Chapter 132 : The Wedding Night 1

 A terrifying thunderbolt flashed outside the window, and the dark room was suddenly illuminated by purple light, but the short-lived light was quickly swallowed up by the darkness, accompanied by the sound of the downpour outside, the flashing thunder and lightning became even more frightening!



 Chu Lingfeng's death hit Mu Wanwan too hard and deeply, she allowed herself to stretch her limbs and lie flat on the pure black bed, her pale little face looked ruthless, making it impossible to see her true emotions, the silent starry eyes were dull but did not cry, pouring out a sad color, as if her heart was hurting and bleeding...



 I'm sorry, Chu Lingfeng, I'm sorry... It's all because of her...



The snow-white little hand was shaken, let go and shaken, and Mu Wanwan's broken voice, which was remorseful and painful, asked again with unusual calmness: "Chu Lingfeng, is it dead?"


Is it true that the person who hugged her and cried yesterday is no longer there today...


 Why, why... Who can tell her why?



 "It's dead!" Bai Yuyu, who was disgusted with hearing the words 'Chu Lingfeng' from Mu Wanwan's mouth, suddenly turned on the LCD TV in front of the bed, and rudely pulled Mu Wanwan lying on the bed with one hand, pulled her sharp chin and forced her to watch the content of the TV news, cruelly cutting off her only luxury, "Look at it! This is the cathedral where your wedding was held today, it was all blown to the ground, do you think Chu Lingfeng is still alive!?"



 With such a big explosion, Chu Lingfeng can't be alive! This way of dying is the cleanest, and even the whole corpse cannot be found!



 Today, a terrorist attack occurred in N City, and a cathedral was blown to the ground in an instant, and the police suspect that it was committed by international terrorists! It is said that a wedding was being held in the cathedral that day, but unfortunately, all the people inside were killed, and the case has been handed over to the international FBI for investigation. 』



 The International Press Union played a picture of the cathedral that had been blown to the ground, a barren ruin with smoke rising, the luxurious cathedral was gone, there was nothing left, only a cloud of black smoke and dust -



 The impact of the live video on the TV screen made Mu Wanwan's whole person stiffen, her starry eyes widened in horror, she kept shaking her little head and wanted to retreat, wanting to escape this cruel reality, but she was forced by Bai Yuyu to pull her chin, and she had to continue to watch it because she was powerless to resist, and tears as big as beans couldn't stop rolling down!



 Why... Why did you do such a cruel thing, why did you ... Chu Lingfeng is dead... It's gone!



 What should she do, without Chu Lingfeng's protection, she can't escape Bai Yuyu's control, and now he can't let her go...



 It's ridiculous! Five years ago, she would never have thought that five years later, her life would be disrupted by Bai Yuyu and turned upside down! It was all ruined by a man she rescued...



 "Chu Lingfeng is dead, and there will be no one to support you anymore. Mu Wanwan, be my woman!" It's not an inquiring tone, but an affirmation! Bai Yuyu didn't intend to give Mu Wanwan the intention of refusal, he pulled Mu Wanwan into his arms, his hot big hands lingered on her cold skin, and he declared domineeringly: "I was too good to you before, don't think about leaving here again in the future, be my woman, and !! forever"



 Even if the woman he marries in the future is not Mu Wanwan, he will not let her go, he will imprison Mu Wanwan here for the rest of his life!!



 Bai Yuyu's domineering words made Mu Wanwan laugh when she heard it, and her untamed laughter was mixed with sarcasm, she stubbornly turned her head to look at the handsome man who wanted to imprison her life, and said disdainfully: "Forever?



 But now that she thinks about it carefully, she realizes that Bai Jianyu's identity is impossible to be as simple as the president of an ordinary group, and can the president of an ordinary group do such a rampant thing? Their group of people is simply terrorists, and they can't be ordinary people at all!



 And there was such a big explosion, the influence was so amazing, but the police didn't act at all, Bai Jianyu was still able to stay in N City peacefully as if all the evidence of the crime had been erased!



 The moment Mu Wanwan bluntly refused, Bai Guanyu's only reason was almost about to go berserk, and her handsome face was also distorted by unwilling anger, her big hand swept over her stubborn little face, and she gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "Mu Wanwan! You'd better recognize that you don't have the right to refuse, and I don't ask for your intentions!"



 He just explained to Mu Wanwan her current and future life, and her future life, joys, sorrows, and joys all belong to him, and he will dominate them!



 He didn't care if she wanted to or not, he didn't care if she refused or not! He never wanted to go back to the little white he used to be, and he would never deliberately please her again! Mu Wanwan was not worthy of his cherished!



