Chapter 119 : The Scarlet Wedding 3

 It's a big, big, big, big room, don't wonder how big it is, but in this 'big' room at this moment-



 One after another, the connected computers condensed into an inverted triangle shape, dozens of computers were all turned on, and strings of complex and difficult codes were constantly refreshed on the screen, as well as the fluctuating patterns of the defense line of the secret program. In front of the host computer of dozens of computers sat a teenager wearing a radiation shield, and the ten fingers flying on the keyboard kept typing instructions at a speed that was not human.



 Following the boy's constant input, the computer was accompanied by some very strange sounds, which made people's hearts tremble. The boy's ten fingers on the keyboard barely paused. The fast and precise tapping sound is like a gunshot, which has a terrifying effect!



 Five minutes later, the code that was constantly refreshing on dozens of computer screens was gone, replaced by the classified archives of the International Intelligence Agency.



 "Good job!" The boy who took off the radiation shield showed a shy smile, and the 15-year-old boy was white and tender like a soft little white face!



 But—don't treat him as a weak and incompetent little white face!



 Klein, nicknamed Little K, is 15 years old, 173 tall, and male. When you don't use the computer, you're a shy and shy baby, but when you get on the computer, you become excited and enthusiastic. The "Black Division Group" ranks sixth, and the youngest of the members is the one who is referred to as Hacker Master!



 Please don't doubt Xiao K's ability, he once killed the world's banks overnight, opened a space account unconsciously, and transferred 100 million US dollars into it!



 And just now, he used 20 minutes of free time to hack the classified files of the International Intelligence Agency and paralyze their country's network!



 It is said that there is no secret in this world that Xiao K does not know, only a secret that Xiao K does not want to know, as long as he is willing to do it, he can hack any intelligence secret, turn around and sell it, and get hundreds of millions of dollars at will!



 It's a big room, and it's up to you to imagine how big it is. And at this time, in this 'big' room—



 A white medical bed was bloody, a man who had been shot more than 20 times and was about to die, the life instrument that sounded on the bedside, and the man in white who was holding a scalpel on the side and was rescued, the man in white was very beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, and handsome starry eyes, there was an indescribable classical beauty, just please don't treat the beautiful man in white as a kind-hearted savior doctor, because-



 "Nima's, if you want to die, give Lao Tzu a quick death, don't waste so much time for Lao Tzu to die, hurry up and hang up Lao Tzu, you globally wanted terrorist!" The beautiful man in white spat out the most vicious curse in the world from his plump cherry lips, contrary to his image of a savior angel in white!



 Don't doubt it, this beautiful man is not an angel in white, although he has the most exquisite and profound medical skills in the whole medical field! Although he is the most skilled doctor in the world! Although his medical skills have created countless impossible miracles! Although he often 'robs people' in the hands of King Yama! But he is not a kind-hearted angel in white!



 Charles, 28 years old, height 180, gender male. A perverted doctor with self-obsessive-compulsive disorder, will tell you to die quickly while saving people, and then extort a huge amount of money from you after healing you!



 At this time, the man who was fortunate enough to be rescued by Dr. Pervert was not a virgin from a good family, but the top three "arms predators" wanted by the world, this arms predator was ambushed by someone, if it weren't for Dr. Pervert's fancy, the top ten richest people in the world, and wanted to extort a huge amount of money from Hades, he would not have bothered to save this terrorist!



 So, the perverted Charles is not a beautiful angel in white!



 It's still a big room, but there are already so many international superstars in it, and it's a bit of a fantasy Hollywood!



 The sound of gunshots was especially loud in the huge room, and it was unbelievable that a wild man with a black blindfold in his right eye was holding a super-automatic pistol and was crazy about his simple pet - the mighty lion!



 This scene is as strange as watching an acrobatic troupe perform, if it weren't for the large holes in the walls that prove that the guns in the hands of the wild men are not toy guns, it makes people think they are performing acrobatics!



 "Damn, your lion is so flexible, every time you shoot it, it's so enjoyable!" The arrogant man with one eye has a frightening marksmanship, and seeing that the wild lion who is dexterous and dodging on the left and right is about to be unable to parry, Jian Bai, as the master, said promptly: "Lei Li, sit down." "



 An incredible scene was staged, the man who was still shooting with a pistol just now sat down obediently the next moment, he paused in consciousness, and then jumped up and said maniacally: "Damn, Jian Bai, you play with me!"



 Lei Li, who belongs to the dog of the zodiac, doesn't know what the reason is, every time Jian Bai asks him to 'sit down', his body is obedient and obedient to sit down, more obedient and fast than a puppy!



 Lei Li, 26 years old, height 190, gender male. Blind in his right eye, he is a world-famous shooter, with a relatively irritable personality, but in front of Jian Bai, he can only obediently 'sit down' like a puppy!



 Although Lei Li is blind in one eye, please don't doubt his superhuman eyesight, as long as Lei Li participates in every assassination operation, he will decide that it will be 100% successful, and there will be no 1% deviation!



 It's still a 'big' room, but it's already home to too many of the world's most dangerous people, like now—



 A handsome man with an FBI inspector's license on his chest was taking the license and talking on the phone: "What? Found the den of the assassination of madman Lei Li? Okay... You guys are ready to prepare for an ambush, I'm not in the United States now, so I'll leave the hunting operation to the captain to deploy!"



 As soon as the mobile phone was turned off, the heroic man casually threw his FBI inspector license to the ground, turned his head, looked at Lei Li, who was still yelling with Jian Bai, and shouted: "Lei Li, your nest has been lifted by the FBI again, go find a second nest by yourself, and find me a more secret place! Don't let me wipe my ass every day!"