Chapter 116: The Forbidden Secret 2

 An old photo fell to the ground, and Mu Wanwan, who was extremely curious about everything about Chu Lingfeng, immediately squatted on the ground and picked up the old photo, there was a series of beautiful and elegant handwriting on the back of the photo, "Chu Lingfeng & Chu Yanfeng"?



 Blinked her starry eyes suspiciously, Mu Wanwan didn't understand the literal meaning behind the photo, she turned the photo in her hand over, but she was immediately stunned-



 The photo shows two beautiful little boys who look the same, who should only be 3 or 4 years old, and what is even stranger is that the two beautiful little boys are pure black in terms of hair color and eye color!!



 If one of the little boys here is Chu Lingfeng, then ... How could the color of his hair and eyes be black? As far as she knew, Chu Lingfeng's hair color was not dyed, and the color of his eyes could not be fake!



 So what's going on here? And... There are two Chu Lingfeng in this photo?!





 It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Chu Lingfeng came back from the meeting, as soon as he opened the door and walked into the room, he found Mu Wanwan, who was sitting motionless on the sofa and looking stupid, reaching out to tear off the tie around his neck, he walked behind Mu Wanwan silently, wanting to scare her, "Wanwan, why are you thinking so fascinated?"



 It's nice to be able to see Wanwan as soon as he gets home, this feeling is strange to him, but it's beautiful!



 "Chu, Chu Lingfeng, are you back..." Seeing Chu Lingfeng standing behind her, Mu Wanwan was indeed startled, but soon she fell silent again, and she was entangled in her heart whether to ask or not to ask.



 "yes. Chu Lingfeng, who was extremely observant, quickly noticed that something was wrong with Mu Wanwan, his slender legs slipped over the sofa, and sat down beside Mu Wanwan, hugging her waist with one hand, and asked softly in a charming voice: "What's wrong, Wanwan? Could it be a premarital phobia?"



 Isn't it still good in the morning, lively as a little wild cat, why did he suddenly become silent when he came back from a meeting?



 Mu Wanwan stared at Chu Lingfeng, who was taking care of him tightly, innocently at Chu Lingfeng, and stammered, "I... I... I don't have anything!" Don't ask, as long as Chu Lingfeng loves her, it doesn't matter what he was like in the past!



 Looking at Mu Wanwan, who wanted to speak and stopped, Chu Lingfeng, of course, knew that it couldn't be 'anything', there must be something hidden from him in his Wanwan, what was it?



 The sharp-eyed Chu Lingfeng soon found that Mu Wanwan's hands behind his back didn't know what was hidden, his slender arm moved neatly and snatched the 'thing' from Mu Wanwan's hand, and chuckled dotingly: "What is it..." He took a serious look and found that it turned out to be this photo-



 "Chu Lingfeng, I'... I don't know how to explain it. Mu Wanwan lowered her little head like a child who had done something very wrong and wrung her clothes with her hands.



 She deliberately rummaged through Chu Lingfeng's things, but she didn't expect to see this kind of thing, at most she just wanted to satisfy her curiosity and want to know what Chu Lingfeng's former girlfriend was like...



 Looking at Mu Wanwan, who bowed his head and felt guilty, Chu Lingfeng didn't mind too much, but instead stretched out his gentle hand and gently rubbed Mu Wanwan's long silky hair, and asked, "Does Wanwan want to know about this?"



 If Wanwan wants to know, then he can say it. It's a bit dirty though,... But his existence was destined to be filthy from that day on!



 Hearing this, Mu Wanwan suddenly raised her little head, her starry eyes looked at Chu Lingfeng with trust, and said firmly in a soft voice: "If you don't want to say, then I won't ask." "



 Everyone has their secrets, and she won't deliberately force Chu Lingfeng to tell her!



 "Do you believe me so much?" Chu Ling's handsome face touched Mu Wanwan's forehead, and her thin red lips kissed her crystal white skin thinly, escaping an intoxicating and comfortable laugh.



 "Well, I believe in you!" Mu Wanwan took the initiative to stretch out her slender arm, gently wrapped her arms around Chu Lingfeng's strong waist, squinted, and smiled sweetly.



 Chu Lingfeng suddenly hugged Mu Wanwan tightly into his arms, let her little headrest tightly against her heart, let her listen to her heartbeat, and let her not see the gloomy pain on her face, "Then I'll tell you all this." "



 "Chu Lingfeng ..." Mu Wanwan wanted to call Chu Lingfeng needless to say, she didn't want to know the truth!



 But before Mu Wanwan's words were finished, he was interrupted by Chu Lingfeng in time, "Shhh, don't speak." You just have to be in charge of listening to the story. "



 He wants to tell Wanwan, he wants Wanwan to know everything about him, whether it is sad or bitter, and he also wants to confess to Wanwan.



 "Once upon a time, there were twin brothers, the elder brother was called Chu Lingfeng, and the younger brother was called Chu Yanfeng. Like the other twin brothers, their relationship is very good, and they are often tired of playing together! The elder brother Chu Lingfeng is relatively strong, while the younger brother Chu Yanfeng is relatively intelligent, and each has its special areas, that can make up for the other's shortcomings. Originally, they were twin brothers with a good relationship, and they could have stayed together all the time to grow up. But then the children of the other two families were born, and they had the best blood, the most perfect genes, the strongest learning ability, and the most intelligent minds in the whole family. "



 "Later, the people in our family began to be afraid, afraid, and uneasy! Afraid that sooner or later the position of the family would be swallowed up by those two children, afraid that the future heir would not be able to do so, and afraid that one day those two children would grow up. So the people in our family decided... I decided to modify the genes of my younger brother and me Chu Yanfeng again. It should be said that the two of us are combined into one person..."