Chapter 102 The Boss is a Pervert 2

 In the fifth round, Mu Wanwan vs Lei Li, Lei Li lost before fighting, and Wan Wan continued to win!



 Looking at Lei Li, who was lying motionless on the disc and was anesthetized, Mu Wanwan's red and glamorous little mouth opened wide, and he said extremely innocently: "Uh... Hahaha, I didn't mean to... I didn't expect this watch to aim automatically, it's amazing!"



 Oh shit, what just happened? She just pressed one of the black gems in this watch mountain, why did the one-eyed man get fucked down? She was innocent, she didn't do anything!



 "Wow! The eldest sister is so wise, in Chinese idioms, this is called "striking the east and hitting the west!" Xiao K, who looked extremely worshipful, obviously did not notice the unnatural stiffness on Mu Wanwan's face...



 "Yes, applause, applause. **Prince Zuo Yan was already speechless to Mu Wanwan, although he had long seen that Mu Wanwan was purely by mistake, and he was super lucky to kill Lei Li, but he had to admit that this woman was still quite fun!



 "The hosts, you are welcome to come and dine. The waiters serving the restaurant noticed Bai Yuyu's arrival for the first time and immediately stepped forward to greet him.



 Dressed in a black wolf-patterned suit, Bai Yuyu has just reached an alliance agreement with Hades, and he will be responsible for helping Hades dig out Satan behind the frame, and the reward after the deed is half of the arms smuggling business in the whole of Central America!



 He will share the smuggling line of Central America equally with the "arms predator" Hades!



 "What are you guys arguing about!" Bai Jianyu heard the lively noise in the restaurant before he walked in, his brows were already furrowed, and when he came in, he saw that Mu Wanwan was almost in a relationship with the members of the 'Black Division', and the remaining fifty percent were also wrinkled, he didn't like Mu Wanwan very much to be surrounded by other men, even if those men were his right-hand men!



 "Boss, you're finally back!" As soon as he saw Bai Yuyu, whose face was full of darkness, Xiao K subconsciously stayed away from Mu Wanwan, and a warning signal was put in his heart!



 The current boss, don't mess with it!



 An arrow rushed towards Zuo Yan beside Bai Yuyu, and he was disappointed to see the unscathed boss, and couldn't help but sigh deeply: "Boss, didn't Hedis do anything to you?!"



 Couldn't two top terrorists get together and do something terrifying? Why did the boss still come out unscathed, and Hedes, the Christian, disappointed him so much!!



 "Zuo Yan. Bai Jianyu glanced coldly at Zuo Yan, who was disappointed, and said in a magnetic voice full of majesty: "Two choices, go down to the basement to order punishment by yourself, or I will do it myself." "



 "Forehead ..." glanced at Bai Yuyu, who was handsome, and ruthless, Zuo Yan knew that their boss was angry, as for what reason he was angry? Zuo Yan thoughtfully glanced at the little woman who was still eating steak by herself, and reluctantly resigned herself to her fate: "I will go down to the basement and order the punishment of ... by myself"



 No kidding, if the boss did it himself, he would probably break several ribs!



 He is S (abuser), not M (masochist), so he can only abuse people, but he can't help it!



 It's just a boss, you're angry, what are you going to do to vent your anger on the innocent him?



 Complaining in his heart, ** Prince Zuoyan finally flashed resignedly, because the expression on Bai Yujun's face was getting more and more wrong, he was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, he would be gnawed until there was no scum left!



 Now he finally understands why Mu Wanwan said that the boss is a pervert, and he agrees with this description!



 "Boss, I've finished eating!" Uncle Zongming, who is the most experienced, touched his greasy mouth, grabbed the collar of the anesthetic fainted with one hand, and flashed decisively!



 "Me too, I'm full!" Xiao K and Chi Hao seemed to have caught a life-saving grass, and decisively followed behind Uncle Zong Ming, thinking about retreating!



 "Well, I'm done with that, let's go together. After taking a sip of warm water and moistening her throat, Mu Wanwan stood up calmly and looked at the foursome who were about to retreat and leave, and made a very 'friendly and intimate' suggestion!



 Hmph, a group of bastard men whose conscience has been taken away by dogs! Do you want to leave your old lady here and be gnawed by Bai Yuyu alone? No way, if you want to die, you will also want to escape!



 Big sister, don't take you to hurt people like this - this is the true voice of the innocent and innocent little K!



 Come on, who will drag this woman out for me - this is the sad and indignant voice of Chi Hao, the messenger of justice!



 Girl, you have to see the reality! You hang alone, it's better than pulling them to hang together, it's more cost-effective - this is Uncle Zongming's wasted heart!



 "Tragic ..." The perverted Charles, who was still sleeping in the dark, spoke in a daze again, and hit the hearts of the members present again!



 It's a tragedy, in a way...



 "It's a good feeling, I've only been away for a day, and you have developed so quickly?" Bai Yuyu's cold and sharp eyes like countless sharp knives swept through the group of four, the two-color eyes of one gold and one blue flashed with a fierce murderous aura, and the cold voice carried a dangerous warning: "Why don't you usually see the four of you so compatible?"



 Bai Jianyu's emotionless cold voice made the four-person party feel like falling into an ice cellar, and at the same time trembled, his heart hung high, Uncle Zong Ming gritted his teeth ruthlessly, and said: "Boss, I'll go down to the basement to order punishment!"



 He only now knows that Zuo Yan's bastard boy has already paved the back road, so he will be the first to rush up and ignite the boss the first time, and then run away after ordering the punishment, leaving a boss who is already so angry that they can face it!



 You are a dead prince!!



 "Nope. Bai Jianyu ruthlessly broke Master Zongming's extravagant expectations, and said in a domineering tone that could not be refused: "A few of you stay here, wait for me to do it myself!"



 Leaving a sentence, Bai Yuyu strode forward and rudely dragged away Mu Wanwan, the perpetrator who angered him-



 "Bai Jianyu, what are you doing, give me a little civility, don't move your hands and feet... Fuck your mother's legs, you unreasonable barbarian!" Mu Wanwan, who was dragged away by Bai Yuyu, and the hooligan-like shouting voice floated far and wide...



 "Uncle Zongming, can I escape?" Xiao K squatted at the door of the restaurant and complained.



 Wait for the boss to come back, he will die! He is the most unbearable one in the group, and he is going to break his hands and feet now, Zuo Yan, I hate you!



 "Yes, if you want to have your legs broken by the boss tomorrow. Uncle Zong Ming's words made the four-person party completely face reality, and the common voice in his heart was: Zuo Yan, you sinister **, you are dead!!





 "Ah..." Mu Wanwan, who was thrown on the bed by Bai Yuyu, snorted dizzily, the black silk bed was very soft, and she fell differently, but her aunt was here, and she was feeling uncomfortable now!



 What a big sand pig man, she hasn't done anything, is it his group of men who provoked her?



 What's wrong with her, mother, she can't talk to anyone else?!