Chapter 114 Kill Mu Wanwan 2

 "Even me, won't you love either?" Jian Bai asked for the last time without giving up!



 "Including you. And Bai Yuyu once again rejected Jian Bai's love with a heartfelt heart! As if he had cut off seven emotions and six desires, he didn't have any feelings for anyone!



 "Then I understand, master. Jian Bai deserves to be Jian Bai, smart, capable, and calm, she quickly regained her shrewd coldness, walked to Bai Yuyu's side took out a new bandage, and said, "I'll help you re-bandage it, master." "



 Jian Bai's 'master' after seemed to have figured out the relationship between her and Bai Jianyu, but when the bandage saw the wound on Bai Jianyu's body, he said casually: "The wound is not deep, but the two times are in the same place, I'm afraid I will leave a scar." "



 An indelible scar, just like the wound in Bai Yuyu's heart, will never disappear!



 Mu Wanwan can no longer let Bai Yuyu love her with all her heart.



 Jian Bai's seemingly casual words made Bai Yuyu's two-color eyes darken, and his handsome face became more and more cold and terrifying as if he was going to turn into a beast and swallow a person alive in the next moment!



 "Do you know? I heard Hei Tong say just now that Chu Lingfeng and Mu Wanwan's wedding went on as scheduled. We've done so many things but we can't change anything, but we've been fooled by them, what a pity!" After wrapping around the bandages a few times, Jian Bai's fingers skillfully tied a dead knot, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed on his cold face!



 "As scheduled... Bai Yuyu lowered his handsome face and chewed on the meaning of these words as if his smart brain couldn't understand, and it seemed that he refused to understand!



 As if he felt that he didn't say it in detail enough, Jian Bai added calmly again: "Yes, as scheduled." Saturday is less than 48 hours away, and no one can stop Chu Lingfeng and Mu Wanwan's wedding. "



 So, hate, Bai Jianyu, hate that woman named Mu Wanwan, who betrayed you, turned around, and threw herself into the arms of other men, she was going to marry another man in less than 48 hours, you should hate her fiercely!



 "Can't you stop it?" Bai Yuyu's thin lips muttered to himself as if enchanted, and his slender five fingers suddenly clenched into fists, and said with compassion: "Who said I can't stop it!! I'm going to stop it and show you!!"



 He will not let Mu Wanwan marry Chu Lingfeng as he wishes, and he will not die!!



 Yes, as long as you die, it won't!



 As he wished, seeing Bai Yuyu who was furious, Jian Bai was still calm and shrewdly baited: "Can you stop it?



 The people of their 'Black Division' are about to arrive, and if they are tough, their Black Family's strength is indeed not comparable to the Chi Family, but they can take advantage of the wedding day to create chaos and in the chaos, or they are lucky enough to assassinate Chu Lingfeng!



 Just as Jian Bai fell into the contemplation of a careful plan, the brain of Bai Yuyu, who was as smart as Bai Yu, had already turned around several times, and the plan was also composed, and the cold voice said fiercely: "Kill Mu Wanwan." "



 "What, what?!" If it weren't for Bai Yuyu's voice being too firm, Jian Bai would almost think that he was hallucinating!



 Bai Jianyu is going to kill Mu Wanwan...?! Can you do it?!



 "On the day of the wedding, the people of the Hei family ambushed the perimeter there, focusing all the targets of attack on Mu Wanwan's body, then Chu Lingfeng had to die. Bai Yuyu analyzed unusually calmly, his two-color eyes, one gold and one blue, were full of violent light!



 Chu Lingfeng must not be willing to let Mu Wanwan get hurt, he will sacrifice his life to save Mu Wanwan, so if Mu Wanwan does not die, Chu Lingfeng will also die!



 As long as the targets of the attack are focused on Mu Wanwan's body, this is Chu Lingfeng's Achilles' heel!!




 In the miracle castle of the Tricolor Family, Mu Miaotian, who has not flown to N City for a long time, has been staying in the lowest and most secret underground data room of the ancient castle for the past few days, checking the long history of the "Tricolor Family" -



 This is the forbidden library room in the "Tricolor Family", a large library room built in the Middle Ages in the ancient European style with semi-circular layers, a total of three basement floors high, and each bookcase is full of books from different centuries, as well as pictures of the history of the "Tricolor Family"!



 This library room records the history and secrets of the "Tricolor Family", and it is a taboo point of existence in the entire family, anyone who usually wants to enter here to consult materials must obtain the approval of the most senior patriarch of the black, white, and red families before they can enter, and there is a time limit! Everyone can only stay in it for a maximum of one hour, and once they exceed it, they will be kicked out!



 And now outside this forbidden bookstore, the seven members of the Bai family's 'White Master Group' have all gathered to guard this place strictly, obviously Mu Miaotian relied on the force of the entire 'White Master Group' to forcibly break through the door cards of the guards in the library room!



 In the large ancient European-style library room, Mu Mutian, who was sitting on the ground, kept flipping through the books with heavy fingers, and his surroundings were also crowded with layers of heavy ancient books that he had read all, his long silver hair was neatly tied up with a milky milk ponytail, and his delicate face was still beautiful, but there was a faint blue circle under his eyelids, obviously he hadn't slept for a while!



 "In the ancient tricolor family, to ensure the perfect inheritance of the best genes and bloodlines of the heirs, the elders of the family will raise and train a bride-in-waiting in each world, and when the head of each family takes office, the alternate brides scattered in each family will be sent back to the headquarters for genetic and bloodline screening! "



 "This is the most traditional way to maintain the genes and lineage of the people in the tricolor family. However, by the end of the 18th century, the Tricolor family, which was far more technologically advanced than modern society, was no longer satisfied with the genes and abilities of such 'ordinary people'! After the outstanding scientists of the family studied the history for 100 years from generation to generation, the tricolor family at the end of the 19th century gave birth to the first generation of 'modifiers' who used science to modify cell genes!