 Bai Yuyu's dictatorial domineering made Mu Wanwan so angry that she couldn't even speak, Hong Yanyan's little mouth pursed tightly, she couldn't understand how Xiaobai, who was obedient to her a few days ago, became such a self-respecting tyrant in just a few days!



 Just because she wants to marry Chu Lingfeng? Now Bai Jianyu hates it very much!



 Bai Jianyu's two-color eyes one gold and one blue looked at Mu Wanwan with half-squinted eyes, pouting the small appearance of a cherry mouth, his pale face was flushed with a faint flush due to anger, and his red eyes were baptized by tears and became moist and shiny, like a black jewel, the petite Mu Wanwan was snow-white, like a helpless and poor little white rabbit, his heart still twitched uncontrollably, Bai Guanyu lowered his head unwillingly, and imprisoned Mu Wanwan's little head that Mu Wanwan wanted to dodge with his big hand, the hot thin lips ravaged her soft red lips domineeringly, and the sharp teeth gnawed on Mu Wanwan's sweet lips, and the scarlet blood filled the mouths of the two, melted in each other's saliva—



 "Hmm..." Bai Jianyu snorted in pain, and left Mu Wanwan's soft red lips with a little reluctance, glared at her angrily with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, "You bite me?!"



 Damn woman, can't she, she tell where she stands?!



 "Why can you bite me, I can't bite you!" Looking at Bai Jianyu's sexy thin lips being bitten by himself and bleeding embarrassed, Mu Wanwan's heavy heart seemed to be released, she pounced on Bai Jianyu's sturdy body like crazy, and her white teeth kept gnawing at his neck, his hands, and even his chest, like a little wild cat that bit people indiscriminately, spicy and savage!



 "Bai Jianyu, I'm going to bite you, I'm going to bite you to death, an inhuman tyrant!!" Mu Wanwan, who was already mad, straddled Bai Jianyu's body, desperately biting his neck, shaking his little head, as if he wanted the piece of meat on his neck to be torn off, but her strength was not deep enough, and Bai Jianyu's skin was thicker than ordinary people, and he could only leave a row of shallow small tooth marks and faint bloodshot on his neck!



 Mu Wanwan tried his best to bite, Bai Yuyu didn't feel much pain, but as soon as he saw Mu Wanwan's eyes of deep hatred for himself, he couldn't extricate himself from irritability, as if the nerves of his whole body were provoked, making him almost out of control, with amazing strength, he pushed Mu Wanwan down on the soft mattress without pity, a sharp rope turned over, and the fist full of hidden anger and green tendons smashed the side of Mu Wanwan's little head, and the battered black mattress suddenly fell into a deep pit!!



 "If you dare to mess around again, I will kill you!" Bai Jianyu's cold voice was extremely ruthless, proving that he was not joking! Obviously, Bai Jianyu was angry, and his big hand containing infinite strength stroked Mu Wanwan's slender snow neck, and his deep voice coldly warned: "Your parents have been sent to the United States by me if you are not obedient, I will cut them first!"



 Despicable, who wouldn't?As long as Mu Wanwan can be obedient, what's the pity of a few more deaths?



 Bai Jianyu's dangerous warning made Mu Wanwan's heart hang all of a sudden, and she asked eagerly, "You... What did you do with my parents?! Why did you send them out of the country!"



 Bai Ji you, you can be more despicable! Even her parents will not be spared...



 "Then do you still need to ask? Of course, it's to control them to force you to comply! Chu Lingfeng is dead, your parents have also been sent abroad, there is no one in N City to rely on for you, no one will be willing to take you in except me!" Bai Yuyu's magnetic magic voice said cruelly and softly, as if he was talking about love, his sexy thin lips kissed Mu Wanwan's eyebrows, and the ambiguous kiss slid to her snow-white earlobe and whispered evilly: "Mu Wanwan, let's have sex!" Have sex with me on your wedding day with Chu Lingfeng and become my woman! Just thinking about it makes me excited!"



 Now it was originally the wedding night that belonged to Mu Wanwan and Chu Lingfeng, but obviously, that guy had no life to enjoy, since this is the case, then he will enjoy this bloody wedding night instead!



 The only man who can possess Mu Wanwan is him!



 "Take off this eye-catching wedding dress!" The man's rough big hand hit Mu Wanwan's beautiful breasts, shook them a few times evilly, and tore this wedding dress designed by another man impatiently, a pair of hot big hands couldn't wait to strip Mu Wanwan naked!



 "White ... Bai Yuyu, stop!" Mu Wanwan shouted angrily, while holding down the evil big hand that was wandering in front of the chest, and with a 'hiss', the position in front of the chest of the pure white wedding dress was torn by the savage man-