Chapter 96 Satan Who Seduced Judah's Fall

 Swearing without dirty words! Mu Wanwan is amazing enough! Comparing Jian Bai to a commodity that is only a little more advanced than a small sanitary napkin, is bold enough!



 I didn't expect Mu Wanwan, who seemed to be petite and afraid of things, to say such a meaty word, Jian Bai's pretty face changed from blue to red, like a color palette!"What a sharp-toothed woman, but do you think that here, you have the identity and status to talk about me?!"



 It's just a captive who has been captured, and a captive who has betrayed Bai Yuyu, who will treat her here!



 "I don't know! Your boss is really strange, he didn't abuse me or let you abuse me when he came back, but instead treated me like a princess and waited for me, I said that your group of people are sick in their thinking!" Or is it because I slept with him?"



 In the first round, Mu Wanwan vs Jian Bai, Wanwan won! (Continued from the previous chapter, Poison forgot to write this sentence, and tears ran from afar)


 In the deepest cell under the elegant castle, the ancient Roman cell, the surrounding walls are covered with all kinds of terrifying torture instruments, and the cell that is only kept bright by torches is particularly eerie!



Bai Yuyu, who was dressed in a black wolf-patterned suit, walked to the special cell with slender steps, followed by the ** prince Zuo Yan and the hacker master Xiao K! 


Zuo Yan is responsible for protecting Bai Jianyu, and Xiao K is of course responsible for investigating the men in the cell! 


 "Open the door. Bai Yuyu's cold voice was full of undeniable majesty, which made the bodyguards who had been closely guarding the cell for 24 hours immediately tense their nerves, and hurriedly took out a large number of gold, silver, and copper keys to put them together and opened the door of the special cell!



 This is a specially built prison cell, and the door of gold and steel can only be opened by gathering three keys of gold, silver, and bronze, all of which are indispensable! At this time, this special cell is imprisoned in the world's third most wanted "arms predator" Hades!



 The moment the door of Jin Gang opened, except for Bai Jianyu, Xiao K, and ** Prince Zuoyan, almost all the people guarding the prison were stunned, because the man sitting inside was really ... It's so wicked!



 Her long, beautiful black hair was tied casually at the side of her head, fastened with the silver ring of the cross. The man wears the simplest and roughest clothes, but it is still difficult to hide his rich temperament! The man has a demonic face that amazes and amazes the world, with snow muscles, eyebrows, green eyes, and blood-stained demon lips, thinking of the vampires in ancient Western legends! And the most contradictory, but most amazing, is that the man's bare white forehead is embroidered with a tattoo of a sacred cross, which is both demonic and pious!



 No one can tattoo a tattoo on his forehead, but Hades did, and he did not shy away from wearing such a sacred tattoo as a cross, which was completely contrary to his terrifying identity!



 At this time, Hades was reading the Bible in his hand with devotion and composure, holding a platinum cross hanging upside down on his chest in one hand, looking like a sincere and sincere believer!



 No one in the world would have imagined that the "arms predator" Hades, who caused a headache to the global international FBI and made the underworld fearful, turned out to be such a demonic and devout Christian!



 When the red lips of Hedes's demon blood read the word 'Judas', Bai Yuyu chuckled lowly, walked into the special cell, and sat opposite Hedes, his handsome face was calm and wise: "So, have you found Judas who betrayed you?"



 How could Hades, the crocodile who controls the arms trade in Central America, be so easily deceived? Unless, there is a presence of Judas within them, who sells the information of his trade to other gangs, or even other terrorist predators!



 Closing the Bible in his hand, Hedes, who was full of melancholy temperament, smiled gently but wickedly at Bai Yuyu, who was sitting in front of him, and said wisely and calmly: "Well, Judas has been caught by the tail, but what I want to find is Satan who seduces Judas to fall, and if you want to catch the predator, you must wait patiently, I am waiting for the moment when Satan falls." "



 Is this the new boss of the Black Family? Well, it's so young, and another terrible Satan is born!



 "He is Satan, so what are you? Jesus who saves the world?" Zuo Yan, the ** prince who was guarding Bai Yuyu's side, asked with great interest, this Hedes is much more interesting than imagined!



 He is a terrifying predator who does all kinds of evil, but he believes in the existence of Jesus, the most terrible devout Christian!



 "Isn't it funny that Jesus was resurrected three days after his crucifixion, and I was resurrected three days later?" Hades chuckled elegantly, but he had a different kind of enchanting appearance, like a poisonous Jesus!



 It was fun to capture Judas in the Order, but the shady manipulator was what he wanted, and he would dig him up at all costs!



 "Hades, 28 years old, height 188, gender male. Born in San Francisco, he is of mixed Chinese and American descent. When I was a child, the person I revered the most was Jesus, the most devout person was Jesus, and the person I longed for the most was also Jesus! At the age of 15, he joined the most powerful mafia in San Francisco at that time, sold the internal secrets of the mafia to the international government in one year, and completely collapsed the mafia that dominated San Francisco without much effort!"



 "And it is said that the boss of the mafia had been burned to death on a cross in the form of incineration before Interpol arrived! After that, the smuggling arms trade in Central America began to grow and become rampant, forming a terrifying force that cannot be ignored!" Klein K, who had been holding a laptop and slapping it, told the 'earth-shattering' experience of Hades's life in a series of words, and the tender little white face exhaled and said: "Fortunately, you did not join the FBI, otherwise our group of terrorists would have suffered!"



 From a certain point of view, Hades is a dark and righteous man, who destroys all dark and dirty enemies with methods that he thinks are righteous and bright!



 Terrible and distorted man!



 After listening to Xiao K's words, the red lips of the demon blood had been smiling, and Heides, who had been smiling, suddenly raised his emerald green eyes and stared intently at the immature little K like a sheep standing in the farthest position from him, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and he sincerely appreciated: "It's amazing, it is worthy of being listed as a person of the 'Black Division', it only takes ten minutes to dig up so much of my information, it shocks me." "



 It turns out that there is such an interesting child in the Black Family's "Black Master Group", but he knows too many people who will threaten him, do you want to eradicate this child before this?



 Hades's unsparing praise made the little white-faced immature little K blink, and he took a small step back without a trace, and said wittily, "I'm not an adult in law, I don't think Jesus will punish the seedlings of the country, right?"



 Hey, hey, his pupils are dilated, Hades, he doesn't need to be so angry, he's just telling the truth!" The emerald green pupils regained their bright verdant color again, and the moment Hedes stood up, the ** prince Zuo Yan vigilantly pulled out the sharp sword, but was suddenly stopped by Bai Yuyu beside him with one hand!!



 Zhang Chi's murderous aura gradually disappeared, and there were those with left faces, and more of them were from Hedis!