Chapter 94: I Am Priceless

 "Is bleeding from the place where you contain me between your legs?" Bai Yuyu's magnetic voice is really good, very sexy, and very sultry! Although he said erotic words, he didn't make people feel obscene, but it made a little woman feel that he was perverted to death!!



 "God, neuropathy... You, you're bleeding, your whole family is bleeding!!" I don't know if it's because I'm angry or shy, Mu Wanwan's delicate face is red, like a layer of tempting rouge, and the starry eyes have become bright and shiny like a small flame burning, and it's quite cute when I'm angry!



 Fuck your mother's legs, that's ... Is that... Bai Yuyu, a dead idiot, doesn't even understand the eldest aunt!?



 The more Mu Wanwan argued and explained, the more Bai Guanyu felt that she was hiding something, her heroic brows wrinkled unhappily, Bai Guanyu's tall body slid down, and the tip of her straight nose was only separated by a thin black silk quilt, sniffing the 'that' place where Mu Wanwan's legs were bleeding, and her tone was categorical: "Hmph! It's obviously bleeding, and it's hard-mouthed!"



He obviously smelled a sweet smell of blood, how could his nose be wrong! Mu Wanwan, a crazy woman, was bleeding and still muttering something! 


However, Mu Wanwan was injured 'there', was it because he 'did' too much last night?! 


 The more he thought about it, the more upset he became, Bai Jianyu definitely didn't admit that he was worried about Mu Wanwan, his slender big hand impatiently pulled the black silk quilt that Mu Wanwan was holding onto! Ying frowned, glared unhappily and said, "Let go, let me see!"



 What a troublesome woman!



 Mu Wanwan had already greeted Bai Jianyu's ancestors for eighteen generations in turn, but he was glared at by Bai Jianyu's domineering eyes, and the 'greeting' that he just wanted to slip out of his mouth retracted...! You... You... Bai Jianyu, are you sick !!?"



 And it's also a neuropath, a kind of pervert, what man wants to watch and like to watch a woman's menstruation! And why did she let Bai Yuyu see it, she was crazy!!



 Help me... Who's going to drag this madman out for her, she just wants a pack of sanitary napkins now...



 Glancing coldly at Mu Wanwan, who had a flushed face, the handsome and incomparable Bai Yuyu retorted coldly: "You are sick." "



 Attention! Heaven and Earth Wolf Heart! Bai Yuyu really didn't mean to praise and disparage Mu Wanwan, he just said it truthfully, because Mu Wanwan's 'that place' was bleeding, so she was the sick one!



 "I ... I... I ..." Mu Wanwan was refuted by Bai Jianyu so much that she wanted to cry without tears, and her throat was stuck hard, she felt that Bai Jianyu was absolutely deliberate, deliberately angry with her, and deliberately looked at her ugly!



 This sinister and despicable man!



 "Let me see!" The domineering tone is completely non-negotiable! Bai Yuyu didn't know what Mu Wanwan was awkward, where was she on her body that he hadn't seen, and now she was pulling the quilt to hide something!



 Hmph, it's still the same as before, it's just stupid!



 As a dignified and self-contained woman in the new era of the 21st century, Mu Wanwan is still unwilling to pull the quilt to make the final struggle, but how can she be petite, and even her strength is petite, how can she be compared to the mighty and strong Bai Yuyu, not suddenly, the pure black silk quilt that covers her shame was snatched away by force! The snow-white coquettish** under the strong contrast of the black sheets, it looks even more crystal white and tender, and it is so sexy that it is dazzling! Especially the little pink kiss marks on the body, which proves that this is a man who has just been killed. The little woman who has loved her fiercely!



 Bai Jianyu instantly held his breath, and even the stroking movement with his hands became gentle, as if he was afraid that a little force would destroy this snow-white and flawless beauty**, Bai Jianyu's slightly rough and big hand was gentle caressing, like a feather brushing through, which made Mu Wanwan tremble again and again, and a trace of moaning accidentally escaped from her mouth, she hurriedly bit her lower lip and held it!



 The white and tender legs were ruthlessly erected by the domineering man, and Mu Wanwan, who couldn't get rid of Bai Yuyu's domineering hands, could only close her eyes in self-abandonment, and decided not to look at it as a clean eye, and continue to be an ostrich to deceive herself!



 I remember who said that life is like a strong X, if you can't resist, then grit your teeth and accept it!



 This 'golden sentence' is very apt to admire the real situation of Wanwan!



 "Look, it's all bleeding, and it's hard!" Bai Yuyu's magnetic mellow voice was slightly hoarse, his slender fingertips touched Mu Wanwan's 'bleeding zone', the throat knot slid up and down unbearably, and the two-color eyes of one gold and one blue became dark and dull, and he said hoarsely: "It seems to be bleeding a lot, isn't it painful?"



 Last night, Mu Wanwan also bled out, but the amount didn't seem to be as much as today!



 Mu Wanwan, who closed her eyes stiffly, grabbed the expensive black silk sheets under her angrily with her snow-white hands, and her brain was constantly hypnotizing herself: she couldn't hear, she couldn't hear, she would never hear the words of that dead pervert!!



 Fuck your mother's legs!! just look at it, and say it after reading it! Bai Jianyu, you have a heart, you have a heart!!



 Just as Mu Wanwan was in her heart for the hundredth time, a thousand times to "greet" Bai Jianyu's family with the most 'strong' words, the bleeding flowers suddenly became hot, soft, hot, and wet...! Mu Wanwan suddenly opened her starry eyes full of shock, and screamed angrily: "Ahhh!!hhh



 How can you ... How can it be... Licking ... with your tongue Lick her where, perverted, perverted, erotic pervert!!



 The ambiguous sound of water filled Mu Wanwan's ears, and her facial features became particularly sensitive to the touch, and even her little toes turned pink all over her body, and she desperately pushed the restless head buried between her legs with both hands, and moaned in a low voice: "Don't ... Don't!Bai Yuyu, you're crazy... The blood there can't be licked..."



 That's the blood of women's menstruation, aren't men most afraid of this thing? Why did Bai Jianyu ... Sure enough, it's a man with a twisted mind!



 Body... It's weird, it's hot...



 "Can't you lick it? But... It's so sweet. Bai Yuyu, who had been buried in the 'bleeding zone' between Mu Wanwan's legs, muttered vaguely with the sound of licking! The handsome face had just been raised, and a burst of hot blood flowed out again, he frowned tightly, and his blood-stained thin lips became bewitching and evil, so sexy that it made people blush and heartbeat! "You have a lot of blood there, you have to call a doctor to stop the bleeding!"



 It's sweet, but it's the most important thing to stop bleeding with medicine!



 As soon as Bai Yuyu's words came out, Mu Wanwan immediately screamed, her delicate face was so red that she was about to drip blood, she trembled slightly, and whispered shamefully: "No need to call the doctor to stop the bleeding, I'm ... I can stop it in a few days as long as I use a sanitary napkin..."



 Mom, she has no face to see people, she has no face to live anymore!!