Chapter 98 The Head of the Eldest Sister

 "Playing games?" Mu Wanwan lowered her little head to the side, her bright starry eyes glanced at the white and tender little K, and then at the little Shoujun on the TV screen, and the evil thoughts in her heart suddenly appeared, and she said happily: "Wow!"



 Mu Wanwan didn't pay attention to Xiao K's words, 'The losing side is listening to the winning side', she was just pure boredom, and she was tempted by Xiao K's beauty!



 "So, let's play ..." Before the words Counter-Strike CS could be spoken, the words were resolutely interrupted by Mu Wanwan!



 Mu Wanwan jumped off the big bed and patted Xiao K's slender shoulder with a sinister smile: "Let's play the game of 'attacking'!"



 "Offensive and defensive games?" Xiao K, who is proficient in major games and computers, has really never played the so-called offensive and defensive game of Mu Wanwan, but as long as it is a computer game, it is a piece of cake for him, so he resolutely nodded and agreed: "Yes!"



 So, the tragedy of the "Black Division" No.6 began-



 An hour later, a hysterical voice came out of Bai Yuyu's bedroom, as if something was going on inside, which made people reverie!



 "Perverted! Perverted! perverted! You can take off your underwear like this..." said one perverted little K in a row, blushing and looking at the naked bl on the computer screen in shame, the hair in my heart!



 It turns out that this is the so-called 'attacking' cultivation game! Mu Wanwan is not a woman, how can a woman play such a lewd game?



 "Yes, yes, I'm perverted, you're pure, okay!" Mu Wanwan, who put down the laptop, looked at the beautiful and delicious little K with a malicious face, and said with a smile: "But I won you, little handsome guy." "



 It turns out that Mu Wanwan also has the potential to be an S (abuser)!



 Xiao K, who was poked in pain, beat him who had never lost on the computer since his mother's womb, looked at Mu Wanwan who was smiling in horror, and muttered, "That... What do you want me to promise you?"



 How could this be? He lost, lost to this perverted man-boy game? It's crazy!



 Blinking her bright starry eyes, Mu Wanwan, whose skin was white and delicate, looked like a pure college student, and she said in an extremely innocent tone: "You strip naked and dance a ballet in front of me!"



 The live-action version of Xiao Shoujun spinning the ballet in front of her, how exciting! It is much more exciting than the 18 forbidden comics she drew in the past!



 Xiao K, who had been stunned for a minute, suddenly closed the laptop and ran away as quickly as a tornado, shouting in horror: "Uncle Zongming, I met the legendary lewd aunt!!"



 The aftermath lingered, constantly echoing in the huge room—



 In the second round, Mu Wanwan vs Xiao K, Wanwan won!




 In the black-toned bedroom, Xiao K finally turned around, after all, as the sixth seat of the "Black Division", how could he give up and run away? Although he wanted to run away!



 Silently looking at Mu Wanwan standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looking out of the window, the bright sunlight draped a faint golden glow on her petite and delicate figure, making her look extremely soft and warm!



Klein Xiao K gradually fell silent, an ambiguous flush appeared on the childish pink-white face, his eyes were a little inseparable from Mu Wanwan's body, even though he didn't know what the reason was, but he just felt that Mu Wanwan was quiet... It's also quite beautiful! 


 It's like a petite woman's softness!



 "How long do you want to stand behind me and watch?" Mu Wanwan, who had been staring at Xiao K's overly focused gaze for a long time, couldn't help but turn around, wrinkled her little nose, and asked, "Aren't you still leaving?"



 If Bai Jianyu comes back and sees this handsome little guy chatting with her, he will probably lose his temper again!



 That idiot man, who dislikes her to the extreme, but wants to monopolize her forever, it is difficult to understand his thoughts!



 "But... I lost you, and I owe you a request..." The shy little k twisted his clothes uneasily, and his green voice showed how pure and innocent he was, "In addition to taking off my clothes and dancing ballet, I can agree to other requests..."



 Just don't go overboard... He wanted to teach Mu Wanwan a lesson, but now he has been taught back by Mu Wanwan, what a failure!



 Anyway, if you stick out your head and shrink your head, you will have to cut it down, so the longer it drags on, the more scared he becomes!



 "Hahaha!" Looking at Xiao K's shy and nervous little sheep, Mu Wanwan chuckled very unkindly, stepped forward patted him on the shoulder, and couldn't help laughing: "Little handsome guy, you are so interesting! Why are you so serious, it's just a game, it's no wonder I'll ask you to go to seppuku!"



 Does she look like an old witch? Such a handsome little guy looks like she has been forced into a prostitute. It's just a game, what is she doing so seriously...



 It's just that what Mu Wanwan doesn't know is. In the eyes of world-class terrorists, the so-called 'games' are all more serious and fatal, and it is considered lucky to accidentally break your hand and foot, and it is common for you to lose your life!



 Mu Wanwan's 'ordinary people's words' made Xiao K incomprehensible, and he was puzzled and shocked, and asked cautiously: "Do you mean to say that you don't want me to do anything?"



 Why did you let him go so easily? Mu Wanwan is such a strange woman! I remember that when he was 13 years old, he gambled on the 'death game' with other mafias, and in the end, he cut off half of the hands of the other organization's members! The game was no different from the tool of killing for him, and he played every game with his own life, but this woman Mu Wanwan said to him, 'Why are you so serious?'...



 For the first time, it felt so easy to 'play the game'.



 "If you have to do it, I don't mind if you strip naked and dance the ballet in front of me!" Mu Wanwan continued to repeat the request without giving up, not to mention how treacherous the smiling look was, and the starry eyes of the water spirit burst out with the color of a hungry wolf!



 This little handsome guy looks shy, but he didn't expect his thinking to be quite mature!



 Hearing this, Xiao K immediately blushed and his white face decisively refused: "I don't want it!"



 Who can do this thing of stripping naked and dancing ballet, it's too strange for a woman to make such a perverted request!



 "If you say no, then don't! It's just a game, and we enjoy the entertainment of the game, not the revenge after the game. Mu Wanwan looked at Xiao K meaningfully and said meaningfully.



 She is not a fool, how could she not know the purpose of this handsome little man for her? But is she so hateful? Why did she go out of her way to take revenge on her? Hey, it makes my sister feel sad!