyu's handsome and evil face showed a complicated expression, when the extreme passion dissipated, all that was left was an indescribable bitterness, he carefully held Mu Wanwan's pale little face with both hands, and his thin lips kissed Mu Wanwan's red and gorgeous lips with extreme love, and sighed lightly with a fatal murmur-



 "Wanwan. "A sound so gentle that it almost melts everything.



 The gloomy sky has completely lit up, light has replaced darkness, and a new day has begun. However, in the master bedroom of this elegant castle, the two people who were tightly overlapping on the pure black bed had just fallen asleep-



 Mu Wanwan, who was deeply asleep in the past, was almost completely wrapped by the strong man behind her, her petite snow-white body was tightly embedded in Bai Yuyu's hot embrace, her slender white legs were clamped by domineering tongs, and her petite body was completely close to Bai Yuyu's strong male body, Bai Yuyu imprisoned Mu Wanwan in her arms in a state of complete possession, only letting her breathe the air with her palm-sized face, like a wallaby!





 Bai Tong's room, just like hers pure white as snow, the room is all white, and it feels so white that you can't even see a trace of dust!



 At this time, in this pure white room, a black boy dressed in pure black looked out of place, but it was particularly conspicuous! He leaned against the wall with his hands around and looked at the white boy who was packing his luggage, and said, "Are you leaving?"



 Mu Miaotian came to N City? Seeing that Mu Miaotian's motives were not pure...



 "Well, the master is almost here, I have to go to the villa to arrange a greeting!" Bai Tong replied softly while packing his luggage. Closing the white suitcase, the silver-haired white child's delicate side face was incredible, and her tender child's voice suddenly asked, "Little Black Boy, Chu Lingfeng is dead?"



 "Dead. That's what Uncle Zongming said. Originally, this was a secret belonging to their black family, but Hei Tong still told Bai Tong the truth he didn't mean to deceive her, or that he had never lied to Bai Tong!



 "And what about the red boy, is he also dead?" Bai Tong, who had been facing his pretty little face sideways, continued to ask, his childish voice revealing a faint sadness.



 Hearing this, Hei Tong subconsciously frowned his little thick eyebrows, and the cool little black face was entangled: "It should also be dead, Chu Lingfeng is dead, and Chi Tong can't live." "



 This is the fate of the tricolor boy, always following his master, loyal to him, serving him, protecting him, being like a shadow, and finally dying with his master!



 That's why the Tricolor family trained them!



 "Then the next person to die, is it you or me?" Bai Tong's delicate and beautiful little face was gloomy, she flickered her uneasy eyes and looked at the black boy who was leaning against the wall, and sighed heavily.



 She doesn't want to be an enemy with the little black boy, but if their master is an enemy, she can only obey his master's orders!



 "I'll just say why did you suddenly become so quiet, you were worried about such a boring thing!" The black boy slowly walked in front of the white boy, who was cool and handsome, stretched out his dark chocolate-complexed little hand, patted the white child's little head, rubbed her long silver hair, and promised: "Don't worry, I won't let you die." "