Chapter 109 The Most Thrilling Hunt 2

 4+26+18=48!That is to say, she and Hades only have a total of 48 chances, once this gate is breached, she and Hades have no place to hide, and they will be surrounded to death at once!



 "Forty-eight, a very unlucky number. Hedes's slender fingertips touched his chin, and his emerald green eyes gradually deepened, like a whirlpool of wisdom precipitated deeply, and the cross tattoo on his forehead also became dark and sinful, and after two minutes of silence, Hades patted his hands lightly and said calmly: "The countermeasure has been thought of." "



 "Huh?" "Two minutes and 120 seconds to think of a countermeasure?? Mu Wanwan looked up and down at the demonic Hades in disbelief, frowned, and said, "Really, what's the best way?"



 Why did she have a sense of foreboding? If this horror predator looked a little scary, she would feel a little more reliable...



 "Hold the defensive line. Hades said lightly, then picked up the pistol that had not yet used up the full 26 bullets, aimed it at the closed doorway, and calmly explained: "This gate is our last line of defense, once the enemy breaks through, we lose!



 "But the other party is not alone, there are so many people, we only have two guns, how can we ..." Mu Wanwan's anxious words were not finished before he was calmly interrupted by Hades!



 "Look at this door very clearly, with the length and width of this door, it is just the space where one person can enter! That is to say, the enemy can only enter one by one, and not two or three at the same time, and this is our advantage! As long as there is enough ammunition, there is no need to be afraid at all. With a confident and wise face, Hades analyzed it perfectly and fully, he walked up to Mu Wanwan, pulled her to the side of the door, told her to squat down, and said, "You just squat here, use your 4 bullets and 18 anesthetic needles to attack the enemy's lower leg position, and I'll handle the rest!"



 Standing back in the middle of the sealed room of the cell, Hades set up a black steel pistol with great stamina in one hand, his emerald green eyes became frozen and cold, and his leisurely aura gradually became solemn, and he began to get serious!



 As the minutes ticked by, the sound of the crash outside the door became louder and louder, the broken steel door was already crumbling, and there was only one minute left for the last minute!!



 "Now, I'll teach you another lesson. When facing an overwhelming enemy, to fill the gap in strength, it is important to overwhelm with numbers. If you can't make up for it with the number of people, you should cooperate with your breathing, unite your heart and body, and attack it in one go at the moment of the most concentration!" With Hades's words, Mu Wanwan's frenzied aura gradually became stable and solemn, and she squatted beside the door with her pistol in her hand, waiting for the moment when the steel door was broken through-



 And then - let the enemy all die!!



 "Ready! 3. "Hades, who had been counting the time, began to count down, and the air was almost completely condensed!



 "2. "



 "1, fire!"



 The sound of crazy gunfire filled the entire underground cell, and the sound of the door of hell in the darkness continued to echo and impact, deafening and piercing, with an earth-shaking murderous aura, making the entire underground cell even more terrifying and terrifying, and the smell of blood was especially strong and pungent, and gradually spread-



 Licking the blood stains splashed on his face evilly, Hades threw away the black steel pistol that had been shot out of bullets in his hand, and the red lips of demon blood laughed fiercely: "Roll me all to the depths of hell to atone for my sins!!"


 The smell of blood permeated the cell, the bright red blood splashed on the walls to form a terrifying feeling, and the faint torches in the corridor swayed brightly as if they would all be extinguished in the next moment, which was extremely terrifying!



 "What should I do next?" Throwing away the gun in his hand that had run out of bullets, Mu Wanwan looked at the remaining anesthetic needles in her watch, and finally, there were only two left, looking at the bloody corpses in the corridor, she couldn't help frowning!



 Who killed these people? Heads or her, she should have both! But Hedges deserves to be a world-class terrorist, and his guts are not covered! Standing in such an obvious position, he will be shot if he is not careful, but he does not even have a trace of fear, and he calmly and perfectly kills all the enemies in an instant, just like a killing machine, terrifying!



 "Go out first, stay here again, if there is a second group of enemies coming in, we won't have ammunition to repeat the old tricks!" "Hedes, who was splashed with blood, exuded a sense of death, and even more demonic, he walked to the front of the door and rummaged through the corpses one by one, ignoring the hands stained with blood, and looked at the pistols used by the enemy one by one, but found that many pistol bullets had already been shot, obviously in the chaotic moment just now, the other party was not calm enough in the face of the sudden shootout, and shot indiscriminately to kill his people!



 What an ignorant bunch of fools!



In the end, Hades only found two pistols with 3 bullets left in the pile of corpses, threw one to Mu Wanwan, took it to himself, and asked calmly, "How much ammunition do you have left?"


 We have to reformulate a new countermeasure! Before the rescue comes, let's play with these people!



 "In the end, there were only 2 anesthetic needles left. Looking at the blood-stained pistol thrown by Hades, Mu Wanwan added: "There are also these 3 bullets." "



 2+3=5!5 chances, she only has 5 chances left, how to do it, why are the odds getting lower and lower...



 If she and Hades were to be killed by the enemy again, they would have to braid!



 I don't know if she will be able to hand over the demon brother next to her and lower the white flag?!



 Mu Wanwan was thinking about 'mutiny' very spinelessly, and at the same time, she followed closely behind Hades, and said with trepidation: "After we go out, where are we going?!



 Now enemies are searching for them everywhere in Bai Jianyu Castle, so they rashly go out, undoubtedly the latrine is lit - looking for death!



 "Do you have a map of this castle? Hedges, who was still calm and unchanged, calmly made two requests, and his light and silent steps were quickly leaving the underground prison of the castle, and the emerald green eyes were especially dazzling in the darkness!



 First, he wanted to know where he was in the castle. Second, he wanted to know when Bai Jianyu would arrive at the rescue. Third, he needs to find a place with plenty of gunpowder chips to continue playing this game of death!!



 "I don't have a map of this castle, but I can let you communicate with Bai Yuyu, Xiao K should know where we are now!" Mu Wanwan, who had been following behind Hades, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and gasped!



 Oops, she is starting to feel tired, she must have been consumed by too much physical strength just now! If she continues like this, this wicked little brother will take the opportunity to get rid of her!



 She didn't believe in the integrity of the terrorists, even though it was Hades who saved her just now!