Chapter 107: The Most Thrilling Chase 5

 Mu Wanwan pressed the gusset of the pistol almost without hesitation, and the 'bang' - the deafening gunshots filled the entire castle, and the members of the "Black Division" on the other side of the headset heard it, no one spoke, but they knew each other, they had to agree with Mu Wanwan, this woman, because she was damn tough, and she was cool!



 It's a perfect match with the boss!!



 "I'm sorry, I'm still alive!" The first time she was shot and killed, Mu Wanwan's whole body collapsed and softened, and her white clothes were sprayed with blood, looking at the bloody corpse lying on the ground, she didn't have the fear she imagined, it might be... Lie too much about a good relationship!



 It's so beautiful that it destroys fear!



 Hearing Mu Wanwan's voice again, after confirming that it was fine, Bai Yuyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was still hanging in the air with fear, he stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and rushed back at great speed!



 Holding on, he was back soon!!



 Mu Wanwan, who had collapsed, dragged her weak and painful body to open the door of Bai Yuyu's study, and after going in and closing the door heavily, she began to sweep and observe the study, and then pushed the mahogany cabinet on the side and blocked it in front of the door, at least it could delay her life-saving time!



 Mu Wanwan ran to the desk in the study, squatted down, and opened all the drawers, there was indeed a black steel pistol and a grenade, but there were no so-called gold, silver, and copper keys!



 Dark, dark, dark! Bai Yuyu, where is your dark!!



 Mu Wanwan was so anxious that her head began to smoke, she randomly pulled out all the drawers threw them to the ground, and stepped on them fiercely, and the whole drawer was crushed by her! No, the next one continued to step on! Until she trampled on three drawers, Mu Wanwan finally stepped on the three gold, silver, and bronze keys!!



 Is dark grid or something shattered with one kick, is it still possible?



 Mu Wanwan quickly picked up the three keys in the wood pieces, and at this time there was a violent impact sound at the door the enemy outside had noticed that Mu Wanwan was there, and seeing that he couldn't hit it, they enemy outside began to shoot at the thick wooden door with a gun!



 "Where is the entrance to the basement?!" Mu Wanwan asked anxiously in an unsteady breath, Mom! If you don't hurry up, the old lady is going to be finished!



 Door, door, but you have to hold on a little longer, as soon as you fall, she doesn't expect to live!



 Can one gun alone be able to beat a few men and a few guns outside the door?!



 No kidding, she's not Ultraman!



 "The 18th book on the third floor of the bookcase, take it out and the mechanism in the basement will be opened!" At this time, Xiao K was also sweating profusely, looking at Mu Wanwan, who had been surrounded by red dots on the computer screen, his heart was beating so fast for the first time, and his nerves were so nervous for the first time!



 Hearing this, Mu Wanwan supported her injured and painful body and ran to the high bookcase, counting the 18th book on the third floor in a cold sweat, and just when she wanted to take out the thick books, a big black shadow blocked the only source of light in the study - the floor-to-ceiling glass window!



 "Ahhh!! h!!h



 Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, a military helicopter is flying outside the floor-to-ceiling window of the study, the plane door is opened, and a giant man with sunglasses wrapped in a roll of bullets thunder submachine gun, aimed at the floor-to-ceiling glass wall and shoots wildly, the fragile glass 'crackling' shattered all over the ground, bookcases, documents, chandeliers are all shattered, and Mu Wanwan, who is hiding in the only dead corner of the study, covers his ears tightly with his hands, closes his eyes in horror and trembles in horror!



 Mom, she's ... She was so frightened that she couldn't walk, and her feet went limp! If this shot hit her, she wouldn't be dead for ten lives!



 Bai Yuyu, why haven't you arrived yet, how can she hold on? The gap in firepower is simply incomparable, slow and slow, why did the gunfire stop?!



 Mu Wanwan half-squinted her eyes in fright, and cautiously stretched out her little head to see why the helicopter outside the window suddenly stopped shooting, only to find out that the bullet had run out and was changing bullets!



 Fuck your mother's legs, and change it so openly, it can't be done when the old lady dies!!



 However, a pistol can't match a helicopter!



 However, they can't be replaced with bullets to sweep again, otherwise, she will be destroyed, and luck is not so good every time!



 Just as Mu Wanwan's little head was spinning and thinking about how to level the military helicopter outside the window, she suddenly remembered something in Bai Yuyu's drawer! Mu Wanwan rushed to the black desk with a rolling belt, her snow-white little hands were rummaging wildly in a pile of wood pieces, and one by one sharp wood chips pierced into her snow-white palms, bleeding out a little blood, staining her snow-white skin red!



 But Mu Wanwan can't manage so much anymore, either she lives or dies, and if she wants to live, she can only let the enemy die!!



 "Found !!" The grenade buried in a pile of wood fragments was dug up by Mu Wanwan Mu Wanwan had never seen a real grenade at all, let alone used this thing, she just watched it in the movie, approximately, it seemed to be pulling the gusset of something and throwing it out...



 With the mentality of letting go, Mu Wanwan pulled open the gusset of the grenade, and then threw the grenade out of the broken wall with all his strength, and threw it into the helicopter outside the window with the door open!!



 A woman taking out a helicopter is unbelievable!



 "The 18th book on the third floor..." Mu Wanwan, who was embarrassed, returned to the bookcase again, counting the books on the third layer of the bookshelf, until the 18th book was suddenly taken out, and the huge bookcase that covered one wall automatically opened, revealing a black and gloomy staircase, swallowing saliva, Mu Wanwan forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart and ran into the basement-